Roles previously recorded as 'volunteer classroom assistant' or 'volunteer teaching assistant' are used to describe a situation where a student is coming into school to mentor/tutor children and that is being carried out as part of a qualification/course are not volunteering roles. The reason for this is that the student is going to gain a qualification. If this applies do not complete the verification form for volunteers. Please complete the verification form for paid roles - see stage two above and record this as 'work experience' instead.
Roles where there is no benefit to the student in terms of a qualification and the only benefit is to the school would meet the definition of a volunteer. In this case, you should complete the verification form for volunteers and record this as a 'school volunteer helper'.
Roles including 'parent helper in school' or 'school trip helper', where the school are the only party who are benefiting and the person helping out are eligible for volunteer roles. In these cases, you should complete the verification form for volunteers and record these as 'school volunteer helper'.
Volunteer transport companies such as Dial-a-Ride who transport individuals to receive social care or health care or to transport children to school, and receive no recompense are eligible for volunteer roles. In this case, you should complete the verification form for volunteers and record this as 'volunteer driver school/social care' or 'passenger assist school/social care'.
Foster carers and members of the same household aged over 18 years. This activity is voluntary, but foster carers usually receive payment for these activities and therefore it is deemed that neither foster carers nor other members of the household are entitled to free checks. If this applies, do not complete the verification form for volunteers. Please complete the verification form for paid roles instead - see stage two above