Care leavers: your health and development

Find out how we can support you to be active, take care of yourself, and stay healthy, as you move into adulthood.

Your health and wellbeing matter to us. When we talk about your health, we don’t just mean exercising and eating vegetables (although this is an important part of staying healthy!). Health also covers things like how you feel about yourself, how you manage your emotions, whether you have good sexual health and whether you know where to go for support with your health if you are struggling. There are different services available to care leavers in North Yorkshire, some are provided by leaving care and others are accessed through your GP but either way, your leaving care worker will be able to signpost you to the right support.

Health information

You will be given a health summary document when you leave care. This will be completed by a nurse, usually the one you knew when you were looked after, and you can meet with them to receive this document and help you understand the information it may have. It will give you a summary of things that are available in your health records. Health information like your blood type, dates of your immunisations and the name of your GP and any other significant health information you need to be aware of. If you don’t want it at this time it will be kept on your medical records at your GPs for you to get at any time in the future.


We understand how frustrating it can be when you are unable to register with an NHS dentist. As a care leaver we can help you get a dentist. Ask your worker about the flexible commissioning scheme for dentists. However if this isn’t working we will support you to travel to a neighbouring NHS dentist if the one closest to you has no vacancies. If there isn’t a neighbouring NHS dentist available in what we would consider a reasonable distance we will ensure you receive essential treatment as soon as possible and support you with getting there.

Eye care and opticians

Your eyesight is really important to you, and us, and we will help you book regular eye tests.

Keeping fit

As a care leaver in North Yorkshire, there are various arrangements with North Yorkshire Council leisure providers you can take advantage of, usually from aged 16 until you are 25. To access these please speak with your worker who will be able to organise a pass for you.

You can usually access all swimming, gym, and sometimes fitness classes free in council leisure centres and affiliated centres and for every active centre in North Yorkshire and in other areas across the country.

Always here

We also have an arrangement with York Sport for care leavers living in York.

We are always here so our care leavers in North Yorkshire have someone to turn to if you need any help or advice, or simply you just want to have a chat or tell someone what you have achieved.

Always here is different from having a named worker in the team. There will be no pathway plans and no regular meetings. This support will be available for you when you need it. We would rather young people leave us when they are ready rather than us leaving you.

If you feel like it will benefit you call, text, WhatsApp or email your last worker or you can contact any of our teams on the duty number. We also love hearing positive news from you so if you’ve had a baby, passed your driving test or got a new job we'd love to hear about that too. We will be on hand to offer information, advice and guidance when things go wrong or those times in life when you reach a bump in the road and just need someone to talk to about it.

Always here is available after you reach 25.

How does keeping in touch work

Up to age 21, we will proactively keep in contact with you, at least every two months and sometimes much more.

After 21 it’s up to you if you want us to be in regular contact.  If you do we will meet with you regularly and also make sure we regularly update your pathway plan together.

If at 21 you just want to contact us under always here as and when you want to, without a pathway plan you are welcome to, and we won’t allocate a particular worker to keep in touch.

Other services in North Yorkshire

Primary Health Needs - Your GP will continue to be your main contact for your primary health needs and any general health problems. You can find your local GP service on the NHS website.

For health emergencies and emergency treatment, you will need to go to your local accident and emergency department or ring 999 and ask for an ambulance. For non-emergencies you can call the NHS 111 service for advice and signposting.

Addiction support - Horizons provides drug and alcohol services within the North Yorkshire Area and you can self-refer to the service using the North Yorkshire Horizons website.

Your leaving care  Worker can also complete a full referral with you if you would prefer.

Sexual Health - Sexual health is an important part of physical and mental health and wellbeing. In North Yorkshire, we have an integrated sexual health service called ‘YorSexualHealth’. All sexual health clinics in North Yorkshire offer a full range of sexual health and contraceptive services. You can access advice and book appointments by phoning 01904 721111 or visiting the YorSexualHealth website. You can also speak to your leaving care worker, or worker on duty in your area, who can provide you with free condoms and arrange for you to get advice, support or emergency treatment.