Details of what is exempt from planning permission can be found in part 22 of schedule 2 of the General Development Order 1988.
In most cases the minerals type will be known and should be stated. Where the minerals being sought are not known, applicants should state the purpose of operations being undertaken.
This should give an indication of the site area - in hectares - to be explored.
Applicants should ensure that this is outlined in red on a plan and specified in question five of the main minerals application form.
Applicants should state the length of working in months and/or days and the time of day when exploration works will occur.
i) to be completed by all applicants for mineral exploration
ii) to be completed by applicants whose works involve use of boreholes or other excavations
iii) to iv) to be completed by applicants whose works involve use of seismic methods
v) applicants should indicate the measures they intend adopting to make the site safe after cessation of exploration using boreholes or seismic methods if appropriate
Applicants should specify any restoration proposals they intend to adopt after the cessation of exploration.