Regulations require dead farm animals to be taken to or collected by an approved knacker yard, hunt kennel, incinerator or renderer, either by private arrangement or under the National Fallen Stock Scheme.
National Fallen Stock Scheme
The National Fallen Stock Scheme is a non-profit organisation set up in partnership with the government and the farming industry. The scheme is voluntary and is designed to help farmers comply with the law by providing a reliable, low-cost means of disposal of fallen stock.
Animal by-products commercial movement document
Records must be completed when transporting animal by-products - livestock carcasses or parts of livestock carcasses that may have died on your premises. A commercial document must accompany the animal by-products during the journey to the disposal premises. The document must be produced in triplicate. The receiver retains the original and the producer and transporter each keep a copy. The commercial document must specify:
- the date the material was moved
- a description of the material and the category description (ear tag number if applicable)
- the quantity of material
- the place of origin of material
- the name and address of the carrier
- the name and address of the receiver and the approval number (if applicable)
Records must be retained for two years.
Find out more from our animal health advice and guidance leaflets.
Contact us
For Trading Standards animal health and welfare advice, please contact Trading Standards and we will be happy to help.