Consolidated planning policy framework and schedule of evidence

Policy documents prepared and adopted by the eight former planning authorities and the evidence base documents that have informed them.

Consolidated planning policy framework

The  North Yorkshire Consolidated Planning Policy Framework (pdf / 1 MB) sets out the statutory and non-statutory planning policy documents prepared and adopted by the eight former councils in North Yorkshire.

Schedule of planning policy evidence base documents

The  Schedule of Planning Policy Evidence Base Documents for North Yorkshire (pdf / 1 MB) lists evidence base documents produced by the eight former councils that informed their planning policy documents.

Supporting information

The documents listed above provide guidance for all users of the planning system. The information they contain will continue to guide development in specific geographical areas of North Yorkshire.

Both documents will be updated as and when new planning policy documents are introduced. This will ensure the most up to date policies guide development proposals throughout North Yorkshire.

About the development plan

The development plan, made up of local plan and neighbourhood plan policies, is at the heart of the planning system. Legally, decisions on planning applications and other development proposals must be considered against this plan, together with other material considerations such as national planning guidance, supplementary planning documents and development briefs.

We are required to prepare and adopt a new local plan by 1 April 2028, which will replace the existing local plans of the former councils. The new local plan will form part of the development plan for the areas of North Yorkshire not covered by the two national park authorities. Until it is adopted, existing plans and policies listed in the consolidated planning policy framework will apply.