Abbreviation | Explanation |
ALN | Additional Learning Need |
AAP | Average Attaining Pupil |
ABA | Applied Behavioural Analysis |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ADOS | Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule |
AP | Alternative Provision |
AR | Annual Review |
ARE | Age Related Expectation |
ARP | Additional Resourced Provision |
ASC | Autism Spectrum Condition |
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
ASDAN | Award Scheme Development Accreditation Network |
AWPU | Age-Weighted Pupil Unit |
BAS | British Ability Scales |
BEST | Behaviour and Education Support Team |
BSP | Behaviour Support Plan |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
CAF | Common Assessment Framework |
CARS | Childhood Autism Rating Scale |
CBRS | Connor Comprehensive Behaviour Rating Scales |
CELF | Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals |
C and I | Communication and Interaction |
CIN | Child in Need |
CFA | Children and Families Act 2014 |
CHAT | Comprehensive Health Assessment Tool |
C and L | Cognition and Learning |
CYPS | Children and Young People's Services |
DD | Disability discrimination |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act |
DfE | Department for Education |
DLA | Disability Living Allowance |
DSA | Disabled Students Allowance |
DSL | Designated Safeguarding Lead |
EAL | English as an Additional Language |
EFA | Education Funding Agency |
EHCAR | Education Health Care Assessment Request |
EHCP | Education Health Care Plan |
EP | Educational Psychologist |
ESFA | Education and Skills Funding Agency |
EWO | Education Welfare Officer |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage |
EYSP | The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile |
FE | Further Education |
FTT | First Tier Tribunal |
GCSE | General Certificate of Secondary Education |
GTP | Graduate Teacher Programme |
HI | Hearing Impaired |
HE | Higher Education |
IASS | Information, Advice and Support Service |
IBP | Individual Behaviour Plan |
IDAS | Independent Domestic Abuse Services |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
ICB | Integrated Care Board |
IELTS | International English Language Testing System |
IMT | Inclusion Management Team |
IPP | Individual Pupil Profile |
iQ | Intelligence Quotient |
IRO | Independent Reviewing Officer |
JR | Judicial Review |
JSNA | Joint Strategic Needs Assessment |
LA | Local Authority |
LAC | Looked After Child (children) |
LEA | Local Education Authority |
LEP | Local Enterprise Partnership |
LGO | Local Government Ombudsman |
LO | Local Offer |
LSA/TA | Learning Support Assistant/ Teaching Assistant |
MAT | Multi-agency Team |
NEET | Not in Employment Education or Training |
NDTI | National Development Team for Inclusion |
ODD | Oppositional Defiant Disorder |
OT | Occupational Therapist |
PAN | Published Admissions Number |
PCV | Parent Carer Voice |
PDA | Pathological Demand Avoidance |
PECS | Picture Exchange Communications System |
PEP | Personal Education Plan |
PfA | Preparation for Adulthood |
POSCH | Parents and Carers of Special Children |
PRS | Pupil Referral Service |
PSP | Pastoral Support Plan |
PT | Physiotherapists |
RYPP | Respect Young People's Programme |
SALT/SLT | Speech and Language Therapists |
SEAL | Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning |
SEMH | Social Emotional Mental Health |
SEN | Special Educational Needs |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disability |
SENCO | Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator |
SENDIASS | Special Educational Need and Disability Information, Advice and support Service. |
SENDIST | Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal |
SIP | School Improvement Plan |
SMART | Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely |
TAF | Team Around the Family |
TMP | Targeted Mainstream Provision |
UCAS | Universities and Colleges Admissions Service |
VI | Visually Impaired |
WIATT | Wechsler Individual Achievement Test |
WPPSI | Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence |
WISC | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children |
YJS | Youth Justice Service |
YOT | Youth Offending Team |
A list of commonly used words and abbreviations often used when talking about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.