Disc zones and clocks in Scarborough and Whitby

Find out about controlled parking zones (disc zones) in Scarborough and Whitby. 

A controlled parking zone is an area where: 

  • all on street parking is controlled 
  • parking is only permitted in designated bays  
  • other kerbside space is subject to yellow line restrictions 

In Scarborough and Whitby these are called disc zones. They are clearly marked on the roads in each town with entry and exit signs. 

If you are a permit holder please remember your permit is not valid in any one hour bays within your zone. 

Parking in a disc zone

You need to show a disc clock in your vehicle to show what time you arrive in a disc zone. 

The number accompanying the letter on the map, such as A2, refers to the maximum stay with a disc in each particular zone. The area referred to as TC is a pay and display zone where parking charges apply. 

Once the parking time has expired you should move your vehicle from the zone for the amount of time specified by the sign before it returns. 

Some restrictions, such as double yellow lines, apply outside of the controlled parking zone - for example, if a disc zone is in force between the hours of 9am to 5pm, the double yellow lines within the zone are still in force 24 hours each day.

Disc clocks 

Disc clocks are available from:

  • North Yorkshire Council, Scarborough 
  • Whitby Tourist Information Centre  

You can also pick up a disc clock from local shops and businesses in Scarborough, as well as hotels and holiday accommodation around the town. 

If you are a local business you can contact us to order disc clocks for your customers.