St Nicholas Street car park, Norton

Opening hours

Monday to Sunday, 24 hours.


Parking in this car park is free.


Type of space Number available
Total spaces 100
Coach spaces No
Motorhome spaces No
Motorcycle/bicycle spaces No

Electric vehicle charging

There are charging points at this car park where you can charge your car for up to 1 hour. 

These units are rapid charging (43 to 50Kw) and will charge your vehicle to 80% within 30 minutes.

It's your responsibility to move your vehicle to a normal parking bay after the 1 hour parking period. If you stay in a charging bay for longer than 1 hour, you could be fined.

The charging points are part of the BP Pulse network and can be accessed using an RFID card or standard contactless payment.

St Nicholas Street
YO17 9AQ
United Kingdom