Bus stations, stops and shelters

Report an issue with a bus stop, bus shelter or Skipton Bus Station. Find your nearest bus stop on our online map.

We are responsible for looking after existing bus stops and shelters across the county. We also manage and maintain Skipton bus station.

We are required to provide disabled passengers with certain types of assistance. However, you should contact us if facilities are insufficiently accessible to meet your needs.

Report a highway problem online

If the issue is causing an immediate danger to the safety of road users, it is classified as an emergency. 

You should contact us by telephone to report an emergency rather than using our online form. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 8am - 5.30pm.

You can tell us about a non-emergency issue online by registering or logging in to the 'my account' section of the website. 'My account' also allows you to view details of services you have previously applied, booked and paid for. You can also see updates on the progress of issues you have reported

Login and report a highway issue

You can tell us about a highway issue anonymously, but you won’t be able to track progress or receive updates.

You can provide feedback about your experience of reporting a highway issue here.