Discretionary Housing Payments in the Hambleton area

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) can give you extra financial help if you are already getting Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit but still have a shortfall in your rent liability that you are finding difficult to pay.

Discretionary Housing Payments are awarded at our discretion and money available for this is limited. This means that awards are usually only made for short periods and are only given in cases of extreme financial hardship.

Awards will usually only be made if there is evidence to show that:

  • you are suffering severe financial hardship and finding it difficult to meet your essential living expenses such as rent, council tax, food and utility bills and
  • you or your family have exceptional circumstances, for example, you have a severe illness or disability that prevents you from moving to cheaper accommodation, you are fleeing violence at home, and your family home is at risk because of severe levels of debt

You cannot get DHP if your rent shortfall is due to a benefit overpayment or suspension.

You can also apply for a single discretionary housing payment to help you meet the cost of moving to alternative accommodation. You can claim this if:

  • your Housing Benefit or Universal Credit housing payments are being restricted because of Welfare Reforms - such as the benefit cap or the social sector bedroom restriction
  • the shortfall in your rent is causing severe financial hardship
  • you have found the accommodation to move to that is more affordable, but you cannot afford to meet your removal costs

All cases are looked at individually.

A decision will be made, and you will be notified in writing. If the application is successful the award will be paid along with your Housing Benefit.

Please read our Discretionary Housing Payments policy

Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment