View and comment on planning applications in the Scarborough area

This service is delivered differently in each area of the county. This information relates to the former district of Scarborough. Looking for information in another area of the county? You can change the location here.

Support, object to or comment on any planning application we receive.

Details of current and historic planning applications can be viewed using Public Access - our online planning register.

View, comment or track planning applications

You can use Public Access to:

  • view and track the progress of planning applications and appeals online
  • comment on an application online
  • see if an appeal has been made, and the result of that appeal where applicable
  • view weekly and monthly lists of applications and decisions
  • set up search profiles and be automatically notified by email
  • view, download and print decision notices and other documentation for planning applications and appeals

For help with using the planning system please read the Public Access user guide.

Application comments will be loaded to the web where they include a name and full address. Names and addresses will be published but, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, sensitive information such as telephone numbers and email addresses will be redacted/removed.

How to use Public Access

  • begin your search by application/appeal reference number, address, decision status or date
  • to make a comment, first find the application then click the 'Comment' tab. Comments must be rational, impersonal and directed principally to the planning issues raised by the proposal. Comments of a personal, slanderous, libellous, defamatory, or otherwise offensive or abusive nature are not constructive or helpful to the process of determining a planning application and may result in an action for libel. Comments must include your name and address. Please be aware that for security reasons the system will time out after 30 minutes, so you may find it useful to draft any lengthy comments in a separate application (such as Word) and then cut and paste your text into the 'Your comment' box
  • to find important dates or view the plans and documents. Find the application first - the details tab gives you useful information and dates, and the 'Documents' tab lets you see the application documents
  • you will need to register to save searches and track applications (simply register with your name and email address)
  • you can download a guidance document on how to use our Public Access site

General advice

  • Public Access is our online register of applications and appeals. We are required to keep a copy of each current and decided application with its accompanying plans/drawings and some other documentation - further details of what the register must contain are detailed within Article 40 of the Development Management Procedure (England) Order and Section 69 of the Town and Country Planning Act, both are available via the website
  • Public Access is continually updated however we cannot be held legally responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions on the site that result in loss or inconvenience.  We also cannot be held legally responsible for representations from anyone commenting on planning applications that may contain libellous or defamatory statements
  • documents are published online for the purpose of inspection in connection with planning applications, and in accordance with us fulfilling our statutory obligations. Use of any copy documents may be restricted by law, and we do not give permission for use of these copies for any purpose
  • application comments will be loaded to the web where they include a name and full address. Names and addresses will be published but, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, sensitive information such as telephone numbers and email addresses will be redacted/removed
  • to view historic decision notices you may need to contact us

Copyright terms

Planning applications, including plans, drawings and other documents viewed through these pages are made available by us pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 ('the Act'). By accessing and using the information you are accepting and agreeing to comply with the requirements of the Act. You may only download to print material:

  • for consultation purposes
  • to compare current applications with previous schemes
  • to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans

Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Comment on planning applications

How do I comment on a planning application?

Comments can be made online, by email or in writing. You can monitor applications of interest to you by registering and selecting the tracking option on our Public Access system.

How long do I have to comment?

There is a limited amount of time in which you can make comments. The statutory time given to neighbours to comment on an application is 21 days. It is very important to meet any deadline, or your comments may not be taken into account.

Will my comments be acknowledged?

Due to the volume of comments received, it will not be possible to acknowledge your comments unless they are made through our Public Access system, where an automatic email acknowledgement is sent on submission.

How will my comments be used?

Comments are kept on electronic public files and may be included within written committee reports or read at public meetings of the committee. In addition, please be aware that any representations submitted will be published online. However, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, signatures, telephone numbers and email addresses will be removed.

Will I be notified about an application decision?

You will need to register your details on our Public Access system and select the track application option. This will allow you to receive e-mail notification of a change in status of the application, for example, the issue of a decision.

I am having problems viewing an application, can you help?

If you are experiencing problems viewing the application files or require any further assistance, please contact us with the details.

What can I comment on?

Comments must relate to planning matters, by law we can only take into account the planning issues and cannot allow ourselves to be influenced by other considerations unless they are relevant to planning (material planning considerations). These include loss of privacy, intensity of development, design and appearance, impact on community facilities, highway matters, for example, traffic and parking. The Planning Portal has further information on what constitutes a material planning consideration. When commenting on an application you should be aware that the following areas are not considerations:

  • nobody has a right to a view from their property. We cannot control the effects of new development on the outlook from existing property except in the general case of residential amenity
  • impact on the valuation of property
  • the cost of a development is not a material consideration, and we have no jurisdiction to protect developers from expensive projects. Loss of trade or increased competition
  • a personal interest or a civil dispute
  • generally speaking, personal circumstances are not a material planning consideration

How will the application be determined?

Planning decisions are delegated for approval unless they raise issues that are significant or contentious. There are a series of triggers for referral set out in Part 8 of our Constitution. Further information can be found in our scheme of delegation.

Which issues are relevant to a planning application

Try to view the submitted plans and forms before you write to the case officer, to ensure you understand the development under consideration. We can only take certain issues into account when considering an application. You should concentrate on these issues when commenting on an application.

Issues that can be considered include:

  • whether a proposed use is suitable for the area
  • whether the appearance and size of a new building/structure is in keeping with its neighbours and the surrounding area
  • whether external alterations to an existing building are in character
  • whether adjoining residents will suffer any overshadowing, overlooking or loss of privacy
  • whether there will be any increase in noise and disturbance, for example from the comings and goings of extra traffic
  • whether new public buildings have satisfactory access for the disabled
  • whether there is adequate parking or the development would be dangerous for road users and pedestrians
  • whether a public footpath is affected
  • whether there is any visual effect upon the landscape, for instance, loss of trees and hedgerows
  • whether the proposal conflicts with our planning policies

Issues that cannot be considered include:

  • loss of view
  • loss of property value
  • Boundary or other disputes between neighbours, for example, private rights of way, covenants
  • loss of trade from competing business
  • the alleged character, behavior, personal circumstances, attributes, beliefs, views or affiliations of an applicant
  • moral objections
  • the belief that an applicant intends to profit from a development
  • other consents/licences that may be required

Other application types have different issues to consider

Listed buildings

The only factors that can be considered are:

  • the impact of the proposal on the character or appearance of the listed building
  • the impact of the proposal on the historic fabric of the building
  • the impact of the proposal on the setting of the listed building

They do not include:

  • all other normal planning considerations, for example, traffic issues or impact on residential amenities. Listed building applications are often considered at the same time as a planning application if required and the planning issues would be considered then


These include:

  • whether a proposed advertisement is too large or unsightly
  • whether the proposal conflicts with our policies for advertisements
  • whether any illumination will unduly affect residential amenity
  • whether the location of any advertisement will have a detrimental impact on highway safety

Conservation area consent

The only factors that can be considered are:

  • the impact of a proposal on the character or appearance of the conservation area
  • the historical/archaeological importance of the subject building/structure

Certificate of lawful use

The only factors that can be considered are:

  • factual information about the length of time a building/structure/use has been constructed or taken place
  • any other evidence to support/refute the claims being made in the application

They do not include:

  • the planning merits of any particular application or planning policies
  • other consents/licenses that may be required

Modification or removal of conditions

  • specific issues relevant to the original reasons for imposing the planning obligation for example, highways issues
  • agricultural justification for development
  • any changes in circumstances since the planning obligation was originally completed

They do not include:

  • general or new planning considerations that are not relevant to the original reasons for imposing the planning obligation in question