Proposal to amalgamate Wavell Community Junior School and Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School to create a single 3-11 primary school across both school sites
Part 1 – Wavell Community Junior School – Discontinuance
Statutory proposals for school closures
As set out in the Establishment and Discontinuance Regulations the information below must be included in a proposal to close a school:
Contact details
Proposal published by North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE, to discontinue Wavell Community Junior School, Wavell Road, Catterick Garrison, DL9 3BJ from 7 April 2024.
Wavell Community Junior School is a 7-11 school in the Catterick Garrison area.
It is proposed to close the school from 7 April 2024.
Reason for closure
The proposal is to close Wavell Community Junior School with effect from 7 April 2024. This proposal is related to proposals to enlarge and alter the age range of Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School across the existing Infant and Junior School sites.
Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School and Wavell Community Junior School share the same site on the north side of Catterick Garrison and serve an area around Hipswell.
Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School accommodates children aged 3-7, with Wavell Community Junior School accommodating children living in the same area from 7-11. Pupils transfer from the Infant to the Junior school at age 7. Parents are required to express a preference in advance of this transfer. The objective of the proposal, and a related proposal to enlarge and alter the age range of Wavell Community Junior School, is to create a single 3-11 school which will deliver an all-through primary education. The removal of transition at age 7 would allow an uninterrupted learning experience from age 3 through to 11, in keeping with the majority of pupils nationally. The single school would work across the existing two school sites.
The removal of transition at age 7 would allow an uninterrupted learning experience from age 3 to 11.
Wavell Community Infant School was judged to be Good when recently inspected by Ofsted in July 2022. Wavell Community Junior School was judged Requires Improvement (RI) by Ofsted in 2018 and again following their inspection in 2021. As a consequence of being judged RI on two successive occasions, and the Department for Education’s new powers to intervene in schools that are deemed as ‘not making the necessary improvements’ the DfE’s Regional Director indicated their intention to issue Wavell Community Junior school with a Directive Academy Order (DAO).
It is recognised that there can be a hiatus in children’s progress at times of transition between Key Stages. This is even more marked in infant and junior schools, when the transition between Key Stages 1 and 2 coincides with a transition between two different schools. It is considered that an amalgamated school would deliver a smoother transition between Key Stages and help to ensure that the good progress made by children at Key Stage 1 is maintained and built upon at Key Stage 2.
It is considered that learning and progress can be even better if the two schools come together as a single school. The expertise of staff currently in the schools could be better targeted across the full age range and across all key stages to raise standards, and the single school would have fully integrated arrangements for assessment of learning, including a single Ofsted inspection which would allow a judgement to be made on the provision for all children through the primary age range.
Pupil numbers and admissions
There are currently 165 pupils on roll at the school as of May 2023 (not including 31fte Nursery pupils). 34 pupils in Year 3, 46 in Year 4, 42 in Year 5 and 43 in Year 6.
The school’s age range is 7-11 years, and provision is available for boys and girls. There is no boarding provision. Total pupil numbers are significantly lower than the capacity of the school which is designed to accommodate up to 240 pupils.
Displaced pupils
- No interim arrangements have been necessary.
If the proposal is approved, the area currently served by the school would be served by the enlarged Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School from 8 April 2024. The related proposal includes the enlargement and change of age range of Wavell Community Infant School. Children currently on roll at Wavell Community Junior School would automatically be transferred to the roll of the new single primary school. Due to the related proposal in respect of the Infant School there is no additional need for school places in respect of displaced pupils.
It is proposed to reduce the Published Admission Number from 72 at Wavell Community Infant School 60 at the amalgamated primary school, leading to a small overall reduction mainstream primary school places.
- Not applicable in this case
- Not applicable in this case
Impact on the community
No impact on the community is anticipated.
Rural primary schools
Not applicable as none of the schools are designated as Rural primary school
Balance of denominational provision
Not applicable.
Maintained nursery schools
Not applicable
Sixth form provision
Not applicable
Special educational needs provision
Not applicable.
NYCC and the schools are committed to ensuring that parents and pupils travel to school in sustainable way and are encouraged to walk or cycle to school where possible. The schools operate on adjacent sites. There would be no impact on home to school transport.
Where a child attends a school which is not their normal school or nearest school, parents are normally responsible for making transport arrangements.
Eligibility for home to school transport will be determined in line with the council’s current home to school transport policy and procedures based on each child’s home address and individual circumstances.
On 30 May 2023, at a meeting of the Executive Members for the Children and Young People’s Service, the Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills gave approval for consultation on a proposal to amalgamate Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School and Wavell Community Junior School to create a single 3-11 primary school across both school sites.
A consultation paper setting out the proposal was sent to parents of pupils on roll, staff at the school as well as other interested parties and individuals. A copy of the consultation paper is attached as Appendix 1. A list of the consultees is attached as Appendix 2. The consultation period ran from 8 June to 20 July 2023. A public meeting was held at the school on 22 June 2023, a note of that meeting is attached as Appendix 3. There have been 17 consultation responses received (Appendix 4).
Procedure for making representations (objections and comments)
Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Corporate Director- Children and Young People's Service, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE, by 2 October 2023.
Proposal to amalgamate Wavell Community Junior School and Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School to create a single 3-11 primary school across both school sites
Part 2 – Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School – Enlargement and Change of Age Range
Statutory Proposals for Prescribed Alterations – Change of Age Range and Enlargement
Contact details
Proposal published by North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE, to make prescribed alterations to Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School, Wavell Road, Catterick Garrison, DL9 3BJ from 8 April 2024.
Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School is a 3-7 school in the Catterick Garrison area.
It is proposed to change the age range and enlarge Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School from 8 April 2024. The current capacity of the school is 216 and the proposed capacity will be 420. The current number of pupils registered at the school is 105. The current admission number for the school is 72 and the proposed admission number will be 60. The current age range of the school is 3-7 and the proposed age range will be 3-11.
Description of alteration
The proposal is to enlarge Wavell Community Infant School and alter its upper age limit with effect from 8 April 2024. The enlarged school would have a capacity of 420 places plus 26 place nursery provision. This proposal is related to the closure of Wavell Community Junior School.
The objective of the proposal, and the related proposal to close Wavell Community Junior School, is to create a 3-11 school which will deliver an all-through primary education across the existing Wavell Infant and Junior sites. The removal of transition at age 7 would allow an uninterrupted learning experience from age 3 to 11.
Wavell Community Infant School was judged to be Good when recently inspected by Ofsted in July 2022. Wavell Community Junior School was judged Requires Improvement (RI) by Ofsted in 2018 and again following their inspection in 2021. As a consequence of being judged RI on two successive occasions, and the Department for Education’s new powers to intervene in schools that are deemed as ‘not making the necessary improvements’ the DfE’s Regional Director indicated their intention to issue Wavell Community Junior school with a Directive Academy Order (DAO).
It is recognised that there can be a hiatus in children’s progress at times of transition between Key Stages. This is even more marked in infant and junior schools, when the transition between Key Stages 1 and 2 coincides with a transition between two different schools. It is considered that an amalgamated school would deliver a smoother transition between Key Stages and help to ensure that the good progress made by children at Key Stage 1 is maintained and built upon at Key Stage 2.
It is considered that learning and progress can be even better if the two schools come together as a single school. The expertise of staff currently in the schools could be better targeted across the full age range and across all key stages to raise standards, and the single school would have fully integrated arrangements for assessment of learning, including a single Ofsted inspection which would allow a judgement to be made on the provision for all children through the primary age range.
Effect on other schools, academies and educational institutions
There is not expected to be any effect on other schools, academies and educational institutions, other than those covered by these proposals. Whilst there is a slight reduction in the admission numbers for the amalgamated school, and there are planning permission granted for new developments within Catterick, it is the view that there will be sufficient places within Wavell and the local area.
Project costs and indication of how these will be met, including how long term value for money will be achieved.
Wavell Infant and Junior schools are adjacent. No capital works are needed for this proposal. The buildings are already connected for pupils by a corridor and there is a single reception point for parents.
The two schools are separate institutions, albeit serving the same area. The Wavell Community Schools Federation brings together the governance of two schools. If the amalgamation went ahead, the Wavell Community Schools Federation would be disestablished from 7 April 2024 and a newly constituted governing board would be set up for the single school from 8 April 2024.
On 30 May 2023, at a meeting of the Executive Members for the Children and Young People’s Service, the Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills gave approval for consultation on a proposal to amalgamate Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School and Wavell Community Junior School to create a single 3-11 primary school across both school sites.
A consultation paper setting out the proposal was sent to parents of pupils on roll, staff at the school as well as other interested parties and individuals. A copy of the consultation paper is attached as Appendix 1. A list of the consultees is attached as Appendix 2. The consultation period ran from 8 June to 20 July 2023. A public meeting was held at the school on 22 June 2023, a note of that meeting is attached as Appendix 3. There have been 17 consultation responses received (Appendix 4).
Related Proposals
This proposal is related to proposal for the closure of Wavell Community Junior School and the expansion of Wavell Community Infant School, to create a single 3-11 primary school across the two existing sites.
Procedure for making representations (objections and comments)
Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Corporate Director- Children and Young People's Service, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE, by 2 October 2023.