Whitby Harbour contacts

Useful numbers and information.

Whitby Marina Office

Tel: 01947 600165
VHF: Channel 11

Port Control

Situated on the Fish Quay and manned 24 hours
Tel: 01947 602272
VHF: Channel 11

Whitby Harbour office

Endeavour Wharf
YO21 1DN

Tel: 01947 602354
Fax: 08701 911327

Email: portservices.sca@northyorks.gov.uk


Coastguard: Humber 01262 672317 (Operations - manned 24 hrs)
Police: 101
Whitby Hospital: 01947 604851
Doctor: Whitby Group Practice 01947 820888
Dentist: Whitby Dental Clinic 01947 824248

Local information

Diesel: W Eves & Co 01947 602255
Chandlery: Coates Marine 01947 604486

Contact North Yorkshire Council