Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone volunteers

Become a High Street Heritage Action Zone Volunteer.

We are recruiting for a number of exciting roles as part of the Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone team.

Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone aims to provide opportunities to build confidence, capacity, skills, and connectivity through heritage inspired creative activities, skills sharing, and training. The project aims to strengthen our heritage sector, increase its capacity, improve its skills, and build its ambition.

We recognise the additional value that volunteers bring to the Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone project and we want to ensure that as many of our residents, communities, and stakeholders as possible have meaningful opportunities to participate in designing and delivering the projects which will form the Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone programme.

Ways to volunteer

Event steward

We need volunteers to work with us at our Summer activities to work with some of our artists in running workshops and hosting performances. We will need help with visitor management and event evaluation on the day.

'Streets for All' audit

As part of the Heritage Open Days in September we will be walking the streets in Selby town centre  to identify what you think is special and what makes the street distinctive.

Walking Tour Steward

As part of Heritage Open Days we will have a number of roles including helping tour guide and visitors on the walking tours with wayfinding and record feedback about the tours.

Happy to apply

Please register your interest by contacting us.

Everyone who expresses and interest will be kept on the Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone list and contacted in the first instance for all roles that come up in the future.