Housing policies and strategies

View housing policies and strategies.

Selby housing strategy

We want to enable more new homes and for all housing to be of a quality, type and size which meets the needs of our urban, rural and coastal communities and supports economic growth.

To deliver this, we're a member of the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Strategic Housing Partnership.  We've been involved in the development of a joint  Housing Strategy (pdf / 2 MB) which sets out the priorities for housing growth and delivery from 2015 to 2021. Specifically for our district, we've developed a  Selby Action Plan (pdf / 329 KB).

The strategy's key priorities

  1. Work with partners to increase the supply of good quality new housing across all tenures and locations (in line with Local Plans/site allocations)
  2. Ensure our housing stock reflects the needs of urban, rural and coastal communities
  3. Ensure our housing stock meets the diverse needs of our population at all stages of their lives
  4. Via policy guidance and negotiation, ensure new homes are of good design and environmental quality regardless of tenure
  5. Continue to make best use of our existing stock and ensure it's of a decent quality to meet the needs of our communities
  6. Ensure all homes have a positive impact on health and well being and are affordable to run
  7. Continue to reduce homelessness
  8. Ensure housing is allocated fairly and on the basis of need
  9. Provide appropriate housing and support

Selby housing revenue account business plan 2020 to 2025

This focuses on the plan to drive the development of more new homes in Selby and for all housing in the area to be of a quality, type and size which best meets the needs of both our urban and rural communities.

Read the  Housing Revenue Account business plan 2020 to 2025 (pdf / 1 MB)

Read the  Housing Revenue Account business plan 2020 to 2025 Appendices (pdf / 536 KB)

Selby housing development strategy

Read our  Selby housing development strategy 2013 (pdf / 409 KB)

Selby private housing assistance policy

View the Selby  Private Housing Assistance Policy (pdf / 472 KB)