A to Z of services

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Sort descending
Paid bus passes
Paints, thinners and wood preservatives
Parent and carer forum
Parents or carers considering Elective Home Education
Parents or carers currently Electively Home Educating
Parish and town councils
Parish Charter
Parish council elections
Parish council results May 2022
Parish polls
Park and ride
Parking fines and enforcement
Parking permits
Parking permits for your area
Parking suspensions and dispensations in the Whitby and Scarborough area
Parks, play areas and woodlands
Passenger vessels at Filey Coble Landing
Passenger vessels at Scarborough Harbour
Passenger vessels at Whitby Harbour
Pavement licence
Pavements and kerbs
Pay a parking fine
Pay an invoice
Pay your business rates
Pay your council tax and view your account
Paying for care in your own home
Paying for residential or nursing home care
Paying for social care
Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) procedures
Permanent berths at Whitby Harbour
Personal injury claims
Personal licence
Personalise your ceremony
Pest control
Pest control for the Hambleton area
Pest control for the Harrogate area
Pest control for the Richmondshire area
Pest control for the Ryedale area
Pest control in North Yorkshire
Pet crematorium offers a dignified farewell
Pet shop licence
Pet travel scheme
Petitions information and advice
Petitions received
Petroleum storage certificate
Phoenix Business Centre - Ripon
Pick up your garden bedding plants at our Harrogate nursery
Pickering library
Plan your visit and contact the record office
Planning an event
Planning and conservation
Planning enforcement
Planning enforcement for minerals and waste or council buildings or land
Planning enforcement in your area
Planning policy
Planning policy for minerals and waste
Planning policy in your local area
Planning service career opportunities
Planning your home's energy journey
Planning your visit to Knaresborough Castle and Museum
Plants for sale
Plastic recycling
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner By-Election - Thursday 25 November 2021
Polling District review
Polling station accessibility
POMOC for the Scarborough and Ryedale area
Ports and harbours
Potholes and road condition issues
Prams and pushchairs
Premises licence
Preparation for adulthood - education and employment
Preparation for adulthood - friends, relationships and community
Preparation for adulthood - health
Preparation for adulthood - independent living
Preparing for adulthood
Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) - professional guidance for SEND
Preparing for Adulthood - a parent's guide
Preparing for adulthood - outcomes
Preparing grab bag
Prevent counter terrorism strategy
Previous consultations
Previous district council minutes, agendas and reports
Primary Authority
Printer cartridges and toners
Privacy notices
Private fostering
Private renting
Private renting in the Ryedale area
Private sector housing complaints in the Ryedale area
Private sector housing in the Selby area
Private water supplies
Private water supply fees and charges
Problems with goods - advice and guidance
Problems with services - advice and guidance
Product safety
Professional support for Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Projects and grant funding from the White Rose Home Improvement Agency
Proof of life for pensions
Proposed special free school in Selby for young people with SEND
Protect your business in an emergency
Protect your community in an emergency
Protect your home or business from floods
Protect yourself in an emergency
Protecting your business from cyber criminals
Protecting your business in an emergency
Protecting your community in emergencies
Public asked to help shape new plan for development in Selby area
Public participation in committee meetings
Public rights of way
Public rights of way registers
Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)
Public toilets
Public transport
Public weighbridges
Publication scheme
Pupils enjoy preview of landmark sculpture