Proposal to change the age range at Boroughbridge High School by ceasing the sixth form provision - statutory proposal

Full proposal document

This document is regarding the proposal to change the age range of Boroughbridge High School by ceasing the sixth form provision.

Name and contact details of the local authority or governing body publishing the proposal

North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AE

Name, address and category of the school proposed for alteration

Boroughbridge High School (Community secondary school), Wetherby Road, Boroughbridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9JX

Proposed implementation date

31 August 2024

Description of alteration and evidence of demand

To lower the age range of Boroughbridge High School by ceasing sixth form provision at the request of the federated governing board.

Objectives educational standards and parental choice

In response to falling numbers of sixth form pupils, and following consultation in Autumn 2021, the decision was made in Spring 2022 by the federated governing board to temporarily suspend entries to the sixth form at Boroughbridge High School for two years to take effect from September 2022.

Due to the demographics of the area, numbers on roll at Boroughbridge High School have decreased, making it more difficult to maintain viable class sizes at post-16 in terms of quality of experience, subject breadth and financial viability.

Alternative post 16 provision is available and is being accessed by pupils who have attended Boroughbridge High School. In September 2023, out of 62 students who had attended Boroughbridge High School in Year 11, 84% chose to remain in education, with 65% of these following vocational courses. Those studying Level 3 courses (A Level/BTEC) went to York College (12), Harrogate Grammar (5), St. Aidan’s (<5), King James (<5) and Thirsk (<5).

If they choose to stay within the federation, Year 11 students at Boroughbridge High School have opportunities during the year to meet with the King James’s School post-16 team, in order to secure a smooth transition from Year 11 to Year 12. King James’s School, Knaresborough was last inspected by Ofsted in January 2023 (section 8 inspection) which judged the school as continuing to be a good school. The report states ‘Students in the sixth form flourish. There is a broad range of subjects available. Pastoral support for sixth-form students is also highly effective.’ The sixth form is based in a new purpose-built centre, opened in September 2019.

Effect on other schools, academies and educational institutions within the area

As noted above, pupils who attended Boroughbridge High School in Year 11 are accessing post 16 provision in a range of educational settings. The sixth form at King James’s School is not oversubscribed and has the ability to take on more students.

Project costs

There are no capital implications as a result of this proposal as the school would continue to run their 11-16 education provision across the whole of the existing site and its buildings.

As there are currently no pupils in the sixth form at Boroughbridge High School there would be no immediate transportation costs. Any pupils living in the current Boroughbridge High catchment area applying for post 16 places would be assessed under our post 16 transport policy statement at the appropriate time. As such future transport costs cannot be estimated.


Following a formal decision to approve the lowering of age range, the sixth form would close from 31 August 2024.

Procedure for making representations (objections and comments)

Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to corporate director - children and young people's  service,  North  Yorkshire Council,  County  Hall,  Northallerton,  DL7 8AE or by email to by 5pm on 2 May 2024.