Safe Places |
Safeguarding |
Safeguarding adults |
Safeguarding children |
Safety - advice and guidance |
Salt bins and salt heaps |
Scaffolding and hoarding on the road |
Scanning our shopping in Selby |
Scarborough and Whitby Town Deals |
Scarborough business development grant scheme |
Scarborough Cricket Club improvements |
Scarborough Fablab |
Scarborough Fair |
Scarborough Green Construction Skills Village |
Scarborough Harbour |
Scarborough Harbour contacts |
Scarborough Harbour fees and charges |
Scarborough Harbour West Pier regeneration |
Scarborough library |
Scarborough Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure (Cinder Track Improvements) |
Scarborough North Bay Masterplan |
Scarborough park and ride |
Scarborough registration office |
Scarborough registration office |
Scarborough Station Gateway |
Scarborough Town Board |
Scarborough Town Centre |
Scarborough Town Investment Plan projects |
Schemes and grants |
School admission policies and statistics |
School admissions |
School and college transport |
School and pupil records |
School bullying |
School closures |
School complaints procedure |
School crossing patrol |
School governors |
School meals |
School music service |
School term and holiday dates |
School transport for reception to year 11 children |
School trips, visits and activities |
Schools admissions: glossary of terms used |
Scrap metal |
Scrap metal licences |
Seagulls |
Seamer Carr household waste recycling centre |
Search for a job vacancy |
Second hand goods registration |
Selby 'Streets for All' |
Selby area industrial units |
Selby Civic Centre |
Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone |
Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone lecture series |
Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone volunteers |
Selby household waste recycling centre |
Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Selby library |
Selby registration office |
Selby registration office |
Selective licensing |
Selective licensing in Scarborough South |
Selective licensing in Scarborough Town from 1 June 2024 |
Selective schools |
Self-build and custom housebuilding |
SEND - a guide for professionals |
SEND - parent and carer feedback on the Local Offer |
SEND and applying for a school place |
SEND and autism groups |
SEND and complaining to Ofsted |
SEND and exclusions from school |
SEND and mental health support |
SEND and moving from primary to secondary school - guidance for professionals |
SEND and school provision |
SEND and transferring from primary to secondary school |
SEND and Youth Justice Service - a professional guide |
SEND annual reviews at transition points |
SEND annual reviews of education, health and care plans |
SEND appeals and complaints |
SEND cognition and learning groups |
SEND cognition and learning needs |
SEND communication and interaction groups |
SEND communication and interaction needs |
SEND consultations, plans and news |
SEND consultations, plans and news for professionals |
SEND early years advice for professionals |
SEND early years support |
SEND education |
SEND education for professionals |
SEND financial support |
SEND financial support guidance for professionals |
SEND general support and advice groups |
SEND glossary and jargon |
SEND groups - a parent's guide |
SEND groups and resources for professionals |
SEND groups for young people |
SEND health and care for professionals |
SEND health and wellbeing for children and young people |
SEND Health Pathways |
SEND hubs |
SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) |
SEND information for parents and carers |
SEND information for professionals |
SEND information for young people |
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service for young people |
SEND library resources |
SEND Local Offer |
SEND Local Offer details for young people |
SEND parent carer support groups |
SEND physical disability groups |
SEND physical, sensory and medical needs groups |
SEND preparing for adulthood |
SEND professional guidance on specialist support and inclusion |
SEND schools information for professionals |
SEND sensory and physical needs |
SEND social enterprise groups |
SEND social, emotional and mental health groups |
SEND social, emotional and mental health needs |
SEND specialist support and inclusion |
SEND support from North Yorkshire Connect |
SEND transport - a parent's guide |
SEND transport - frequently asked questions |
SEND transport advice for professionals |
SEND transport for 16 to 19 year olds |
SEND transport for young people |
SEND transport for young people over 19 |
SEND transport from Reception to 16 year olds |
SEND transport schemes and benefits |
SEND transport schemes and benefits for young people |
SEND Young Person Voice |
SEND youth groups and clubs |
SENDIASS - SEND information and support services for professionals |
Sensitive letting of homes in the Selby area |
Serving section 21 notices on housing in the Craven area |
Settle community library |
Settle household waste recycling centre |
Sex education and teenage pregnancy |
Sex establishment licences |
Sexual health |
Shared ownership for homes in the Harrogate area |
Sheltered and supported housing |
Sherburn and villages community library |
Short breaks and respite for children and young people with SEND |
Short breaks for disabled children and young people |
Short term support, reablement and home from hospital care |
Single occupancy discount review |
Sinks |
Skateparks |
Skateparks in the Harrogate area |
Skateparks in the Ryedale area |
Skip permits |
Skipton Crematorium |
Skipton High Street Heritage Action Zone |
Skipton household waste recycling centre |
Skipton library |
Skipton registration office |
Skipton registration office |
Smoke and carbon dioxide alarm regulations for homes in the Craven area |
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms for housing in the Hambleton area |
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in Richmondshire area housing |
Smoke control areas |
Snowed in with no power |
Social care for adults |
Social care for children |
Social care out of hours support |
Social media |
Social work opportunities |
Social worker opportunities in North Yorkshire – Health and Adult Services |
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties within SEND |
Soil |
Sort your skills adult learning courses |
Sowerby household waste recycling centre |
Special Educational Needs (SEN) support |
Special Educational Needs (SEN) support for young people |
Specialist business advice and support |
Specialist health services for children and young people with SEND |
Specialist health services for young people with SEND |
Specialist sector skills |
Speed bumps and traffic calming |
Speed limits, speeding, and road safety concerns |
Sport and active travel programme |
Sport and game sessions |
Sport and game sessions at Fairfax Community Wellbeing Hub |
Sport and game sessions at Jennyfield Styan Community Wellbeing Hub |
Sport and game sessions at Pateley Bridge Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Sport and game sessions at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Sport and game sessions at Stockwell Community Wellbeing Hub |
Sport and game sessions at Tadcaster Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Sports ground licences |
Sports parties at Pateley Bridge Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Springfield House - Harrogate |
Standards Bulletin June 2024 |
Standards Bulletin March 2024 |
Standards Bulletin September 2024 |
Starbeck Community Fund |
Starbeck community library |
Starbeck Swimming Pool |
Starting primary school and junior school |
Starting secondary school |
Statement of alcohol and entertainment licensing policy |
Statement of community involvement |
Statement of Community Involvement |
Statement of Gambling Principles (Gambling Act 2005) |
Statement of licensing policy (Licensing Act 2003) |
Stay in your home |
Staying connected |
Staying cyber secure |
Steps to fostering |
Stockwell Community Wellbeing Hub |
Stokesley community library - The Globe |
Stokesley household waste recycling centre |
Stonefall Crematorium in Harrogate |
Stones |
Stopping smoking |
Strategic flood risk assessment |
Strategic leisure review |
Strategies, plans and policies |
Street charity collections |
Street cleaning and littering |
Street furniture |
Street lighting improvements |
Street lights, traffic lights and signage |
Street naming and numbering |
Street parking |
Street trading licences |
Stronger communities |
Student financial support |
Supermobile library |
Support for adult carers |
Support for children in school |
Support for landlords in the Ryedale area |
Support for North Yorkshire businesses |
Support for pre-start and start up businesses |
Support for schools |
Support for Ukraine |
Supported employment service |
Supported living approved providers list |
Surface dressing |
Sustainability appraisal |
Sutton Bank |
Swimming |
Swimming and diving lessons terms and conditions for the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon areas |
Swimming at Pateley Bridge Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Swimming at Starbeck Swimming Pool |
Swimming lessons |
Swimming lessons for adults at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Swimming lessons for adults in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area |
Swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and little ones at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and little ones in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area |
Swimming lessons for children at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Swimming lessons for children in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area |
Swimming lessons for schools in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area |
Swimming lessons for schools in the Selby area |
Swimming lessons in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area |
Swimming lessons in the Selby area |
Swimming pool timetables in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area |
Swimming, diving, sauna and steam at Harrogate Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Swimming, sauna and steam at Knaresborough Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Swimming, sauna and steam at Ripon Leisure and Wellbeing Hub - The Jack Laugher Centre |
Swimming, sauna and steam at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |