Our transport assistance may not be the cheapest option. You should investigate public transport fares and speak to your sixth form or college before applying.
When to apply
You can apply for transport assistance from the end of May but you should submit your application before 31 July in order to receive your pass before the start of term. Where your child is not entitled to assistance through the North Yorkshire Council Post 16 transport policy (pdf / 403 KB), you will also find out in advance of the start of term so you can make alternative arrangements.
If you have an Education Health Care Plan and need transport other than a pass, these applications should be received before 30 June.
If you apply partway through the year the contribution is still chargeable, if you apply after 31 October the amount may be charged pro-rata. However, if you had a valid pass the previous year/s on the service you are applying for, you will be charged full price.
A valid pass must be carried for each occasion a journey is undertaken. If found to be travelling without a valid pass a charge will be issued for the full cost of the pass for the academic year. You will not be able to use our services in the future until the charge has been paid in full.
Apply and pay
Apply for transport assistance to sixth form or college here
Contact us if you need help completing the application form.
We currently only accept payment online by direct debit. Payment details will be taken during application and you will be given the option to pay the full amount or by monthly direct debits. The first payment is taken in October, with the final payment taken in June. Payment instalments and dates will differ if you apply after September. Payment will only be taken if your application is successful and if the student is not exempt from paying.
Contact us if you wish to apply and pay by credit or debit card.
By applying for transport assistance you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and the post 16 transport policy statement (pdf / 403 KB).
What happens after applying?
It may take up to four weeks to process your application and you will have to pay for your travel until you receive the pass. If your application is unsuccessful you will be advised within the same timescale.
Bus routes
Visit our timetable information page to check which buses serve your area and when.