View and comment on planning applications in the Selby area

This service is delivered differently in each area of the county. This information relates to the former district of Selby. Looking for information in another area of the county? You can change the location here.

Support, object to or comment on any planning application we receive.

You can use the planning application Public Access platform to view and comment on a planning application.

Public Access user guide

You can make comments on planning applications by:

  • viewing the details of an application through the Public Access platform. You will need to register and login before you are able to leave comments and receive updates. Your session may time out without warning, so for longer messages, you may need to compose your comments outside the webpage and then copy and paste them when you are ready to submit. Please include the submission date at the end of your comment
  • by email 
  • by post

Submitting your comments via Public Access will ensure that certain key pieces of information are automatically provided. However, if you submit your comments by email or post please include the following:

  • your name
  • your contact address
  • the reference number of the application and/or address of the property to which your comments relate

We are unable to send an acknowledgement for comments submitted by email or post.

By submitting your comments you confirm that you agree to the restrictions on this page and to our privacy policy and that you accept legal responsibility for any statements that you make.

Everyone can see what is on the site, so please be considerate in your comments. Things that do not adhere to GDPR requirements are defamatory or that could be prejudicial will be removed.

If you need help composing your comments, we have published guidance that sets out some of the issues which are material to the determination of an application and some which are not.

People whose applications have been refused can appeal against this decision. There is a 'fast track' appeal which means it goes straight to an independent Planning Inspector. If this happens you won’t get a further chance to comment and the Inspector will only look at the original comments. If there is an appeal but no fast-track process, then you'll be given another chance to comment to the Planning Inspectorate.

We will publish your comments on our Public Access pages, removing your telephone number, email address and signature.  We may forward your comments to The Planning Inspectorate, the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government or statutory consultees in the ordinary course of determining an application or a subsequent appeal.

Public Access is updated with the latest information including plans, technical reports, responses from consultees, comments from members of the public, full details of our decisions and details of any appeal to the Secretary of State.

You can see the details of all current planning applications as well as many historic applications from 1 January 2006. By using this service you are agreeing to an understanding of the limitations, the disclaimer and the copyright notice below.


There are certain limitations to the nature of the material published on Public Access and the way that it can be used:

  • all the plans and drawings are protected by copyright. You can download or print copies to look at them in more detail, but you shouldn't share these. If you want to print off more than one copy then you will need to get permission from the person who put in the application. Please refer to the copyright notice
  • we may not publish all the information about an application if we believe some of it is confidential or it has been marked as such. This can be the case with sensitive commercial information submitted in support of a viability appraisal
  • the site only includes material that is available electronically. For obvious reasons, this means that some material may not be available
  • while we take care to ensure that individual files are as small as possible, some of the documents on the site are still very large and may take a while to download


The plans, drawings and other material have been submitted to us in order to apply for planning permission and/or a number of related consents. They are available to view for consultation purposes only. Documentation is normally published within four working days of validation.  

These web pages include only those records that have been submitted in support of the application and are capable of being presented electronically. They may not represent a complete record of the information held by us in relation to the property or properties concerned.

Please do not rely on information from this site as an alternative to traditional searches where completeness of the information is essential. Whilst we take great care to ensure that the information provided on these web pages is accurate, we cannot accept any liability or responsibility should you rely on the information provided and ultimately find it to have been incorrect.

If you have any reason to suspect that the information is incorrect please contact us immediately by email so that the matter can be investigated and any corrections made as soon as reasonably practical.

Copyright notice

Plans, drawings and material submitted to us are protected by the Copyrights Act (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only download or print material for consultation purposes. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the owner, for instance, the applicant/agent/architect.

Statement of community involvement

Finding out decisions about applications

We publish decisions about applications when they are made on the Public Access platform.  You can find out if an application has been permitted or refuse and the reasons why.  

You could also sign up to receive updates about planning applications that you're interest in.

All of this information is included on Public Access. 

Your comments

How to submit comments

If you wish to submit comments for consideration as part of the decision process, you should write to the case officer at Development Management; Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT.

You can also submit comments via Public Access.

The initial consultation period for applications is usually 21 consecutive days from the start of the consultation.

Comments guidance

Planning legislation requires that planning applications are determined in the public interest. We will therefore always give consideration to representations made in relation to planning applications.

It is the nature of comments which is important in the decision-making process, not the volume of comments received. It does not always follow that an application will be rejected simply because a large number of residents have objected to it.

The important point will be whether or not the representations made by residents are relevant to the application in planning terms. The phrase used is whether or not the comments are ‘material’ to the planning application.

The following are examples of material considerations:

  1. Policies set out in a development plan, such as the local development framework or saved policies of the Selby district local plan. These are described as statutory documents, having been adopted by their relevant authorities.
  2. Guidance issued by the central government, known as National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance.
  3.  Any supplementary policy documents covering particular topics such as advertisements or shop front design.
  4. Any relevant planning history.
  5. Site-specific matters such as design, massing, scale, the effect upon trees or landscape etc.
  6. Amenity considerations such as the effect upon adjacent properties in terms of overlooking, overshadowing etc. In particular, the level of the direct impact of the proposal on neighbouring property is considered.
  7. Highways implications, such as traffic generation, access arrangements, visibility, turning provision etc.
  8. The impact upon the setting of a listed building or the character of a conservation area as applicable.

In contrast, the following list refers to matters that are not material to the consideration of an application. 

  1. Loss of views, where obtained over someone else’s land.
  2. Potential or actual devaluation of property prices.
  3. Potential conflict with legal arrangements, such as rights of way, or covenants. Whether or not such rights exist, they remain outside of planning controls.
  4. Moral or ethical considerations. For example, objections to an amusement arcade on the grounds that it may encourage gambling, etc.
  5. Competition between existing and proposed businesses. For example, that a further hot food takeaway shop might undermine the viability of an existing business.

It should be noted that both the above examples of considerations are offered as guidance and are not exhaustive. 

Will the application go before the planning committee?

The vast majority of planning applications received each year are determined by officers using powers delegated to them from the committee. Some applications, however, will need to go before committee members for a decision to be made.

Planning committee meetings are normally held every four weeks at the Civic Centre and these meetings are open to the public. If you have submitted comments on an application which is to be considered by the committee you will receive written notification about a week before the meeting is to take place to advise you of the date and time and details on how to address the meeting if you wish to speak on the application.

Further information about the committee and procedures can be obtained from democratic services on 01757 705101.

How do I find out whether the application was successful or not?

Once a decision has been made, the notice of decision and officer's report will be available for inspection on our Public Access website.

What if there’s an appeal?

Once we have determined an application, the applicant has a right to appeal against the decision or conditions.

Where an appeal is made against a domestic (householder) application, it is important that any representations you make before the decision is made contain all the points you wish to raise as the appeal process does not permit any further submissions.

For non-domestic appeals, you will be notified of the appeal and will be allowed to submit further representations.