Spatial framework: a vision for growth

The Local Authorities across York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull (YNYERH) have recognised the need to develop a broad framework that sets out an agreed view as to how sustainable growth could be facilitated across the sub-region over the medium to longer term, for instance, towards 2050 and beyond the current suite of Local Plans.

The spatial framework is a non-statutory document that outlines the vision and priorities for growth and the overall spatial strategy for the area.


Connected, distinctive and thriving towns and cities will help drive growth and support a successful, sustainable future for current and future generations. Whether living in a city, market town or in the countryside we want to support and deliver a better quality of life for people in the YNYERH area – through our approach to growth and infrastructure planning.

Three sectoral priorities have been identified: Digital, Environment and Transport.

The Spatial Framework will bring a number of benefits. It will:

  • support better infrastructure delivery with the achievement of greater levels of sustainable economic growth
  • >provide a stronger case for investment, helping to make the spatial case for external funding for infrastructure investment where this is required to support growth
  • demonstrate more proactive collaboration across all the partner Local Authorities enabling them to work more effectively and efficiently in preparing and delivering their Local Plans and providing the market with more confidence to invest and grow

The Spatial Framework provides an overall direction and coherence for the future of the YNYERH area whilst retaining the space and discretion for Local Plans to make their own allocations for development that take into account local sustainability, viability, political and community factors.

 Spatial plan - a vision for growth (pdf / 4 MB)