North Yorkshire developer contributions for education policy

Where a proposed development would result in insufficient projected school places, a contribution will usually be requested by us in response to the planning application or enquiry. The revised developer contributions for education policy sets out the levels of contribution that will be requested from developers in North Yorkshire towards the cost of providing the school places necessary to support their developments.

These will be calculated by multiplying the projected pupil yield from the development by the national average costs published in the DfE school places scorecards, adjusted to reflect costs in the region using BCIS location factors. This is in line with DfE guidance.

The policy makes provision for these rates to be updated annually:

These rates will be updated on 1 April each year and reflect the latest published DfE school places scorecard at this date. If there is no DfE school places scorecard published within the last calendar year, we will reserve the right to uplift the costs in the latest published scorecard by inflation.

From April 2024, the following rates will apply, based on the latest published DfE school places scorecard:

  England Cost of Place (£) North Yorkshire location factor 2024/25 NYC place cost multipliers (£)
Primary schools
Permanent expansion 19,425 0.96 18,648
New school 23,192 0.96 22,264
Secondary schools
Permanent expansion 26,717 0.96 25,648
New school 28,096 0.96 26,972
SEND (=4x cost of a
mainstream primary
Early years (= a primary place)   18,648

The England Cost of Place is from the DfE School Places Scorecard for reporting year 2022 published in June 2023, adjusted by the North Yorkshire location factor (from the Building Cost Information Service location factors published in December 2023).

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