Apply for affordable homes in the Harrogate area

Find out how to apply for an affordable home and what happens when you do.

You may be able to rent one of the roughly 8,000 affordable homes (or council houses) that we and registered providers of social housing (housing associations) have in the district.

To understand what affordable housing is available, how to apply for it, and what happens when you do, you can look at our affordable housing information sheet

If you have any further questions,  our full policy on affordable housing is available here (pdf / 444 KB). You can also  read a summary of the affordable housing policy here (pdf / 215 KB).

Apply for affordable housing online

To apply for affordable housing, visit Homes Online.

Homes Online

Update your housing waiting application

If you have already applied for affordable housing, you can check what you told us on your application or update it with any changes by visiting Homes Online. 

Visit Homes Online

View your housing waiting list points and positions

If you have already applied for affordable housing, you can check your points and your positions on our housing waiting list on Homes Online. Although your position on the waiting list may vary slightly as applicants join and leave, substantial change is unlikely unless your application has been updated following changes in your circumstances. We will contact you as soon as you are shortlisted for a new home.

Visit Homes Online