Like all councils, we are a not-for-profit organisation. Our focus is to provide children and young people with safe and nurturing homes.
By choosing to foster with us, you will join a community made up of North Yorkshire foster carers and staff – ready to help, support and guide you on your fostering journey.
Being a foster carer is an extraordinary role for ordinary people; providing children and young people with the love, care and stability of family life to help them flourish.
Many looked after children have not had the positive family experience that most children experience but all it takes is one foster carer to make that difference – a difference that will last a lifetime.
By becoming a carer with Fostering North Yorkshire you would be giving local children a safe and loving home and a brighter future.
The fact that we place local children in the local areas that they know and love, they have a greater chance of success.
Like all councils, we are a not-for-profit organisation. We might not be able to compete with other independent agencies in terms of the financial packages available. However, it is our years of expertise, passionate and dedicated staff and support to our local fostering communities that helps us stand out for the right reasons.
Our carers represent our communities and come from a range of backgrounds – so too do our staff who support them. Read more about who can foster.

What is fostering?

Types of fostering

Steps to fostering

Can I foster?

Who can I foster?

Fostering support and payments

Fostering events

Private fostering

No Wrong Door

Fostering true stories

Fostering questions and myths
Want to keep in touch?
We run regular fostering information session events, which are a great way to chat with our team over a cuppa and ask any questions you may have.
Facebook: Fostering North Yorkshire on Facebook