Vacuum cleaners |
Vapes and E-Cigarettes |
Vehicles - advice and guidance |
Vehicles allowed to use household waste recycling centres |
Victims |
View and comment on minerals and waste or council planning applications |
View and comment on planning applications |
View and comment on planning applications in your area |
Village halls and community buildings grants |
Virtual office space from the Evolution Business Centre |
Virtual office space from the Springboard Business Centre |
Visitor information for North Yorkshire |
Visitors bring £4 billion annual boost to economy |
Voluntary organisations |
Volunteer as a school governor |
Volunteer roles |
Volunteer training and development |
Volunteer with the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum |
Volunteering |
Volunteers play key role in conservation of our county |
Volunteers support for grassroots sport improves others health |
Voters set to go to the polls to elect new mayor |