The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enables employers to check the criminal records of employees or potential employees to see whether they are suitable to work with children or vulnerable groups.
We are a registered umbrella body with the DBS. We can provide a checking service to other organisations.
If your organisation employs someone to work paid or unpaid with children or vulnerable groups, you can carry out a DBS check on them. This is an important part of safe recruitment. You need to be registered with us before asking an applicant to apply for a check.
We welcome any organisation that wants to use the service.
How to register as a new customer
To register to use our service, please complete the disclosure and barring service registration form (pdf / 66 KB) and email it to
If there are no queries with the registration form, we will confirm acceptance of your initial application, issue further information about the process, DBS compliance requirements and costs. We will also invite you to sign and return the agreement by email, after which we will confirm the date you can start using the service.
If we have a query on your registration form, we will email to ask for further information.
The fees are as follows:
- one-off payment - setup fee = £45 plus VAT
- enhanced check = £49.50 (VAT exempt)
- standard check = £21.50 (VAT exempt)
- administration fee for processing each check = £15 plus VAT