Library charges and fines

Books are usually loaned free of charge. Other items, such as CDs and DVDs, can be borrowed for a small charge.

Other services, such as staff research and reserving items, may also have a charge.

Charges and fines information

Loan charges for audio visual items

Item borrowed Charge per item Loan period
Audiobook £2.50 Three weeks
Children's audiobook/story CD Free Three weeks
Music CD £1.50 Three weeks
DVD £2.25 Three weeks
Language course (short) £2.50 Three weeks
Media subscription (until 30 September 2024 only) Two items at any one time (all formats): £20 for six months  

Charges for computer and internet use

If you are a member of North Yorkshire's libraries, you can use the computers 60 minutes per day for free. Additional free time can be requested to complete complex tasks: up to one extra hour per day.

Concessions apply to:

  • anyone aged 18 years or under in full-time education;
  • jobseekers in receipt of benefits; or
  • people whose use of computers is severely restricted by a physical or cognitive difficulty

After the free period, the following charges apply:

Library members £1.50 per 30 minutes
Non-members £2.50 per 30 minutes
Concessions £1 per 30 minutes

Subscriptions for using library computers

Annual subscription (12 months)
  • £16 for six hours per week
Quarterly subscription (three months)
  • £6 for six hours per week
Unlimited time subscription
  • £37 for 12 months
  • £22 for six months

Printing charges

A4 sheet
  • 20p per side for black and white printing
  • 50p per side for colour printing
A3 sheet
  • 50p per side for black and white printing
  • £1 per side for colour printing


Fines will be incurred if books are returned after the due date. Fines are not charged for overdue audiobooks, CDs and DVDs, as they are hired on a per-loan basis. If you keep the items past the return date, you will be charged for additional loan periods until you return them.

The fines for overdue books increase daily. Books may be renewed up to five times without returning the books to the library, provided they are not required by anyone else.

Overdue fines

Library opening days overdue Adult rates Children's and teenage rates
 1 day or part day overdue  £0.35  £0.15
 2 days or part day overdue  £0.55  £0.15
 3 days of part day overdue  £0.75  £0.15
 4 days or part day overdue  £0.95  £0.15
 5 days or part day overdue  £1.05  £0.15
 6 days or part day overdue  £1.35  £0.15

Overdue fines for weeks or part weeks overdue

Weeks or part weeks overdue Adult rates Children's and teenage rates
 Second week or part week  £2.70  £0.25
 Third week or part week  £4.05  £0.50
 Fourth week or part week  £5.40  £0.75
 Fifth week or part week  £6.75  £1
 Progressing to maximum  £8  £1

Charges for lost or damaged stock

There are charges for all adult stock lost or damaged beyond repair. All invoices will include a £6 administrative charge.

Book stock

Books will be charged at average contract price (new):

  • adult non-fiction hardback: £18.13
  • adult non-fiction paperback: £13.26
  • adult fiction hardback: £17.49
  • adult fiction paperback: £8.93

There is no charge for junior stock.

Rare or extremely valuable stock

We have the discretion to charge a suitable market price.

Damaged stock capable of repair

Where the stock can be repaired, the net cost of the repair will be charged (a minimum of £2.65), along with an administrative charge of £6 per item.

Audio visual stock

Audio visual stock includes cassettes, CDs and DVDs. Charges for lost and damaged audio visual items, regardless of whether the titles are still available, are: 

  • £6.31 per audio CD
  • £9.23 per CD other than an audio CD
  • £17.92 per DVD

This charge will be applied to each damaged item when a set is involved.

Lost or damaged covers or cases (where the item of stock itself remains undamaged) will be charged at £2.50.

In addition, there will be an administrative charge of £6 on all audio visual stock invoices.

Charges for reserving books and other items from the library

The charges below apply to library and mobile library stock.

Books and periodicals

A £1 charge will be made for each book or periodical request.

Subject requests will be charged per item supplied. Requests for books, journals or periodicals (including individual articles) obtained from outside our library stock will incur a charge of £12 per item. There is no concessionary rate.

Audio books, CDs, DVDs and language courses

There is no charge for requesting these items, but hire charges will apply when the item is collected from the library.


Children, teenagers and young adults are not charged for requesting children's or teenage books or story tapes. These exemptions refer only to the exempt person and not to their families or representatives.

Charges for enquiries through the research service

Copying, printing or scanning on behalf of a customer

We charge £10 for a staff member to provide copying, printing or scanning services on behalf of a customer not present, plus costs for photocopies, printouts, scans and postage. There is no charge for helping a customer carry out their own photocopying in person.

Research on behalf of a customer

We charge a £10 research fee on behalf of a customer not present, for research between 30 minutes and 1 hour. There is an additional fee of £10 for any research time over 1 hour, up to a maximum of 2 hours. There is no charge for helping a customer carry out their own research in person.

Lost library cards

If you lose your card, the first replacement is free but after that there is a £2 charge.

Reading group subscription

An annual reading group subscription of £30 allows groups to request up to ten copies of a title, subject to availability. Titles should be requested at least two months in advance of the meeting date.

Service to schools (in schools)

Service Cost
One hour sessions promoting public library use Free
Delivery of an activity or event £200
Advisory or consultancy visit (half-day) £350