Starting and growing a business
If you are considering setting up a new business in the Selby area you will need to think about:
- a business plan
- the business structure – will you be a limited or sole trader
- how to register your business
- how to finance the business
We can help by putting you in touch with local experts who can assist you with these issues.
Once you have got your business off the ground, you will want to develop and grow your business. We can also support you during this time with advice on:
- finding the right finance
- breaking into new markets
- recruiting and developing your staff
A bank loan is not the only option to raise money to fund your new business or help it to grow.
The British Business Bank and the ICAEW have produced a finance hub that outlines many of the available options to you.
Other options available to businesses in the Selby area include:
- Princes Trust
- Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund
- Skills Support for the Workforce
- Digital Enterprise
- Biorenewables Development Centre
- Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)
Location and premises
The Selby area has good connections for businesses with easy access to the road and rail network, along with local airports in Leeds and Humberside.
Whether you are moving out of a home office, up-sizing or moving to the Selby area, we can provide support on the right premises for your business from retail, offices and industrial units, as well as providing planning advice.
Business events and networking
Elmet and Selby Business Forum
Meeting on the third Thursday of each month, this group focuses on issues important to business. It gives you the opportunity to meet your business neighbours, share and gather information and work together to ensure the economic development of your area.
Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs)
We work alongside Local Enterprise Partnerships to support and help businesses grow.
York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership
The York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP wants to support growth in the local economy and create quality local jobs. The LEP works with national organisations on projects such as the National Agri-food Innovation Campus outside York to small local businesses who want to talk with local experts.
For further details visit the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP website.
Contact us
Contact us to find out how we can support your business.
For further information about doing business in the Selby area visit the Selby area means growth website.