North Yorkshire County Council Determined Arrangements 2024-25 Notice

This page has information about our determination of school admission arrangements for the 2024-2025 school year.

Notice is hereby given that North Yorkshire Council, being the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled primary, infant, junior and secondary schools in its area, have determined the admission arrangements for the 2024/2025 school year for admission into: 

  1. The Reception Year at all primary and infant schools 
  2. Year 3 in all junior schools 
  3. Year 7 in all secondary schools 
  4. Year 12 in secondary schools with post-16 provision 

The admission arrangements for other schools which are not community or voluntary controlled schools are determined by their respective governing bodies or academy trusts. Copies of the determined admission arrangements for these Schools and Academies are available from the individual schools. 

Determination of the admission arrangements at schools maintained by the Authority were made following consultation, as set out in The School Admissions Code and relevant legislation.  Copies of the determined admission arrangements are available for inspection at: 

Children and Young Peoples Services, County Hall, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD and also on the school admissions page.

Any person or body can object to the admission arrangements, where they provide their name and address, by writing to the school adjudicator, except where: 

  1. the objection seeks, in substance, an alteration to admission arrangements for a grammar school; 
  2. the objection seeks, in substance, to remove selection from a selective Academy; 
  3. the objection relates to a non-increase in admission number for a school for which the local authority is not the admissions authority; 
  4. the objection relates to a non-increase in admission number for a community or voluntary controlled school, except where the objection is by the governing body of that school 
  5. the objection relates to an existing agreement for the admissions arrangements of an Academy to vary from the School Admissions Code 
  6. the adjudicator has, within the last two years, made a decision to an objection to the admission arrangements of a school or Academy, and where any new objection referred to the adjudicator raises the same or substantially the same issues in relation to those admission arrangements. 

All objections must be received by the adjudicator on or before 15 May 2023, at: 

Address: OSA, Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5Q


Tel: 0870 001 2468

Signed: Stuart Carlton, Corporate Director, Children and Young Peoples Service
Dated: 22 February 2023

Note: Not Part of the Notice 

The purpose of this Notice is to make parents aware of their right to object to the admission arrangements of a school if they consider the arrangements do not comply with the School Admissions Code or the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.  Advice on this Notice can be obtained by writing to: 

Children and Young Peoples Services, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD

Copies of the School Admissions Code may be downloaded free of charge from the Department for Education website.