A to Z of services

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Sort descending
Safeguarding adults
Safeguarding children
Safety - advice and guidance
Salt bins and salt heaps
Scaffolding and hoarding on the road
Scanning our shopping in Selby
Scarborough and Whitby Town Deals
Scarborough beach chalets restored to Edwardian glory
Scarborough business development grant scheme
Scarborough Cricket Club improvements
Scarborough Fablab
Scarborough Fair
Scarborough Green Construction Skills Village
Scarborough Harbour
Scarborough Harbour contacts
Scarborough Harbour fees and charges
Scarborough Harbour West Pier regeneration
Scarborough library
Scarborough Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure (Cinder Track Improvements)
Scarborough North Bay Masterplan
Scarborough park and ride
Scarborough registration office
Scarborough Station Gateway
Scarborough Town Board
Scarborough Town Centre
Scarborough Town Investment Plan projects
Scarborough's £20 million plan to be submitted
Schemes and grants
School admission policies and statistics
School admissions
School and college transport
School and pupil records
School bullying
School closures
School complaints procedure
School crossing patrol
School governors
School meals
School music service
School term and holiday dates
School transport for reception to year 11 children
School trips, visits and activities
Schools admissions: glossary of terms used
Scrap metal
Scrap metal licences
Sculpture tells the Ballad of Sophia at Treadmills site
Seamer Carr household waste recycling centre
Search for a job vacancy
Second hand goods registration
Selby 'Streets for All'
Selby area industrial units
Selby Civic Centre
Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone
Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone lecture series
Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone volunteers
Selby household waste recycling centre
Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Selby library
Selby registration office
Selective licensing
Selective licensing in Scarborough South
Selective licensing in Scarborough Town from 1 June 2024
Selective schools
Self-build and custom housebuilding
SEND - a guide for professionals
SEND - parent and carer feedback on the Local Offer
SEND and applying for a school place
SEND and autism groups
SEND and complaining to Ofsted
SEND and exclusions from school
SEND and mental health support
SEND and moving from primary to secondary school - guidance for professionals
SEND and school provision
SEND and transferring from primary to secondary school
SEND and Youth Justice Service - a professional guide
SEND annual reviews at transition points
SEND annual reviews of education, health and care plans
SEND appeals and complaints
SEND cognition and learning groups
SEND cognition and learning needs
SEND communication and interaction groups
SEND communication and interaction needs
SEND consultations, plans and news
SEND consultations, plans and news for professionals
SEND early years advice for professionals
SEND early years support
SEND education
SEND education for professionals
SEND financial support
SEND financial support guidance for professionals
SEND general support and advice groups
SEND glossary and jargon
SEND groups - a parent's guide
SEND groups and resources for professionals
SEND groups for young people
SEND health and care for professionals
SEND health and wellbeing for children and young people
SEND Health Pathways
SEND hubs
SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
SEND information for parents and carers
SEND information for professionals
SEND information for young people
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service for young people
SEND library resources
SEND Local Offer
SEND Local Offer details for young people
SEND parent carer support groups
SEND physical disability groups
SEND physical, sensory and medical needs groups
SEND preparing for adulthood
SEND professional guidance on specialist support and inclusion
SEND schools information for professionals
SEND sensory and physical needs
SEND social enterprise groups
SEND social, emotional and mental health groups
SEND social, emotional and mental health needs
SEND specialist support and inclusion
SEND support from North Yorkshire Connect
SEND transport - a parent's guide
SEND transport - frequently asked questions
SEND transport advice for professionals
SEND transport for 16 to 19 year olds
SEND transport for young people
SEND transport for young people over 19
SEND transport from Reception to 16 year olds
SEND transport schemes and benefits
SEND transport schemes and benefits for young people
SEND Young Person Voice
SEND youth groups and clubs
SENDIASS - SEND information and support services for professionals
Sensitive letting of homes in the Selby area
Serving section 21 notices on housing in the Craven area
Settle community library
Settle household waste recycling centre
Sex education and teenage pregnancy
Sex establishment licences
Sexual health
Shared ownership for homes in the Harrogate area
Sheltered and supported housing
Sherburn and villages community library
Short breaks and respite for children and young people with SEND
Short breaks for disabled children and young people
Short term support, reablement and home from hospital care
Single occupancy discount review
Skateparks in the Harrogate area
Skateparks in the Ryedale area
Skip permits
Skipton celebrates Pride with four days of events
Skipton Crematorium
Skipton High Street Heritage Action Zone
Skipton household waste recycling centre
Skipton library
Skipton museum crowned the UK’s best for families
Skipton Puppet Festival mesmerizes audiences
Skipton registration office
Smoke and carbon dioxide alarm regulations for homes in the Craven area
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms for housing in the Hambleton area
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in Richmondshire area housing
Smoke control areas
Snowed in with no power
Social care for adults
Social care for children
Social care out of hours support
Social media
Social worker opportunities in North Yorkshire – Health and Adult Services
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties within SEND
Sophia’s evocative story commemorated in sculpture
Sort your skills adult learning courses
Sowerby household waste recycling centre
Special Educational Needs (SEN) support
Special Educational Needs (SEN) support for young people
Specialist business advice and support
Specialist health services for children and young people with SEND
Specialist health services for young people with SEND
Specialist sector skills
Speed bumps and traffic calming
Speed limits, speeding, and road safety concerns
Sport and active travel programme
Sport and game sessions
Sport and game sessions at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Sport and game sessions at Tadcaster Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Sports ground licences
Sports village facilities extend as footballer opens pitch and pavilion
Spotlight on crime and anti-social behaviour in Harrogate
Springfield House - Harrogate
Standards Bulletin June 2024
Standards Bulletin March 2024
Standards Bulletin September 2024
Starbeck Community Fund
Starbeck community library
Start home composting with our bargain bin offer
Starting primary school and junior school
Starting secondary school
Statement of alcohol and entertainment licensing policy
Statement of community involvement
Statement of Community Involvement
Stay in your home
Staying cyber secure
Steps to fostering
Stokesley community library - The Globe
Stokesley household waste recycling centre
Stonefall Crematorium in Harrogate
Stopping smoking
Strategic flood risk assessment
Strategic leisure review
Strategies, plans and policies
Street café licence
Street charity collections
Street cleaning and littering
Street furniture
Street lights, traffic lights and signage
Street naming and numbering
Street parking
Street trading licences
Stronger communities
Student financial support
Subscriptions open for new garden waste service in Selby
Summer Reading Challenge
Supermobile library
Support for adult carers
Support for all businesses
Support for businesses
Support for businesses in the Craven area
Support for businesses in the Hambleton area
Support for businesses in the Harrogate area
Support for businesses in the Richmondshire area
Support for businesses in the Ryedale area
Support for businesses in the Scarborough area
Support for businesses in the Selby area
Support for children in school
Support for landlords in the Ryedale area
Support for North Yorkshire businesses
Support for pre-start and start up businesses
Support for schools
Support for Ukraine
Supported employment service
Supported living approved providers list
Surface dressing
Sustainability appraisal
Sutton Bank
Swimming lessons
Swimming lessons for adults at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and little ones at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Swimming lessons for children at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Swimming lessons for schools in the Selby area
Swimming, sauna and steam at Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub