The Pannal and Burn Bridge neighbourhood plan was made (adopted) by North Yorkshire Council on 13 November 2024.
The neighbourhood plan now forms part of the statutory development plan for North Yorkshire and its policies will be used to determine applications for planning permission, alongside other development plan policies, in the neighbourhood area.
The plan was prepared by Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council and the neighbourhood area comprises the parish of Pannal and Burn Bridge.
Progress against key milestones during plan preparation is detailed below.
November 2024: Neighbourhood Plan Made
Following consideration by the council’s Executive on 5 November, the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan was made (adopted) by Full Council on 13 November 2024.
The made neighbourhood plan and the Regulation 19 Decision Statement are available to view:
Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan 2021-2035 (Made November 2024) (pdf / 10 MB)
Regulation 19 Decision Statement Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan (pdf / 147 KB)
The following documents prepared to support the plan are also available:
Basic conditions statement (pdf / 617 KB)
Basic conditions statement appendices 1-3 (pdf / 1 MB)
Basic conditions statement appendices 4: SEA/HRA screening report (pdf / 480 KB)
Consultation statement including appendices (pdf / 11 MB)
Pannal and Burn Bridge Design Codes AECOM (pdf / 15 MB)
Equality impact assessment: Pannal and Burn Bridge neighbourhood plan (pdf / 232 KB)
October 2024: Neighbourhood plan referendum
A referendum took place on 3 October. Electors in the Pannal and Burn Bridge parish were asked:
Do you want North Yorkshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Pannal and Burn Bridge to help decide on planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
A majority of the votes cast were in favour.
The detailed results can be viewed on the Neighbourhood Planning Referendums page.
In-line with national planning guidance, following the positive result at referendum the neighbourhood plan has now come into force as part of the statutory development plan and will be used to determine planning applications in the parish.
North Yorkshire Council will now arrange for the plan to be formally ‘made’ (adopted) part of the statutory development plan. Further updates will be added to this page in due course.
July 2024: Examiner’s report and Regulation 18 Decision Statement
The examination of the submitted Pannal and Burn Bridge neighbourhood plan took place between August 2023 and April 2024 and was conducted by written representations.
On 16 July 2024, the council’s executive agreed that as modified (recommended by the examiner in the examiner’s report) the plan meets basic conditions, can proceed to referendum and that the voting area for the referendum should be the neighbourhood area designated by the former Harrogate Borough Council on 10 August 2017 (the parish of Pannal and Burn Bridge).
North Yorkshire Council is required to publish a Decision Statement which confirms the council’s position on the neighbourhood plan. The council’s executive agreed to publish the Decision Statement which can be viewed here (pdf / 526 KB).
The next stage is for the council to arrange for a referendum on the neighbourhood plan to take place. The referendum version of the Pannal and Burn Bridge neighbourhood plan is available to view below:
Details of the referendum, including the date it will be held will be provided in due course.
26 March 2024: Summary of representations received during further consultation and parish council response
Following the further consultation Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council was invited to respond to any of the representations received. You can find a summary of the issues raised and the parish council response (pdf / 343 KB). This has been forwarded to the examiner for consideration.
31 January 2024: Further consultation on the proposed Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan
We are carrying out a further consultation on the proposal for a Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan.
The consultation is taking place from Wednesday 31 January to 4.30pm on Wednesday 28 February 2024.
The consultation relates to the Pannal and Burn Bridge Design Code document and the neighbourhood plan policies that it supports. Comments are also sought on whether the publication of a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 20 December 2023 has any implications for whether the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions.
Further information about the consultation, including how to take part and where consultation documents can be viewed, is available on our Harrogate area planning policy consultation portal.
All representations received during this consultation will be considered by an independent examiner as part of the ongoing examination of the plan. Representations made during the initial consultation (April to May 2023) are still valid and do not need to be submitted again. These will be ‘rolled over’ automatically and considered alongside any new representations.
20 December 2023: Examiner update - Publication of new National Planning Policy Framework
Following the publication of updated national planning policies in a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the examiner has written to North Yorkshire Council and Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council in relation to the scope of the upcoming further consultation.
The examiner advises that the consultation should also seek views on whether the publication of the new NPPF has any implications for whether the neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions.
Examination update 20 December 2023 (pdf / 314 KB)
Further information about this consultation is set out in the 9 November 2023 update below.
9 November 2023: Examiner update and further consultation
The examiner has written to North Yorkshire Council and Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council to provide an update on progress with the examination.
The examiner advises that a further focussed consultation should be carried out to seek views on the Pannal and Burn Bridge Design Codes document and the policies it supports.
The consultation will take place shortly and further information will added to this webpage.
Please register on the Harrogate area planning policy consultation portal and we will tell you when the consultation starts. If you are already registered to receive Harrogate area consultation notifications you do not need to re-register. People who submitted representations to our previous consultation (April to June 2023) will be notified automatically.
Examination Update 9 November 2023 (pdf / 24 KB)
9 October 2023: Responses to questions of clarification
North Yorkshire Council and Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council have both responded to the Updated Examiner Questions of Clarification. Their responses, including further documents submitted to the Examiner, are available here:
Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council Response to Questions of Clarification (pdf / 2 MB)
Pannal and Burn Bridge Design Codes AECOM (pdf / 15 MB)
North Yorkshire Council Response to Questions of Clarification (pdf / 4 MB)
Pannal Conservation Area Appraisal (pdf / 5 MB)
19 September 2023: Updated questions of clarification
Following a visit to the area, the Examiner has added further queries to the Questions of Clarification. An updated version of the Questions of Clarification is available to view:
Updated Examiner Questions of Clarification 19 September 2023 (pdf / 160 KB)
15 September 2023: Examiner update and questions of clarification
The Examiner has written to North Yorkshire Council and Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council to provide an update on progress with the examination:
Examination Update 15 September 2023 (pdf / 1005 KB)
Alongside the update the Examiner has provided Questions of Clarification for both councils to respond to as appropriate:
Examiner Questions of Clarification 15 September 2023 (pdf / 154 KB)
10 August 2023: Response to Examination Note 1
North Yorkshire Council has submitted further information in response to the examiner’s request in Examination Note 1: NYC Response to Examination Note 1.
7 August 2023: Commencement of examination
The independent examination of the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan has now started.
The examiner has provided an Information Note setting out how the examination will be conducted: Examination Note 1. The note also seeks further information from the local planning authority, North Yorkshire Council.
July 2023: Neighbourhood Plan examiner appointed
Ann Skippers MRTPI has been appointed to conduct an independent examination of the proposed Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan and prepare a written report with recommendations.
The examination is expected to begin in August 2023.
All representations received during the Regulation 16 consultation on the proposed plan in April/May 2023 have been forwarded to the examiner for consideration, along with the neighbourhood plan and other consultation documents. The representations and consultation documents can be viewed on the Harrogate Area Planning Policy Consultation Portal.
Following the consultation Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council was invited to respond to any of the representations received. A summary of the issues raised and the parish council response is available to view (pdf / 895 KB). This has been forwarded to the examiner for consideration.
May 2023: Consultation extended
We are extending the current (Regulation 16) consultation on the proposed Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan. The consultation will now end at 11.59pm on Friday 2 June.
April/May 2023: Consultation on a proposed Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan
We are consulting on a proposal for a Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan.
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 the consultation is taking place to bring the plan proposal to the attention of those who live, work or carry on business in the parish and to allow any interest parties to make representations.
The consultation is taking place from Monday 17 April to 11.59pm on Wednesday 31 May 2023.
The proposed neighbourhood plan, supporting documents and ‘further information about the consultation’, including how to take part and where documents can be viewed, is available on our Harrogate area planning policy consultation portal.
Following the consultation we will facilitate an independent examination of the plan. All representations received during this consultation will be sent to an independent examiner who will consider them as part of their examination. Further information about the independent examination will be added to this page following the consultation.
December 2022: Neighbourhood plan submitted to the local planning authority
Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council has successfully submitted a neighbourhood plan and supporting documents to us.
As the local planning authority (LPA) we will arrange a six week consultation on the documents. The comments received will form the basis of an independent examination of the plan.
This consultation will take place shortly and further information will added to our website.
If you wish to be notified when the consultation starts please register on our consultation portal: If you are already registered to receive planning policy consultation notifications you do not need to re-register.
April 2022: Consultation on the Pannal and Burn Bridge neighbourhood plan pre-submission version (Regulation 14)
Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council is consulting on a pre-submission version of their emerging neighbourhood plan. The consultation relates to regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. Comments will be used to refine the plan before it is submitted to Harrogate Borough Council.
The consultation is taking place from Friday 22 April to 5pm on Friday 3 June 2022.
The pre-submission version of the plan and accompanying proposals map, as well as a Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening are available to view below:
Pannal and Burn Bridge neighbourhood plan draft SEA screening (pdf / 142 KB)
Further information about the consultation, including how to make comments, is available on the parish council website at alongside all consultation material including the documents above.
How to make comments and where to view paper copies of documents is also set out in a further information document supplied by the parish council, available below:
Regulation 14 consultation further information (pdf / 556 KB)
August 2017: Neighbourhood area designation
We have formally designated a Pannal and Burn Bridge neighbourhood area following an application from Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council. The parish council will now begin to develop a neighbourhood plan with the local community.
Documents relating to the designation can be viewed below:
Pannal and Burn Bridge decision notice 10 August 2017 (pdf / 90 KB)
Pannal and Burn Bridge Cabinet member report 10 August 2017 (pdf / 189 KB)
Pannal and Burn Bridge application supporting statement 10 August 2017 (pdf / 837 KB)