During a ceremony, the following duties should be performed by the 'responsible person' named in the application form for the venue.
One hour before the ceremony
- a notice should be displayed at all entrances to the venue
- stop serving food and drink in the ceremony area (if applicable)
- there should be a designated parking space for the registrars
- ensure that the music is set up and working
30 minutes before the ceremony
- show the registrars to the interview room
- bring party one to the interview room
- return party one to their guests
15 minutes before the ceremony
- ask the guests to move to the ceremony area, ensuring they do not take any food or drink with them
- bring party two to the interview room (approximately ten minutes before the ceremony, or after party one has been interviewed)
- be available to escort party two to the ceremony room, ready to make their entrance
At the start of the ceremony
- give a nod or other indication to the registrar when party two is ready to make their entrance
During the ceremony
- be present and visible to the registrars during the ceremony, in case of any arising issues