Healthy child service

The Healthy Child Service is part of the child and family health promotion programme for children aged 6 to 19 years and their families.

Some of the services within it are for all children, such as health visiting. Some parts of the Healthy Child Service are targeted to those most in need, such as vulnerable families and children and young people with emotional health and drug and alcohol problems.

The service is most focused on children under six as evidence shows that helping children with their early years development, school readiness and emotional wellbeing gives them the best chance in life. Anyone who is expecting a child or has a child up to the age of 6 years will have a named health visitor.

Information for teachers

Teachers looking for resources on the programme can access them on the Healthy Schools North Yorkshire website.

Healthy Child Service for children 0 to 6 years old

Anyone who is expecting a child or has a child up to the age of 6 will have a named Health Visitor.

Parents and carers can contact their local 0-6 Health Child Service (Health Visiting Team) directly for information by calling 03003 030 916

Professionals can also contact the service by calling 03003 030 916.

Healthy Child Service for children and young people 6 to 19 years old

The healthy child programme for older children is aimed at those children who:

  • need safeguarding support 
  • need support for emotional wellbeing and resilience and, alongside other local services, in reducing risk taking in young people
  • are in care

Parents, carers and young people themselves can access the Emotional Wellbeing and Resilience Service for support and information by calling 03003 030 916.

Information and support for parents, carers and young people

Emotional and mental health 



Bowel and bladder control (day and night time wetting and poo problems)


Physical Activity 

  • Yorkshire Sport provides ideas with resources for staying healthy for all ages
  • Sports and activity ideas from NHS Change4Life to help you inspire your children to stay active at home
  • Sport England has a range of activity ideas and links to free online content from yoga to dance
  • Our community directory NY Connect includes listings for many activities across the county
  • FEAST offers a range of activities, resources, and events to get involved with. From sports and physical activity to art and crafts, to wellbeing and staying healthy at home 

Alcohol and substance misuse

Sexual Health 


  • our Living Well Smokefree service will see anyone from the age of 12 and also provides information on self-help quitting tools 


  • The Sleep Charity provides advice, education and support for children, teenagers, adults on getting good sleep

Online safety
