It is an offence to obstruct free passage along the pavement without permission.
Obstructions of the pavement come in many forms, including:
- overhanging trees and vegetation
- street cafés, which are only permitted under licence issued by the county council
- advertising boards
- walls, gates, fences and hedges
- goods displayed outside shops beyond any private forecourt
- projections onto the pavement for example, shop canopies beyond acceptable dimensions
- illegal parking on the pavement
We take a tolerant approach to advertising 'A' boards as we are supportive of local businesses and we realise the importance of traders being able to promote goods and services. However, we ask that businesses consider pedestrians when deciding what to place on the footway, as obstructions can cause difficulties for many people, including those with visual impairments, wheelchair users and families with pushchairs.
- children's rides may not be placed near to where pedestrians wait on the pavement, at islands or traffic lights
- advertising boards may not be placed adjacent to metal guardrails or bollards
- traders should avoid creating a 'tunnel' or chicane by placing numerous objects in a staggered pattern
We will remove dangerous obstructions as soon as possible, however, in a county the size of North Yorkshire obstructions can occur without our knowledge. Please report any problems to us as soon as possible.