Information for childcare providers

Find out how registered childcare providers can sign up to accept tax free childcare payments, access the provider portal and get information about childcare sufficiency assessments.

Funding information

Tax free childcare payments

Find out how you can receive tax-free childcare payments from your customers, as well as information about funded childcare places, on the Childcare Choices website.

Early years funding

Access the provider portal to update your details, enter headcount funding information and sufficiency data:

Access the portal

Working in childcare


Find out about becoming a childminder in North Yorkshire.

New childminders can apply for a childminder start-up grant

Early years qualifications and job opportunities

For information on starting a career in childcare and getting approved qualifications visit the Early Years Careers GOV.UK website.

Find out about the different types of roles available in early years and search for local childcare job vacancies.

Childcare market and sufficiency assessments

North Yorkshire Council's services for young children produce a childcare market sufficiency assessment each year. 

This report shows how we are meeting our statutory duty to secure sufficient childcare, and identifies areas in North Yorkshire which may have a shortage in childcare places. The report also provides the following information about changes in the childcare market:

  • different types of childcare available
  • new provisions
  • closed provisions
  • proposed developments
  • key local information that could affect the childcare market
  • early years education take up

Our sufficiency team will support providers to develop provision/ offer additional places where demand is identified.

Contact us for further information about the sufficiency assessment reports.

Further information

You can find information for early years and childcare providers here.