Registering a place of worship for marriage ceremonies

For a place of religious worship to be authorised for marriage an application must be made for it to be licenced for the solemnisation of weddings.

The application forms can be obtained from the superintendent registrar and must be completed and signed by either the proprietor or the trustee and returned to us with the fee. The building must also have a licence as a meeting place for religious worship before the forms are signed and dated. No ceremonies can happen until the licence is granted.

Any building which is already licenced for the solemnisation of marriages can also apply for a licence to conduct marriages for same sex couples. The governing authority will be required to apply to us. No ceremonies can take place until the licence is granted.

When a building is no longer used for worship

When the registered building is no longer used by the congregation for worship, you must complete and return the notice of disuse (form 77) on the government's website. This will be sent to the General Register Office who will cancel the licence.

The cancellation of any such building will be advertised in the London Gazette and the local newspaper in the church’s district.