Request a highways improvement

How to ask for new road features such as kerbs, crossings, street lights, signs, salt bins, road markings, and speed bumps.

Before you continue

Who is responsible for the road? Motorways and trunk roads such as the A1, A1(M), M62, A66, A66(M), A64, A168 (Dishforth to Thirsk) and A19 (north of Thirsk) are not our responsibility. You should make requests relating to these to National Highways.

Request road features

Any requests will benefit from being supported by your local town or parish council. 

Road signs, lighting, speed bumps, markings and other forms of road modifications or street furniture can be expensive to install. We have to make sure we use our resources wisely. That's why we are usually only able to do something where there have been issues in that location in the past, and we need to deal with the most dangerous sites first.

We always ask parish councils for their opinion about any proposal for modifications to the highway.

Factors we will consider, depending on the request, include:

  • safety
  • history of accidents in the area
  • volume of road users
  • number of people that would benefit
  • environmental impact
  • cost
  • priority compared to other requests
  • alternative solutions

Contact us to make a request.

We only have funds to carry out a small number of requests received. Therefore, approved requests will be placed on a list in priority rank order. The available budget and the type of schemes required will determine how quickly we can work down the list.

Specific factors

Some road modifications have specific factors that we would take into account when making a decision.

Road signs

Each year, we receive and investigate several hundred requests for additional signs. Commonly requested signs include give way, junction, bend warning signs, warning chevrons, pedestrian and children signs, housing development signs - providing local directions to new sites - and tourism signs. New traffic signs will normally only be provided:

  • where recommended after an accident study
  • in conjunction with improvements or alterations to the road network
  • where existing signs are misleading and there is evidence of this causing confusion to road users
  • where alterations to signage would be a positive benefit to commerce, industry or tourism
  • where there is a legal requirement to provide them

Brown tourist signs

You can find out about requesting a new brown tourist sign here.

Pedestrian crossings or speed bumps

If the reason for requesting road modifications is excess speed, sometimes other types of actions such as speed limit enforcement or signage might be considered instead of a new crossing or speed management adaptation such as speed bumps.

If there is an issue with speeding vehicles on a particular area of road, this can be reported to our speed management partnership and various courses of action are possible. Have a look at the different ways we can help with speeding problems in your area here

Pedestrian crossings

When we receive a request for a new pedestrian crossing it will be considered on its individual merits to assess the level of need and to ensure an effective use of available funding.

For pedestrian crossings we will consider:

  • the degree of conflict between pedestrians crossing the road and the two-way traffic flow
  • the age and ability of pedestrians
  • the different types of vehicles in the flow of traffic
  • the length of time pedestrians have to wait to cross
  • the width of the road
  • the speed of traffic
  • the pedestrian injury accident record at the site
  • the feasibility of alternative types and layout for the junction
  • the engineering feasibility and cost

The level of justification is the essential starting point in comparing different sites.

School crossing patrols

School crossing patrols can be funded by us, however, we will look at other possibilities first.

It is also possible for a school or parish or town council, or other organisation, to fund a school crossing patrol.

For more information, please contact us.

Road markings to prevent parking in front of a residential drive

If you have a properly constructed vehicular crossing and are experiencing inconsiderate parking, consideration may be given to providing you with a white 'H bar' road marking.

The marking is purely advisory and is designed to discourage inconsiderate parking.

A fee is charged for a new marking, although blue badge holders are exempt from the fee. To request consideration for a new marking, contact us.

Where idling traffic in front of a driveway is the issue, in some cases, a 'Keep Clear' road marking can be provided but this would have to be assessed to see if it would help or result in more problems in the area. 'Keep Clear' markings are only advisory and can't be enforced by the police.

If the access is obstructed, rather than just making it difficult to access the property, the police should deal with this matter.

Street lighting

We have a power, not a duty, under the Highways Act 1980 to provide and maintain road lighting. We must carefully balance the need for lighting with conflicting demands such as the requirement to reduce energy consumption and minimise CO2 emissions and light pollution.

Each request for new, additional or improved street lighting will be considered on its individual merits against the following criteria:

  • history of night time traffic accidents
  • incidents of night time crime and fear of crime

Requests to change part-night street lights to stay on all night need to come from the police.