1.1 General
1.1.1 The adaptation works eligible for assistance will be those listed under section 23 (1) of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996, as follows.
1.2 Access to the Dwelling
1.2.1 Works eligible for assistance may include:
i) Ramped access to main entrance door for wheelchair use; widened or shallower steps to main entrance door or a step lift;
ii) Widened entrance door for wheelchair use;
iii) Resurfaced or re-graded path to entrance door;
iv) Alterations to secondary entrance door/patio window to provide access to rear garden/yard where access cannot easily be gained via the adapted main entrance and drive/side path;
v) Structural alterations required to allow installation of stair lift, through floor lift or step lift equipment.
1.3 Making the dwelling safe
1.3.1 Works eligible for assistance may include:
i) Works to provide means of escape from fire (usually to flats);
ii) Provision of guards or cladding etc; to prevent persons with behavioural problems harming themselves;
iii) Specialised glazing or shades to windows to protect occupants with a medical condition which make them sensitive to sunlight;
iv) Repairing defective stairs or floors etc which are hazardous
1.4 Access to principal family room
1.4.1 Works eligible for assistance may include:
i) Widened doorway for wheelchair access;
ii) Provision and installation of stair lift/through-floor lift equipment and structural alterations required to allow installation, if the principal living room is on an upper floor;
iii) Widened doorway in entrance hall to access principal family room for wheelchair use;
1.5 Access to sleeping room
1.5.1 Works eligible for assistance may include:
i) Provision and installation of stair lift/through-floor lift equipment and structural alterations required to allow the installation, where access is required to a bedroom or room suitable for sleeping which is above ground floor level;
ii) Conversion of a ground floor room into a bedroom; Widened doorway for wheelchair access to sleeping room;
iii) Construction of bedroom extension (see notes on extensions);
iv) Strengthened ceiling and/or preparation works for ceiling track hoist, where hoist is to be provided by North Yorkshire County Council Adult & Community Services.
1.6 Access to WC
1.6.1 Works eligible for assistance may include:
i) Provision of a WC where one does not exist.
ii) Provision and installation of stair lift/through-floor lift equipment and structural alterations required to allow the installation, where access is required to a WC above ground floor level;
iii) Strengthened ceiling and/or preparation works for ceiling track hoist, where hoist is to be provided by North Yorkshire County Council Adult & Community Services i
iv) Repositioning WC to facilitate access by wheelchair user;
v) Raised/lowered WC pan;
vi) Provision of grab rails;
vii) Provision of ground floor WC where upper floor cannot be accessed;
viii) Widened doorway for wheelchair access;
ix) Extension for a WC (see notes on extensions).
1.7 Access to bathing facilities
1.7.1 Works which may be eligible for assistance include:
i) Provision and installation of stair lift/through-floor lift equipment and structural alterations required to allow the installation, where access is required to an existing bathroom above ground floor level;
ii) Provision of bath or shower for the first time;
iii) Provision of shower (thermostatically controlled) over a bath, including necessary curtain, tiles and grab rail;
iv) Replacement of bath with shower facility;
v) Replacement of shower with a bath;
vi) Provision of bath and shower where there are 2 or more disabled occupants with differing needs;
vii) Provision of bathroom extension (see notes on extensions);
viii) Relocation of bath/shower to facilitate use by wheelchair user;
x) Strengthened ceiling and/or preparation works for ceiling track hoist, where hoist is to be provided by North Yorkshire County Council Adult & Community Services;
xi) Widened doorway for wheelchair access;
xii) Provision of fixed seat/grab rails;
xiii) Non-slip/sloping floor to create shower facility
1.8 Access to wash basin
1.8.1 A wash-hand basin will normally be provided in the same room as the WC. Works to provide access may include:
i) Relocation of wash-hand basin to facilitate use by wheelchair user;
ii) Replacement of wash-hand basin with more suitable type e.g. replace vanity unit with wall fixed wash-hand basin;
iii) Replacement of taps with lever taps in association with above
1.9 Access to kitchen facilities
1.9.1 The extent of adaptation work in a kitchen should be related to the extent of cooking and food preparation normally undertaken by the disabled person.
1.9.2 Works which may be eligible for assistance include:
i) Rearrangement of kitchen fittings/appliances to facilitate their use;
ii) Enlargement of the kitchen if it is too small to allow its safe use by wheelchair user;
iii) Adapted work-top/storage unit for wheelchair user;
iv) Adapted doorway for wheelchair user;
v) Widened doorway for wheelchair user
1.10 Access to power, light and heat
1.10.1 Works which may be eligible for assistance include:
i) Relocating power points to make them accessible;
ii) Adaptation of heating/lighting controls to make them accessible;
iii) Replacement of solid fuel fire with other heating appliance in living/sleeping rooms normally used by a disabled occupant;
iv) Improvement of inadequate heating in living/sleeping rooms normally used by disabled occupant;
ii) Provision of central heating
1.11 Access to permit care for other persons
1.11.1 Where the disabled occupant cares for other persons e.g. spouse, young children or elderly relatives who are normally resident in the dwelling, works may be provided to other rooms in the dwelling to allow the disabled person access to care for those persons, including:
i) Provision and installation of stair lift/through-floor lift equipment and structural alterations required to allow the installation, where the disabled person lives on the ground floor but needs access to bedrooms;
ii) Widened doorways to bedrooms of those being cared for by disabled, wheelchair user
1.12 Access to the garden
1.12.1 In deciding the extent of providing access to the rear garden, the following will be taken into account.
i) Grant assistance will not be given where there is already access to the garden but grant assistance may be given to improve an existing access to make it safe for the disabled occupant to use. It does not include extending an existing access for example, creating a side access so a person can also go around the side of a house.
ii) Generally, the most modest solution for providing access to both the house and the garden will be considered and this can mean that one access may be sufficient to access both the house and the garden.
iii) Where homes have communal gardens, for example, blocks of flats served by a single access, grants will not normally be provided for an individual access to the garden unless it can be demonstrated that because of the disabled persons condition the travel distance to the garden would be excessive and unreasonable.