Dangerous wild animals licence |
Data matching |
Data protection and subject access requests |
David Johnson, NYLRF volunteer |
Day services |
Days out for everyone – from fish and ships to spring blooms and Daleks on the prom |
De-registration of children’s centres |
Dead sea mammal |
Dealing with disrepair - the housing health and safety rating system in the Craven area |
Dealing with the risk of Legionella in Hambleton area housing |
Death |
Deaths abroad |
Definitive map of public rights of way |
Delivering Better Value (DBV) in SEND |
Delving into our history of right royal celebrations |
Demand responsive transport |
Dementia |
Dentists and oral health |
Deprivation of liberty safeguards |
Derwent Valley BRIDGE community library |
Describing and understanding our landscape |
Developer contributions |
Developer contributions for education policy |
Developer contributions for minerals and waste or council buildings or land |
Developer contributions for your area |
Devolution for county comes a step closer |
Difficulties paying your council tax |
Digital apprentice funding – C4DI Beta Satellite programme |
Digital Inclusion Programme |
Direct payments and personal budgets |
Direct to your door, a good book and a cheery word |
Disabilities |
Disabled children and young people |
Disabled facilities grant policy for the Scarborough and Ryedale areas |
Disabled facilities grants |
Disabled people - independence at home |
Disabled persons bus pass |
Disc zones and clocks in Scarborough and Whitby |
Disclosure and barring service checks for other organisations |
Disclosure and barring service information for managers |
Dishwasher |
Disposal of fallen stock |
Disputes - advice and guidance |
DIY products |
Do I have dementia? |
Dog breeding licence |
Dog fouling |
Dog rescue among groups supported by lotto |
Dog walking bans in the Scarborough area |
Dogs |
Domestic abuse |
Domestic heating oil spills |
Domiciliary care services |
Donate your old bike to Get reCycling to help more children enjoy cycling |
Doors |
Doorstep charity collections |
Download e-books, e-magazines and digital audiobooks |
Download our Active North Yorkshire app for Selby and Tadcaster Leisure and Wellbeing Hubs |
Drains, sewers and septic tanks |
Dredging at Whitby Harbour |
Drugs and alcohol |
Duty to refer |