Sport and active travel programme

The sport and active travel programme has now closed to new applications.

Over £800,000 has now been committed to 49 projects which aim to:

  • increase the participation in sports in traditionally harder to reach communities, including:
    • culturally diverse communities
    • those on low incomes or living in areas of deprivation
    • people with long term health conditions
    • people with a disability
    • people in rural areas
    • children and young people
  • ensure the longevity of vital sporting facilities in the local area and helping them to expand their current user base

If you wish to explore further funding avenues outside of UK Shared Prosperity Fund, you can get in touch with North Yorkshire Sport who work with partners across health and physical activity, in the charity, public and private sector to help create happy and thriving communities that mean people are living more healthily for longer in a fairer, more equal society. You can contact them through

To see the organisations and projects funded by UKSPF in North Yorkshire, please visit our approved projects page.