Selby development plan

We have a number of adopted local plans that form the development plan for the district.

These are:

Selby district core strategy local plan (2013)
Selby district local plan (2005)
 Saved policies direction and schedule (pdf / 1 MB)
 Status of the Selby district local plan 2005 policies (pdf / 124 KB)

There are also a number of documents that form the development plan these are:

Adopted neighbourhood plans which you can see on our neighbourhood planning page.

Community infrastructure levy

East inshore and offshore marine plan

Minerals and waste joint plan 2015-2030

 Policy E8 of the North Yorkshire structure plan (page 53) (pdf / 6 MB)

Supplementary planning documents (SPD) and other guidance

Supplementary planning documents are capable of being a material consideration in planning decisions but are not part of the development plan.

Supplementary planning documents/other guidance

Emerging plans

New local plan

Neighbourhood plans

Archived plans

Historical (archived) plans