Unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller sites in the Ryedale area

Find out who is responsible for dealing with unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampments and how to report an encampment.

If people are living in vehicles on land without permission in the Ryedale area, they can be moved on.

Here is some information about how we approach Gypsies and Travellers on public open space or other land.

What is an unauthorised encampment?

An unauthorised encampment is where people are living in vehicles, including caravans, on land without permission.

Who deals with unauthorised encampments?

It is the landowner’s responsibility to deal with an unauthorised encampment on their land. We will usually only deal with encampments on council owned land, including roadsides and verges.

What we do about unauthorised encampments on council owned land

We always follow legal guidance and act reasonably. We visit the site and gather information on the group, 

Depending on the situation, we may take legal action to move a group on from the land. This can often take time to resolve.

In most cases, Travellers will move on voluntarily after a short stay, without the need for formal eviction or court proceedings.

How do I report an unauthorised encampment?

Contact us to report an unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller site.