SEND transport for 16 to 19 year olds

Transport help and advice for children over 16 with SEND.

You may be eligible for help with transport if you attend a school or college, have special educational needs and are aged between 16 and 19.

All applications for transport from students starting year 12, 13 and 14 with SEND are checked against the post-16 transport eligibility criteria.

Where appropriate, the council will encourage learners aged 16 plus to travel independently on education transport services or public transport to help increase independence skills and their preparation for adulthood.

All young people who are currently in or starting post-16 education, including those with an education, health and care plan (EHCP), will need to pay a contribution towards the cost of travel.

This amount is reviewed every year and published on the council website before the end of May so that you know nice and early.

This fee is reduced by 50% for low-income parents that meet the criteria or waived if they are exempt.

Extra transport support for SEND pupils

Some students with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) may require a further assessment of their individual needs and abilities to establish any specific needs and the level of transport required.

On receipt of a post-16 application form more information may be requested and considered by the SEND transport manager.

Where extra assistance is approved and the contribution has been paid, transport will be set up by Integrated Passenger Transport (IPT) team who will contact you regarding the arrangements.

When specialist transport assistance is awarded, this may be for a short-term period and is subject to review.

All post-16 applications last for only one school year and need to be re-applied for every spring.

Read the post-16 transport policy statement 

Apply for Post 16 Transport