Northallerton sports village

Find out about Northallerton sports village

Funded by ERDF and Northern Powerhouse

Northallerton Sports Village is an integral element of the North Northallerton Development to provide facilities for formal and informal sport and recreation.

Located to the north of Northallerton the development will enhance existing green space at Stone Cross, as well as bringing new land into community use.

The sports village will be developed in phases. The council secured £1.3 million (£503,706 from the European Regional Development Fund and £800,000 from developer contributions) to fund Phase 1 – the Northallerton Environmental Enhancement Project. This phase funded improvements to existing pathways, creation of new fitness trails, ecological improvements to the beck, planting of native species, creation of a wetland area, and construction of community allotments. The works involved removing some trees, in line with an ecological assessment of the site and a woodland management plan, to further improve biodiversity and the provision of habitats for local wildlife in the long-term. The installation of bird and bat boxes and an otter holt will all contribute to improving biodiversity.

The capital works on the first phase of Northallerton Sports Village were completed in July. The site remained closed to the public to allow the recreational grassed areas to establish. Opening of the site was then further delayed due to a delay in the transfer of the land from the developers to the Council. Although the transfer of the land is still not complete, we are now able to allow public access onto the site which includes the one-kilometre circuit, amenity grass and car park. However, organised activity, that would require a licence, is not currently permitted.

Outstanding Works

The land that includes the grass-crete access road providing access to, and underneath the bridge, and the area within this (bridge, pillars, banking, fencing and gate) remains the responsibility of the developer. The Council is aware that there are still works to be undertaken by the developer, which includes the removal of the graffiti underneath the bridge. The Council will screen as much as possible until it is removed and is working with the Police and other agencies to consider ways to prevent further occurrences of graffiti in the future.

Future plans

North Yorkshire Council’s Sport and Active Wellbeing Service is tasked with completing a major Strategic Leisure Review which will include the production of a new county wide Playing Pitch Strategy. These strategies will be used to help inform future phases for this site.

Community Briefings


You can view the downloadable masterplan here

Northallerton Sports Village update April 2023

Before all the works happened