Assistive technology
Assistive technology uses a range of remote equipment matched to your personal needs to help increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities as well as enabling you to live as independently and as safely as possible.
Monitoring centre
When an assistive technology device is activated and / or pressed, data is sent to the monitoring centre where an operator will provide advice, gather the information or get help.
Technologies and gathering data can help commissioners and services to deliver smarter care.
Private pay
Private pay is when you make a payment arrangement with the assistive technology organisation instead of using our processes.
Technology enabled care
Technology enabled care includes technologies such as telehealth, telecare and telemedicine. It also includes digital health services like self-care apps, health IT, smart home technologies, artificial intelligence, connectivity and internet of things solutions.
These digital solutions have the potential to transform the way you engage in, manage and control your healthcare.
Telecare is a range of technologies and equipment that can be used to support you. It is continuously developing and diversifying, thus the current change to assistive technology and future progression to technology enabled care.