Babies are learning as soon as they are born and love the sound of human voices. All babies start babbling from an early age – it’s their way of communicating with you. Encouraging this helps them learn to speak. At this age, your baby will like repetitive games, moving about with you and listening to you responding to their babbling.
Chat - Speaking to your baby helps them learn about the world around them. It also prepares them to learn to chat back. It’s never too early to chat.
Read - Reading to your child helps them learn to talk. Looking at books together is fun for your baby, even when they are very little.
Sing - Songs help your baby learn about language. Try singing during routines that take place throughout the day. Observe your baby’s responses to music played at home - does the music comfort them and encourage them to move?
Play - Your baby starts exploring the world straightaway through tastes, sights and sounds. Playing helps them get stronger, become more coordinated and learn new things.
Fun activities to add to your routine
Let your baby splash at bath time. Talk about what's happening and how it feels. Say the same words and do the same actions over and over - things like pouring water on their feet and saying, 'Wash, wash, wash your toes.'