This privacy notice is designed to help you understand how and why legal and democratic services process your personal data in relation to petitions.
This notice should be read in conjunction with our corporate privacy notice.
Who are we?
North Yorkshire Council is a ‘data controller’ as defined by Article 4(7) of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).
Legal and democratic services support the provision of comprehensive and efficient legal and democratic services to the directorates, the council’s executive, full council, committees and members, and external clients.
The council has appointed Veritau to be its data protection officer. Their contact details are:
Information Governance Office
West Offices
Station Rise
North Yorkshire
Tel: 01904 552848
What personal information do we collect?
For a petition to be accepted by the council, it must contain the name and address (including postcode) and signature of any person supporting the petition and the contact details, including an address, for the petition organiser.
Although the council does not routinely process ‘special category data’ when handling petitions, it is recognised that some petitions, by default, may reveal a person’s political opinions or affiliations, philosophical or religious beliefs, or trade union membership.
Why do we collect your personal information?
The personal information is provided by the person or persons who are submitting the petition. To be accepted as a legitimate petition the personal details outlined above must be provided.
Who do we share this information with?
The details of paper-based petitions and the petition organiser are not published.
E-Petitions, which are submitted online, are published online alongside the petition organiser’s name.
For both paper-based petitions and e-petitions, a full copy of the petition may be shared with relevant officers of the council and/or councillors where this is necessary for a response to that petition to be made.
How long do we keep your information for?
Petitions are retained by the council for five years from the year the petition was started.
What is our lawful basis for processing your information?
Personal data is processed as part of the council’s statutory democratic responsibilities which are stipulated by various legislative texts including the local government act.
For more information about how we use your data, including your privacy rights and the complaints process, please see our corporate privacy notice.