As this is a formal stage of consultation (for instance, with procedures governed by planning regulations) all responses need to be in written form and from a named individual (for instance, no anonymous responses). We encourage all responses to be made via our consultation portal. It is easy to register and submit responses and ensures that you will be kept up to date with what is happening on the development plan document.
The New Settlement (Maltkiln) development plan document is published in order for representations to be made prior to submission of the development plan document to the Secretary of State for examination. The representations will be considered alongside the published development plan document when it is examined by an independent Planning Inspector. The purpose of the examination is to consider whether the development plan document complies with the legal requirements, the duty to cooperate and is sound.
To help present your comments in the best way for the inspector to consider them, a standard comment form has been created for you to complete and return. We ask that you use this form because it structures your response in the way in which the inspector will consider comments at the public examination. Using the form to submit your comments also means that you can register your interest in speaking at the examination.
Please read the guidance notes carefully before completing the form.
Please fill in a separate form for each issue/representation you wish to make.
What can I make comments on?
You can make representations on any part of the publication draft of the New Settlement (Maltkiln) development plan document and its supporting documents, which include the Sustainability Appraisal; Habitat Regulations Assessment and the Equality Analysis Report. Comments may also refer to the justification and evidence in the supporting technical papers. The purpose of this consultation is for you to tell us whether you think the plan is legally compliant and ‘sound’.
Do I have to use the response form?
Yes, please. This is because further changes to the development plan document will be a matter for a Planning Inspector to consider and providing responses in a consistent format is important. For this reason, all responses should use this consultation response form. Please be as succinct as possible. You can upload additional evidence to support your case, but please ensure that it is clearly referenced. It will be a matter for the Inspector to invite additional evidence in advance of, or during the Public Examination. If you prefer not to use the portal: hard copies of the response form can be collected from the main council offices and the district’s libraries. However you choose to respond, please ensure that you include your name and address with your comments.
Can I use the online form to submit representations on behalf of a group or neighbourhood?
Yes, you can. Where there are groups who share a common view on how they wish to see the development plan document modified, it would be very helpful for that group to send a single representation that represents that view, rather than for a large number of individuals to send in separate representations that repeat the same points. In such cases the group should indicate how many people it is representing; a list of their names and addresses, and how the representation has been agreed for example, via a parish council/action group meeting; signing a petition etc. The representations should still be submitted on this standard form and there is an option to upload additional information in question 6.
Question 4(1) - What does 'legally compliant' mean?
Legally compliant means asking whether or not the development plan document has been prepared in line with statutory regulations; the duty to cooperate; and legal procedural requirements such as the Sustainability Appraisal (SA). Details of how the development plan document has been prepared are set out in the published Consultation Statements and the Duty to Cooperate Statement.
Question 4(2) - What does ‘soundness’ mean?
Soundness may be considered in this context within its ordinary meaning of ‘fit for purpose’ and ‘showing good judgement’. The Inspector will use the Public Examination process to explore and investigate the development plan document against the National Planning Policy Framework’s four ‘test of soundness’ as listed in question three. The scope of the Public Examination will be set by taking into consideration the key issues raised by responses received and other matters the Inspector considers to be relevant.
Question 8 - Do I need to attend the Public Examination?
You can indicate whether at this stage you consider there is a need to present your representation at a hearing session during the Public Examination. You should note that Inspectors do not give any more weight to issues presented in person than written evidence. The Inspector will use his/her own discretion in regard to who participates at the Public Examination. All examination hearings will be open to the public.