Community Right to Build

A way for communities to choose for themselves where and when to build homes, shops, facilities and businesses.

As an alternative to the traditional application for planning permission, it gives communities the power to decide for themselves what happens in their neighbourhood.

The Community Right to Build came into force in 2012 and forms part of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations made following the Localism Act 2011.

Communities will be able to build:

  • family homes to sell on the open market
  • affordable housing for rent or to convert disused farm buildings into affordable homes
  • sheltered housing for elderly local residents
  • low cost starter homes for young local families struggling to get on the housing ladder
  • facilities such as a new community centre or a children's playground

It depends entirely what local people decide their community needs. The benefits of these developments, such as any profits generated, will be managed by a community organisation on behalf of the whole community.

Get advice and further support on community-led housing projects from the My Community website.