Most of us create at least four pints of moisture per day just by breathing, cooking, bathing, washing and drying clothes – the normal everyday activities that everyone performs at home.
When temperatures drop, the air can no longer hold onto all the moisture generated. It will migrate to the coldest parts of the house and condense onto the windows and walls. This is why problems occur during the winter rather than the summer.
When levels reach 70 per cent humidity, mould will start to form. Conditions are also ideal for dust mites. Both are known triggers of asthma and allergies.
How to spot condensation
The common signs of condensation are:
- streaming windows and walls
- damp areas can appear on walls, especially behind furniture and in corners
- peeling wallpaper
- mould growth, usually black mould, starts to appear on window frames, walls and ceilings
- soft furnishings and fabrics become prone to mould and mildew
- a constant musty damp smell in the property
How to reduce condensation as a tenant
An ideal balance would be for a property to maintain a constant level of warmth through adequate building design, insulation and heating, while ensuring that any moisture produced by the occupant can be quickly removed through adequate ventilation. However, practical difficulties such as increased heating costs can prevent this from happening.
Follow these tips to help reduce moisture in the air and condensation:.
- keep the inside temperature reasonably constant for as much of the time as possible. Ideal temperatures include - living room 20 to 22 degrees Celsius, bathroom 22 to 24 degrees Celsius, kitchen 18 to 20 degrees Celsius
- avoid drying clothes indoors. If you have no choice, place the clothes rack in a well-ventilated room and keep the door shut
- ensure that any tumble drier is externally vented or the condensate reservoir regularly emptied
- keep furniture away from walls
- do not disable any extraction units
- open windows and close doors when cooking and taking a shower or bath
More information and tips can be found in our condensation and mould guide (pdf / 547 KB).
What landlords can do
Landlords can help by:
- ensuring every room has adequate heating to prevent cold rooms
- ensuring there is a means for rapid ventilation at times of peak moisture such as an extraction system in the kitchen and bathroom
- ensuring the property is adequately insulated (cavity wall insulation and loft insulation will ensure that heat does not just escape and the property is affordable to heat)
Landlords have a responsibility under the housing health and safety rating system to assess hazards and risks within rental properties. Find out about the health and safety rating system here (pdf / 367 KB).
Local authorities are under a duty to take action against category one hazards, which include damp, mould growth and excess cold.
Contact us
If you have concerns about any of these problems, contact us.