Minerals and waste joint plan examination

The examination of the minerals and waste joint plan is now complete.

Examination of minerals and waste joint plan

The examination of the minerals and waste joint plan is now complete. The authorities received the  Inspectors report (pdf / 591 KB) and appendix of approved  Main Modifications (pdf / 2 MB) on 4 February 2022. The Inspector's report found the minerals and waste joint plan and supporting documents sound. Each of the three authorities can now progress and adopt the minerals and waste joint plan.


North Yorkshire County Council adopted the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan at a Full Council meeting held on 16 February 2022. An  adoption statement (pdf / 436 KB) has been issued under Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended). The North York Moors National Park Authority adopted the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan on 21 March 2022 and the City of York Council adopted the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan on 27 April 2022.

The Adopted Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and accompanying documents can be viewed below in the Examination Library, these documents now replace the 'saved' policies in the North Yorkshire County Council Minerals Local Plan 1997 and 'saved' policies in the North Yorkshire County Council Waste Local Plan 2006. The adopted documents are available to view below in the Examination Library.

Please monitor this page for further updates.

News updates

Date of news News
16 February 2022 North Yorkshire County Council adopted the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan at a Full Council meeting held on 16 February 2022. An  adoption statement (pdf / 436 KB) has been issued. The Adopted Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and accompanying documents can be viewed below in the Examination Library, these documents now replace the 'saved' policies in the North Yorkshire County Council Minerals Local Plan 1997 and 'saved' policies in the North Yorkshire County Council Waste Local Plan 2006. The adopted documents are available to view below in the Examination Library.
4 February 2022 The examination of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan is now complete. The Authorities received the  Inspectors Report (pdf / 591 KB) and Appendix of approved  Main Modifications (pdf / 2 MB) on 4 February 2022. The Inspectors report found the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and supporting documents sound. Each of the three Authorities can now progress and adopt the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.
20 October 2021 The Main Modifications consultation closed on 15 September 2021. A report of all of the responses has been compiled and is available to view in the Examination Library below in the Main Modification Section as  LPA127 Main Modifications Consultation Responses Report (pdf / 915 KB). This has now been sent to the Inspector for consideration.
21 July 2020 A Schedule of Main Modifications to the Publication document and accompanying documents have been produced and consultation will take place between 21 July 2021 and 5pm on 15 September 2021. The documents and response forms are available in the Examination Library below in the Main Modifications section.
20 October 2020 Work is still progressing on the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment which accompany the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. Once this work is complete the documents will be sent to the Inspector before a period of public consultation will take place. The Authorities' hope to be able to commence consultation on the Main Modifications to the Joint Plan in the near future.
26 February 2020 Work is currently being carried out on finalising the Main Modifications table and supporting documents. Once this work is complete the documents will be sent to the Inspector before a period of public consultation will take place. The public consultation is currently expected to take place during late spring or early summer and will be for a minimum of six weeks. If there is any change to the timetable an update will be provided on this webpage.
16 October 2019 Responses received in relation to the consultation on the High Court Judgement are available to view below in the Responses to consultation on High Court Judgement which quashed paragraph 209a in NPPF section. The  Authorities response, LPA/102 (pdf / 513 KB) and  Inspectors response INS/16 (pdf / 499 KB) to the Authorities response are also available to view in this location.
19 June 2019

On 6 March a High Court Judgment was released relating to a challenge to paragraph 209(a) of the National Planning Policy Framework July 2018, which deals with on-shore gas development. Parties were given time to consider the judgment and what consequential remedies should be before the final order was made on 14 May 2019. The Order of 14 May 2019 declared the Secretary of State's decision of 24 July 2018 to adopt paragraph 209(a) of the revised Framework unlawful, and quashed it.

The Inspector is inviting the Mineral Planning Authorities and any interested parties who so wish to comment on the High Court Judgement and Order and the implications for the joint plan. The documents are available to view in Examination documents as  INS/12 (pdf / 334 KB) - High Court Judgment 6 March 2019,  INS/13 (pdf / 53 KB) - Order to quash para 209(a) NPPF,  INS/14 (pdf / 270 KB) - Consultation from Inspector Ord on High Court Judgement outcome June 2019, and  INS/15  (pdf / 72 KB) - Ministerial Statement relating to change in NPPF following High Court Judgement.

8 February 2019 Action Point 7 in  LPA/100 (pdf / 80 KB) - Table of Action Points following hearings on 24 and 25 January stated that Industry would supply the layers for their interactive map to the Authorities so that the Authorities could provide comments on the map by 15 February, Action Point 8. The date for providing comments on the map has been extended until 22 February.
1 February 2019 In response to the action points from the Hearing Sessions held on the 24 and 25 January 2019 an updated Schedule of Main Modifications ( LPA/102 (pdf / 1 MB)) and Schedule of Additional Changes ( LPA/104 (pdf / 675 KB)) with accompanying maps ( LPA/103 (pdf / 5 MB)) along with additional documents from Industry who have provided a briefing note on the Interactive Map displayed during the hearings ( OTH/12 (pdf / 78 KB)) and a note and photos showing the stages of development for hydraulic fracturing ( OTH/13 (pdf / 1 MB)) have been added under 'Additional information following hearings which took place on 24 and 25 January 2019' below.
28 January 2019 During the hearing sessions on 24 and 25 January 2019 the Inspector asked for several pieces of further information to be provided. A table of action points has been produced ( LPA/100 (pdf / 80 KB)) which details the information and actions required. This and any additional information provided following the hearings will be available under 'Additional information following hearings which took place on 24 and 25 January 2019' below.
22 January 2019 The Inspector has decided to include potash safeguarding as part of the hearing sessions on the 24 and 25 January 2019 and it will be discussed on the morning of the 25 January 2019. An updated list of questions and agenda has been added to the Inspectors documents as  INS/11) (pdf / 118 KB)
14 January 2019 The responses to the inspector's questions for the additional hearing days on 24 and 25 January 2019 are available to view in the examination library below.
16 November 2018 The authorities submitted their  response to the written ministerial statement for shale gas (LPA97) (pdf / 326 KB),  a summary of responses from other parties to the written ministerial statement for sale gas (LPA98) (pdf / 448 KB) and a  summary of responses from other parties to select committee on planning guidance on fracking (LPA99) (pdf / 400 KB).
6 July 2018 On 5 July 2018 a select committee report was published relating to planning guidance on fracking which needs to be taken into consideration by the minerals and waste joint plan. The Inspector has invited those who participated in recent examination hearings to comment on the select committee report and its implications for the joint plan. The select committee report is available to view in the examination documents as  INS/10 - Select committee report on planning guidance on fracking - 5 July 2018 (pdf / 509 KB).
23 May 2018 On 17 May 2018 a written ministerial statement was published relating to shale gas which needs to be taken into consideration by the minerals and waste joint plan. The inspector has invited those who participated in the recent examination hearings to comment on the ministerial statement and its implications for the joint plan. The written ministerial statement is available to view in the examination documents as  INS/09 - written ministerial statement - shale gas - 17 May 2018 (pdf / 130 KB).
12 April 2018 A table of proposed main modifications ( LPA/90 (pdf / 443 KB)), accompanying action point list ( LPA/91 (pdf / 443 KB)) and additional papers are available to view under the examination documents section below ahead of the hearing session which is taking place tomorrow.
4 April 2018 A group of additional statements from other parties have been submitted to the inspector for consideration before the additional hearing session on 13 April. These documents are available in the hearing statements section below under matter 1 hydrocarbons and then additional statements on hydrocarbons for 13 April 2018.
23 March 2018 The inspector has issued an agenda for the additional hearing session on Friday 13 April 2018. This is available in the list of documents from the inspector as  INS/08 (pdf / 41 KB) under the examination documents section.
19 March 2018 The inspector has issued an agenda for the hearing session on Friday 23 March 2018. This is available in the list of documents from the inspector as  INS/06 (pdf / 8 KB) under the examination documents section.
19 March 2018 There will now be a second washup session to be held on Friday 13 April 2018. Please note that this is different from the date originally suggested in the hearing session on Thursday 15 March.
16 March 2018 The examination library has been updated with notes requested by the inspector to assist in her site visit to Whitewall Quarry.
2 March 2018 The hearing session for today is complete so there will be no session this afternoon.
28 February 2018 The hearing session for today is complete so there will be no session this afternoon.
22 February 2018 A revised programme for the hearings is available in the list of documents from the inspector as  INS/05 (pdf / 75 KB) under the examination documents section.
22 February 2018 A replacement version of the authorities response to 'Matter 1 - concreting sand and gravel' has been added to the hearing statements, as the main modification detailed in question 17 was not included in the main modifications table in the appendix.
14 February 2018 The responses received to the inspectors matters, issues and questions are available to view in the hearing statements section of this web page.
26 January 2018 A new version of the  matters, issues and questions (pdf / 349 KB) has been published to correct a typographical error in Question 87.
23 January 2018 A new version of the  matters, issues and questions (pdf / 253 KB) has been published to correct a typographical error in Question 81.
19 January 2018 The inspector has issued a series of  matters, issues and questions (pdf / 350 KB) and a  draft programme (pdf / 59 KB) for the hearing sessions. These documents are available in the examination documents section below. The closing date and time for responses to the matters, issues and questions is 5pm on 12 February 2018. The hearings are due to start on Tuesday 27 February 2018 at 10am and further details are provided in the draft programme.
12 January 2018 The inspector has issued an  initial letter (pdf / 180 KB) and  briefing note (pdf / 187 KB). She hopes to issue her matters and questions and draft programme for the examination hearings shortly.
12 January 2018 The local authorities have published a  formal notification (pdf / 71 KB) of the examination in public of the minerals and waste joint plan.

Where to view documents

A number of documents associated with the minerals and waste joint plan can be viewed online in the examination library below. Alternatively, you can view paper copies in person.

Viewing paper documents in person

Paper copies of the main minerals and waste joint plan documents are available for inspection at the offices listed below

Planning authority offices

  • 3 Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, DL7 8AH please contact us
  • City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA. Please email YCC@york.gov.uk or call 01904 552255
  • North York Moors National Park Authority, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, YO62 5BP. Please call 01439 772700

Viewing paper copies

Paper copies of these documents can be made available to inspect by prior arrangement only by contacting the Authorities using the contact details above.

Examination library

The examination library contains documents which support the minerals and waste joint plan and have been used as reference documents during the 'examination in public'. It also lists documents related to the examination and has been updated as the examination progressed.

The adopted documents are now included in the examination library along with the adoption statement.

The examination library has been broken down into different sections, listed below, which contain the documents.

North Yorkshire County Council Adoption of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

Following receipt of the  Inspectors Report (pdf / 591 KB) on 4 February 2022 which found the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan 'sound' North Yorkshire County Council adopted the Plan and accompanying documents on 16 February 2022 at Full Council. The adopted documents and  adoption statement (pdf / 436 KB) are listed below.

Title and link Brief description Published
 Adoption Statement (pdf / 436 KB) Adoption Statement for the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. 16 February 2022
 Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Policy document (pdf / 4 MB) Main document which contains the policies to guide minerals and waste development in North Yorkshire and York, excluding the Yorkshire Dales National Park. 16 February 2022
 Appendix 1 - Allocated Sites and Areas of Search (pdf / 7 MB) Document which includes details of sites which have been allocated and Areas of Search. 16 February 2022
 Appendix 2 - Safeguarded sites (pdf / 10 MB) Plans of safeguarded mineral and waste sites. 16 February 2022
 Appendix 3 - Monitoring (pdf / 544 KB) Contains details of how policies will be monitored. 16 February 2022
 Appendix 4 - Saved Policies to published policies (pdf / 919 KB) How the adopted policies in the adopted plan will replace the contents of the 'saved' policies. 16 February 2022
 Sustainability Appraisal Post Adoption statement (pdf / 564 KB) Sustainability Appraisal post adoption statement providing an update since previous Sustainability Appraisal. November 2020
 Policies Map (pdf / 11 MB) Paper version of Policies Map. July 2021

Inspectors report and appendix

Title and link Brief description Published
INS17 - Inspectors Report Inspectors report on the examination of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan, which states that the Inspector considers the Plan to be sound.  4 February 2022
INS18 - Appendix to accompany Inspectors Report Appendix includes approved Schedule of Main Modifications, which is a list of changes to be made to the Publication Draft of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan before adoption can take place. 4 February 2022

Main Modifications consultation

Documents associated with the Schedule of Main Modifications consultation.

Reference Title Published
 LPA112 (pdf / 174 KB) Main Modifications consultation letter. July 2021
 LPA113 (pdf / 894 KB) Statement of Representation Procedure. July 2021
 LPA114 (pdf / 489 KB) Response Form A. July 2021
 LPA115 (pdf / 328 KB) Response Form B. July 2021
 LPA116 (pdf / 462 KB) Guidance Notes to accompany Response Forms. July 2021
 LPA117 (pdf / 3 MB) Schedule of Main Modifications to the Publication draft of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. July 2021
 LPA118 (pdf / 888 KB) Schedule of Additional Changes to Publication draft of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. July 2021
 LPA119 (pdf / 601 KB) Sustainability Appraisal Post Adoption Statement. Nov 2020
 LPA120 (pdf / 4 MB) Addendum to Habitats Regulation Assessment. Nov 2019
 LPA121 (pdf / 2 MB) Appropriate Assessment of additional sites added to plan allocations following MWJP Hearings in Spring 2018, and European Court ruling in April 2018. Nov 2020
 LPA122 (pdf / 1 MB) Appropriate Assessment for Blubberhouses site which was added to plan allocations following MWJP hearings. July 2021
 LPA123 (pdf / 3 MB) Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Volume I - Data review document - Revision 2. June 2018
 LPA124 (pdf / 9 MB) Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Volume II - Sequential Test Results. June 2018
LPA125 Policies Map - Interactive version. July 2021
 LPA126 (pdf / 11 MB) Policies Map - Paper version - compressed images. July 2021
 LPA126 (pdf / 11 MB) Policies Map - Paper version. July 2021
 CD17 (pdf / 6 MB) Publication draft of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. Nov 2016
 CD18 (pdf / 19 MB) Appendices 1 - 4 of Publication draft of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. Nov 2016
 LPA127 (pdf / 915 KB) Main Modifications Consultation Responses Report. Oct 2021

Responses to consultation on High Court Judgement which quashed paragraph 209a in NPPF

Respondent number Respondent details
 INS/16 (pdf / 499 KB) Inspectors response to Joint Authorities response to High Court Judgement.
 LPA/102 (pdf / 513 KB) Joint Authorities response.
 0412 (pdf / 119 KB) Response from Great and Little Barugh Parish Council.
 2753 (pdf / 317 KB) Response from Friends of the Earth (FoE).
 3684 (pdf / 2 MB) Response from Frack Free Ryedale.
 3699 (pdf / 148 KB) Response from Cllr. Paul Andrews.
 3703 (pdf / 110 KB) Response from INEOS.
 3846 (pdf / 180 KB) Response from Ryedale Liberals.
 3997 (pdf / 1 MB) Response from UKOOG.
 4158 (pdf / 31 KB) Response from South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group (SHSGAG).
 4194 (pdf / 1 MB) Response from Kit Bennett.
 4203 (pdf / 40 KB) Response from a member of public.
 4204 (pdf / 35 KB) Response from a member of public.
 4205 (pdf / 30 KB) Response from a member of public.

Additional information following hearings which took place on 24 and 25 January 2019

The Inspector has asked for further information on some of the matters discussed at the hearings on 24 and 25 January 2019. The table below includes a list of action points and the additional information provided following her request.

Respondent number Information Details
 LPA/100 (pdf / 80 KB) Table of Action Points following hearings sessions on 24 and 25 January.
 LPA/101 (pdf / 64 KB) Proposed Main Modification in relation to definition of 'hydraulic fracturing' to be used in the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.
 LPA/102 (pdf / 1 MB) Schedule of Main Modifications - edited January 2019.
 LPA/103 (pdf / 5 MB) Maps to accompany Schedule of Main Modifications to Publication Draft - edited January 2019.
 LPA/104 (pdf / 675 KB) Schedule of Additional Changes to Publication Draft - edited January 2019.
 OTH/011 (pdf / 503 KB) 3684 - Note and Map provided by Frack Free Ryedale in response to Industry's 'Interactive Map' which was displayed during the hearings.
 OTH/12 (pdf / 78 KB) 3997 - Briefing note about interactive map that UKOOG displayed during hearing sessions.
 OTH/13 (pdf / 1 MB) 3997 - UKOOG Note and photos showing stages of hydraulic fracturing development.
 LPA/105 (pdf / 231 KB) Decision Notice 1/15/01498/CDM - Springs Road, Mission, Nottinghamshire.
 OTH/14 (pdf / 72 KB) Industry briefing note for site visit to Springs Road, Mission, Nottinghamshire.
 LPA/106 (pdf / 396 KB) Decision Notice C3/15/00971/CPO - Kirby Misperton, Pickering, North Yorkshire.
 LPA/107 (pdf / 5 MB) Appeal Decision Notice LCC/2014/0096, LCC/2014/0097, LCC/2014/0101 and LCC/2014/0102 - Preston New Road, Preston, Lancashire.
 LPA/108 (pdf / 87 KB) Authorities note on Cllr Andrews High Court Judgement.
 OTH/15 (pdf / 202 KB) 3699 - Cllr Andrews - Written submission on definition of hydraulic fracturing.
 OTH/16 (pdf / 411 KB) 3699 - Cllr Andrews - Q.C. opinion on High Court Case.
 OTH/17 (pdf / 109 KB) 2753 - FoE response to Cllr Andrews High Court Judgement.
 OTH/18 (pdf / 293 KB) 3997 - UKOOG note on definition of hydraulic fracturing.
 OTH/19 (pdf / 503 KB) 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (FFR) - Additional map provided following hearing session on 24th January 2019.
 LPA/109 (pdf / 857 KB) Authorities' note on Industry's Interactive Map.
 OTH/20 (pdf / 227 KB) 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale note on Industry's interactive map and Cllr Andrews Court judgement.
 OTH/21 (pdf / 4 MB) 4158 - South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group - comments on 500m buffer zone in Policy M17.
 OTH/22 (pdf / 482 KB) 2753 - Friends of the Earth - comments on 500m buffer zone in Policy M17.
 OTH/23 (pdf / 185 KB) 0573 - Gilling East Parish Council - additional submission.
 OTH/24 (pdf / 1 MB) 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale - Note on 500m buffer and noise.
 OTH/25 (pdf / 14 MB) 3846 - Ryedale Liberals - Note on setback distances.
 OTH/26 (pdf / 1 MB) 3977 - UKOOG - Note on revised Policy M17.
 LPA/110 (pdf / 203 KB) Authorities' revised text for Policy M17 4) i) and paragraph 5.146 - 1 March 2019.
 LPA/111 (pdf / 2 MB) Updated Main Modifications table - March 2019.

Responses to questions for additional hearing days 24 and 25 January 2019

Respondent number  Respondent details
 3669 (pdf / 269 KB) Judgement on case of Cllr Andrews vs DCLG and DBEIS regarding Written Ministerial Statement HCWS690 on Energy Policy dated 5 November 2018. (other documents relating to this are under 3699 below).
 MPA (pdf / 417 KB) Authorities updated on Potash Safeguarding for hearings on 24 and 25 January 2019.
 MPA (pdf / 812 KB) Potash safeguarding map for hearing session on Friday 25 January 2019.
 MPA (pdf / 145 KB) Authorities response to Question 4.
 MPA (pdf / 1 MB)  Question 4, Appendix 1 - Preese Hall shale gas fracturing review and recommendations.
 MPA (pdf / 133 KB)  Question 4, Appendix 2 - BGS earthquakes recent UK events.
 MPA (pdf / 294 KB) Authorities response to Questions 5 and 6.
 MPA (pdf / 1014 KB) Question 6, Appendix 1 - BS 4142 2014 edition.
 MPA (pdf / 359 KB) Question 6, Appendix 2 - Jacobs review of Reg. 22 submission.
 MPA (pdf / 4 MB) Question 6, Appendix 3 - Roseacre Inquiry report.
 MPA (pdf / 9 MB) Question 6, Appendix 4 - Roseacre evidence ref. RAG 2-4 photomontage(s).
 MPA (pdf / 2 MB) Question 6, Appendix 5 - Night blight.
 MPA (pdf / 116 KB) Authorities response to Question 7.
 MPA (pdf / 143 KB) Question 7, Appendix 6 - House of Commons briefing paper - Wind farms distance from housing.
 MPA (pdf / 97 KB) Question 7, Appendix 7 - Town and Country Planning GPD Order 2015.
 MPA (pdf / 6 MB) Question 7, Appendix 8 - Separation distances EN020014-001203-SP Manweb.
 MPA (pdf / 84 KB) Authorities response to Question 8.
 MPA (pdf / 64 KB) Authorities response to Question 9.
 MPA (pdf / 139 KB) Authorities response to Questions 16 and 17.
 2753 (pdf / 399 KB) Friends of the Earth (FoE) response.
 2753 (pdf / 1 MB) Friends of the Earth (FoE) Appendix 1 - Preese Hall shale gas fracturing review and recommendations.
 2753 (pdf / 79 KB) Friends of the Earth (FoE) Appendix 2 - Direction to the Oil and Gas Authority.
 3846 (pdf / 140 KB) Ryedale Liberals response.
 3684 (pdf / 1 MB) Frack Free Ryedale response.
 3699 (pdf / 2 MB) P Andrews response.
 3699 (pdf / 511 KB) P Andrews Exhibit 1 - House of Commons Select Committee Report.
 3699 (pdf / 77 KB) P Andrews Exhibit 2 - Opinion of Counsel on JR Judgement.
 3699 (pdf / 387 KB) P Andrews Exhibit 3 (a) - Amended Statement of Facts and Grounds.
 3699 (pdf / 722 KB) P Andrews Exhibit 3 (b) - Defendant Summary of Grounds.
 3699 (pdf / 231 KB) P Andrews Exhibit 4 - Myth 8.
 3699 (pdf / 509 KB) P Andrews Exhibit 5 - Draft Rural Impacts Paper.
 3699 (gif / 239 KB) P Andrews Exhibit 6 - Pennsylvania fracking wells density.
 3703 (pdf / 147 KB) INEOS note regarding potash for hearings on 24 and 25 January.
 3997 (pdf / 1 MB) UKOOG - Response.
 3997 (pdf / 2 MB) UKOOG - Appendix 1 - Response in relation to noise.
 3997 (pdf / 423 KB) UKOOG - Appendix 2 - Appeal Decision - Bramleymoor.
 3997 (pdf / 261 KB) UKOOG - Appendix 3 - Supplementary note regarding Policy M17 (4).
 4075 (pdf / 9 KB) Richmond Local Green Party response.
 4093 (pdf / 119 KB) Wenningdale Climate Change Action Network response.
 4158 (pdf / 69 KB) South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group (SHSGAG) response.
 4194 (pdf / 107 KB) Kit Bennett response.

Statements in response to select committee report - planning guidance on fracking, July 2018

Respondent number Respondent details
 1363 (pdf / 114 KB)  Statement by Kevin Hollinrake MP.
 2753 (pdf / 363 KB)  Statement by Friends of the Earth (FoE).
 3684 (pdf / 619 KB)  Statement by Frack Free Ryedale.
 3699 (pdf / 1015 KB)  Statement by Cllr Paul Andrews (plus three appendices).
 3703 (pdf / 262 KB)  Statement by Felsham PD on behalf of INEOs.
 3846 (pdf / 180 KB)  Statement by Ryedale Liberals.
 3857 (pdf / 27 KB)  Statement by J Tucker.
 3997 (pdf / 6 MB)  Statement by UKOOG on behalf of Third Energy, IGAS, INEOS, Cuadrilla, EDGON, and UKOOG (plus 1 report as appendix).
 4158 (pdf / 75 KB)  Statement by South Hambleton Shale Advisory Group.
 4194 (pdf / 50 KB)  Statement by K Bennett.
 4201 (pdf / 181 KB)  Haxby and Wigginton Against Fracking.

Statements in response to written ministerial statement, May 2018

Respondent number Respondent details
 573 (pdf / 101 KB) Statement by Cllr Peter Allen for East Gilling Parish Council.
 878 (pdf / 170 KB) Statement by David Cragg-James for Stonegrave Parish Meeting.
 2753 (pdf / 416 KB) Statement by Friends of the Earth (FoE).
 3684 (pdf / 787 KB) Statement by Frack Free Ryedale.
 3699 (pdf / 22 MB) Statement by Cllr Paul Andrews.
 3846 (pdf / 356 KB) Statement by Ryedale Liberals.
 3977 (pdf / 2 MB) Statement by UKOOG on behalf of Third Energy, IGAS, INEOS, Cuadrilla, EDGON, and UKOOG (plus 2 letters as appendices).
 3977 (pdf / 144 KB) UKOOG letter to NYCC June 2018.
 4067 (pdf / 1 MB) Statement by Lichfields on behalf of Sirius Minerals.
 4158 (pdf / 75 KB) Statement by South Hambleton Shale Advisory Group.
 4194 (pdf / 56 KB) Statement by Kit Bennett.

Hearing statements

Statements have been submitted in response to the matters, issues and questions put forward by the inspector. The statements are grouped by matter in the tables below.

Legal matters

Response details
 0000 - Authorities Response - Legal matters (pdf / 189 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Other legal issues (pdf / 118 KB)
 4194 - K Bennett Response - Other legal issues (pdf / 48 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters - DTC (pdf / 222 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters - DTC - Appendix 1 (pdf / 258 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters - DTC - Appendix 2 (pdf / 228 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters (pdf / 219 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters - Appendix 1 (pdf / 437 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters - Appendix 2 (pdf / 365 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters - Appendix 3 (pdf / 258 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Legal matters - Appendix 4 (pdf / 612 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - General Appendix - Ryedale Local Plan Strategy 2013 (pdf / 3 MB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - General Appendix - Vale of Pickering National Character Profile (pdf / 4 MB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - General Appendix - Vale of Pickering Statement of Significance (English Heritage) (pdf / 3 MB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - General Appendix - Landscapes of Northern Ryedale (pdf / 7 MB)

Matter 1 - Minerals

Response details
Matter 1
 0057 - Plasmor (MJCA) Response - Q.6 and Q.46 (pdf / 83 KB)
 0115 - Mineral Products Association Response - Q.9, Q.15, Q.17, Q.18, Q.20, Q.21, Q.32 and Q.33 (pdf / 122 KB)
Matter 1 - Overview
 0000 - Authorities Response - Minerals Overview (pdf / 101 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Minerals Overview (pdf / 56 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Minerals Overview - Appendix 1 (pdf / 26 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Minerals Overview (pdf / 363 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Minerals Overview - Appendix 1 (pdf / 227 KB)
 4194 - K Bennett Response - Minerals Overview (pdf / 53 KB)
 0204 - Individual - Minerals Overview (pdf / 92 KB)
Matter 1 - Minerals allocations in general
 0000 - Authorities Response - Allocations in General (pdf / 177 KB)
 0317 - Tarmac (AFW) Response - Minerals Allocations (pdf / 182 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Minerals Allocations (pdf / 180 KB)
Matter 1 - Aggregates
 0000 - Authorities Response - Aggregates in General (pdf / 139 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Concreting Sand and Gravel (pdf / 149 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Building Sand (pdf / 73 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Crushed Rock (pdf / 107 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Aggregates (pdf / 48 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Aggregates - Appendix 2 (pdf / 582 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Aggregates - Appendix 3 (pdf / 89 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Crushed Rock (pdf / 172 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Crushed Rock - Appendix 4 (pdf / 96 KB)
 3019 - F Campion Response - Crushed Rock (pdf / 1 MB)
 3019 - F Campion Response - Crushed Rock - Appendix (pdf / 39 MB)
 2854 - Norton Action Group Response - Crushed Rock (pdf / 1003 KB)
Matter 1 - Silica Sand
 0000 - Authorities Response - Silica Sand (pdf / 174 KB)
 0115 - Mineral Products Association Response - Silica Sand (pdf / 89 KB)
 1102 - Hanson Response - Silica Sand (pdf / 1 MB)
 1102 - Hanson (Sibelco) Response - Silica Sand (pdf / 638 KB)
Matter 1 - Clay
 0000 - Authorities Response - Clay (pdf / 73 KB)
Matter 1 - Building Stone
 0000 - Authorities Response - Building Stone (pdf / 203 KB)
 0115 - Mineral Products Association Response - Building Stone (pdf / 106 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Building Stone (pdf / 54 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Building Stone - Appendix 5 (pdf / 114 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Ltd Response - Building Stone - Appendix 6 (pdf / 678 KB)
Matter 1 - Hydrocarbons
 0000 - Authorities Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 186 KB)
 0412, 440 and 0526 - Great and Little Barugh Parish Council, Brawby Parish Meeting and Edstone Parish Council Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 197 KB)
 1363 - Kevin Hollinrake MP Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 190 KB)
 1363 - Kevin Hollinrake MP Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix (pdf / 1 MB)
 2753 - Friends of the Earth Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 363 KB)
 2753 - Friends of the Earth Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 1 (pdf / 142 KB)
 2753 - Friends of the Earth Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2 (pdf / 203 KB)
 2753 - Friends of the Earth Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 3 (pdf / 4 MB)
 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (Stephenson Halliday) Response - Hydrocarbons Q.56 (pdf / 1 MB)
 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (Stephenson Halliday) Response - Hydrocarbons Q.56 Appendix (pdf / 107 KB)
 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (Stephenson Halliday) Response - Hydrocarbons Q.58 (pdf / 585 KB)
 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (Stephenson Halliday) Response - Hydrocarbons Q.60 (pdf / 945 KB)
 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (Stephenson Halliday) Response - Hydrocarbons Q.61 (pdf / 498 KB)
 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (Stephenson Halliday) Response - Hydrocarbons Q.62 (pdf / 525 KB)
 3684 - Frack Free Ryedale (Stephenson Halliday) Response - Hydrocarbons Q.63 (pdf / 786 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 344 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2 (pdf / 273 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 3 (pdf / 269 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 4 (pdf / 271 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 6 (pdf / 275 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 7 (pdf / 344 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 8 (pdf / 271 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 9 (pdf / 274 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 13 (pdf / 271 KB)
 3997 - UKOOG et al Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 4 MB)
 4093 - WeCAN Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 126 KB)
 4158 - South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 127 KB)
 4158 - South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix (pdf / 3 MB)
 4194 - K Bennett Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 70 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 277 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 1 (pdf / 258 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2a (pdf / 96 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2b (pdf / 1 MB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2c (pdf / 771 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2d (pdf / 558 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2e (pdf / 479 KB)
 3699 - P Andrews Response - Hydrocarbons - Appendix 2f (pdf / 550 KB)
 4072 - Kingdom Gateway Foundation Response - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 250 KB)
 0116 - Ryedale District Council (L Burr) - Hydrocarbons (pdf / 129 KB)
Additional statements on hydrocarbons for 13 April 2018
 0113 - Statement by Howardian Hills AONB (pdf / 198 KB)
 0573 - Statement by East Gilling Parish Council (pdf / 190 KB)
 0878 - Statement by Stonegrave Parish Meeting (pdf / 197 KB)
 1363 - Statement by Kevin Hollinrake MP (pdf / 190 KB)
 2173 - Statement by CPRE (pdf / 257 KB)
 2753 - Statement by Friends of the Earth (FoE) (pdf / 475 KB)
 3684 - Statement by Frack Free Ryedale (pdf / 1 MB)
 3699 - Statement by Cllr Paul Andrews (pdf / 145 KB)
 3846 - Statement by Ryedale Liberals (pdf / 95 KB)
 3857 - Statement by J Tucker (pdf / 263 KB)
 3997 - Statement by Herbert Smith Freehills on behalf of Third Energy, IGAS, INEOS, Cuadrilla, EDGON and UKOOG (pdf / 58 KB)
 4075 - Statement by Richmondshire branch of the Green Party (pdf / 98 KB)
 4087 - Statement by West Malton Against Fracking (pdf / 89 KB)
 4093 - Statement by Wenningdale Climate Action Network (WeCAN) (pdf / 133 KB)
 4099 - Joint statement from Mrs S Turner and Mrs L Stables (pdf / 295 KB)
 4158 - Statement by South Hambleton Shale Advisory Group (pdf / 345 KB)
 4191 - Statement by M Knowles (pdf / 273 KB)
 4194 - Statement by K Bennett (pdf / 135 KB)
 0116 - Statement by Ryedale District Council (pdf / 146 KB)(L Burr)
 2754 - Statement by Settrington Estates (pdf / 3 MB)
Matter 1 - Coal
 0000 - Authorities Response - Coal (pdf / 70 KB)
Matter 1 - Potash, Polyhalite, Sylvinite and Salt
 0000 - Authorities Response - Potash, Polyhalite, Sylvinite and Salt (pdf / 173 KB)
 4067 - Sirus Minerals (Lichfields) Response - Potash (pdf / 70 KB)

Matter 2 - waste

Response details
 0000 - Authorities Response - Waste overview (pdf / 147 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Waste management allocations in general (pdf / 190 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Meeting waste management needs (pdf / 150 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Meeting Requirements for LACW (pdf / 76 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Meeting Requirements for C and I Waste (pdf / 168 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Meeting Requirements for CD and E Waste (pdf / 86 KB)
 1157 - WC Watts Response - Meeting Requirements for CD and E Waste  (pdf / 25 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Waste overview (pdf / 349 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Waste overview - Appendix 10 (pdf / 276 KB)
 3846 - Ryedale Liberals Response - Waste overview - Appendix 12 (pdf / 281 KB)
 4194 - K Bennett Response - Waste overview (pdf / 45 KB)
 4194 - K Bennett Response- Meeting waste management needs (pdf / 42 KB)
 0057 - Plasmor (MJCA) Response - Waste (pdf / 54 KB)

Matter 3 - Transport, infrastructure and safeguarding

Response details
 0000 - Authorities Response - Overview (pdf / 83 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Transport (pdf / 90 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Other infrastructure (pdf / 128 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Safeguarding (pdf / 366 KB)
 0115 - Mineral Products Association Response - Infrastructure and Safeguarding (pdf / 100 KB)
 3703 - INEOS Response - Safeguarding (pdf / 448 KB) (Potash)
 4194 - K Bennett Response - Infrastructure (pdf / 41 KB)

Matter 4 - Development management policies

Response details
 0000 - Authorities Response - Development Management Policies (pdf / 306 KB)
 0000 - Authorities Response - Other questions (pdf / 69 KB)
 0057 - Plasmor (MJCA) Response - Development Management Policies (pdf / 18 KB)
 0114 - Ministry of Defence (MOD) Response (pdf / 43 KB)
 0115 - Mineral Products Association Response - Development Management Policies (pdf / 100 KB)
 1102 - Hanson UK Response - Development Management Policies (pdf / 319 KB)
 1102 - Hanson UK (Sibelco) Response- Development Management Policies (pdf / 455 KB)
 4067 - Sirius Minerals (Lichfields) Response - Development Management Policies (pdf / 80 KB)
 4194 - K Bennett Response - Development Management Policies (pdf / 70 KB)

Examination documents

This section will provide documents related to the examination and will be updated as the examination progresses. Below there are three tables, the first will contain documents provided by the inspector, the second will contain documents provided by the local planning authorities' and the third is for documents from other sources.

Documents from the inspector

Ref Title Date Source
 INS/01 (pdf / 180 KB) Initial letter on behalf of inspector. Jan 2018 Inspector / PO
 INS/02 (pdf / 187 KB) Inspector's briefing note. Jan 2018 Inspector
 INS/03 (pdf / 253 KB) Matters, Issues and Questions. Jan 2018 Inspector
 INS/03 (pdf / 253 KB) Matters, Issues and Questions corrected 23-01-2018. Jan 2018 Inspector
 INS/03 (pdf / 349 KB) Matters, Issues and Questions corrected 26-01-2018. Jan 2018 Inspector
 INS/04 (pdf / 59 KB) Draft Programme for Hearings. Jan 2018 Inspector
 INS/05 (pdf / 75 KB) Revised Programme for Hearings 22-02-2018. Feb 2018 Inspector
 INS/06 (pdf / 8 KB) MWJP Agenda 23 March 2018. Mar 2018 Inspector
 INS/07 (pdf / 167 KB) Email from SHSGAG 19 March 2018 with Inspector's response. Mar 2018 Inspector
 INS/08 (pdf / 41 KB) Agenda for additional hearing session on 13 April 2018. Mar 2018 Inspector
 INS/09 (pdf / 130 KB) Written Ministerial Statement - shale gas - 17 May 2018. May 2018 Inspector
 INS/10 (pdf / 509 KB) Select Committee report on Planning Guidance on Fracking - 5 July 2018. July 2018 Inspector
 INS/11 (pdf / 116 KB) Inspectors questions for hearing session on 24 and 25 January 2019. Dec 2018 Inspector
 INS/11 (pdf / 118 KB) Updated Inspectors questions and agenda for hearing session on 24 and 25 January 2019. Jan 2019 Inspector
 INS/12 (pdf / 334 KB) High Court Judgment CO/3511/2018 relating to paragraph 209(a) of NPPF. Mar 2019 Inspector
 INS/13 (pdf / 53 KB) Order to quash paragraph 209(a) of NPPF following High Court Judgment CO/3511/2018. May 2019 Inspector
 INS/14 (pdf / 270 KB) Consultation from Inspector on High Court Judgment outcome. Jun 2019 Inspector
 INS/15 (pdf / 72 KB) Ministerial Statement relating to change in NPPF following High Court Judgement. May 2019 Inspector

Documents from local planning authorities

Ref Title Date Source
 LPA/01 (pdf / 71 KB) Formal notification of examination hearings. Jan 2018 LPAs
 LPA/02 (pdf / 633 KB) Legal Compliance Checklist for Local Plans - Updated January 2018. Jan 2018 LPAs
 LPA/03 (pdf / 2 MB) NYCC Authority's Monitoring Report 2016-2017. Dec 2017 LPAs
 LPA/04 (pdf / 4 MB) Yorkshire & Humber Aggregate Working Party AMR 2017. Oct 2017 LPAs
 LPA/05 (pdf / 3 MB) North Yorkshire sub region Local Aggregate Assessment 2017. Dec 2017 LPAs
 LPA/06 (pdf / 480 KB) Implications of changes due to North Yorkshire sub region LAA and APCs. Jan 2018 LPAs
 LPA/07 (pdf / 992 KB) Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations. 2017 LPAs
LPA/08 Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (as amended).  2010 (pdf / 954 KB) and  2012 (pdf / 121 KB) LPAs
 LPA/09 (pdf / 2 MB) Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (as amended).   LPAs
 LPA/10 (pdf / 1004 KB) Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 LPAs
 LPA/11 (pdf / 8 MB) Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 LPAs
 LPA/12 (pdf / 234 KB) Natural England HRA update email 9 May 2017 May 2017 LPAs
 LPA/13 (pdf / 172 KB) Email to Natural England regarding key sensitivities at MJP14 on 24 April 2017 April 2017 LPAs
 LPA/14 (pdf / 216 KB) Response indicating Natural England has withdrawn its objection to the planning application NY/2011/0429/ENV for the MJP14 site February 2017 LPAs
LPA/15 Section 7 of Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee Report 29 August 2017 August 2017 LPAs
 LPA/17 (pdf / 59 KB) Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 LPAs
 LPA/18 (pdf / 1 MB) BGS Mineral Planning Factsheet - Building and roofing stone 2007 LPAs
 LPA/19 (pdf / 174 KB) Written Ministerial Statement by Amber Rudd 16 September 2015 September 2015 LPAs
 LPA/20 (pdf / 839 KB) Annual energy statement published October 2013 October 2013 LPAs
 LPA/21 (pdf / 705 KB) DEFRA Circular - Vision for National Parks (footnote 25) 2010 LPAs
 LPA/22 (pdf / 68 KB) Ministerial Statement by Greg Clark January 2018 January 2018 LPAs
 LPA/23 (pdf / 4 MB) Strategic Road Network map   LPAs
 LPA/24 (pdf / 27 MB) Environment Act 1995 LPAs
 LPA/25 (pdf / 5 MB) York Potash planning application - alternative site assessment. September 2014 LPAs
 LPA/26 (pdf / 3 MB) York Potash Planning Statement and Resource Potential document September 2014 LPAs
 LPA/27 (pdf / 95 KB) Environment Agency - Composting and potential health effects from bioaerosols November 2010 LPAs
LPA/28  Counsel advice (pdf / 245 KB) on Major Development Test and  Barristers opinion (pdf / 244 KB) June 2015 LPAs
 LPA/29 (pdf / 824 KB) National Policy Statement on Energy July 2011 LPAs
 LPA/30 (pdf / 11 MB) DEFRA - 25 Year Environment Plan 2018 LPAs
 LPA/31 (pdf / 6 MB) City of York Council emerging Local Plan - Pre Publication Draft September 2017 LPAs
LPA/32 Coal mining risk assessment exemption list 2017 LPAs
 LPA/33 (pdf / 1 MB) Building Regulations 2013 LPAs
 LPA/34 (pdf / 3 MB) Health Impact Assessment October 2016 LPAs
 LPA/35 (pdf / 3 MB) Historic Impact Assessment October 2016 LPAs
 LPA/36 (pdf / 3 MB) Revised maps and new sites included in the Addendum of Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft   LPAs
 LPA/37 (pdf / 524 KB) Suggested Main Modifications between Submission and Matters, Issues and Questions February 2018 LPAs
 LPA/38 (pdf / 663 KB) Habitats Regulation Assessment - Addendum February 2018 LPAs
LPA/39 North Yorkshire County Council - Minerals Local Plan 1997 LPAs
LPA/40 North Yorkshire County Council - Waste Local Plan 2006 LPAs
 LPA/41 (pdf / 560 KB) MPG7 Reclamation of mineral workings   LPAs
 LPA/42 (pdf / 307 KB) MPG3 Coal Mining and Colliery Spoil   LPAs
 LPA/43 (pdf / 94 KB) North York Moors National Park Authority Committee resolution on York Potash application   LPAs
 LPA/44 (pdf / 4 MB) BGS Best Practice Guidance on mineral safeguarding in England   LPAs
 LPA/45 (pdf / 292 KB) PPS7 Sustainable development in rural areas   LPAs
 LPA/46 (pdf / 241 KB) MPS1 Practice Guide   LPAs
 LPA/47 (pdf / 122 KB) Survey return for Burythorpe silica sand quarry 2018 LPAs
 LPA/48 (pdf / 645 KB) Blubberhouses Quarry planning application form and planning statement December 2011 LPAs
 LPA/49 (pdf / 3 MB) Blubberhouses Quarry - Breeding bird addendum 2012 LPAs
 LPA/50 (pdf / 6 MB) Blubberhouses Quarry - Additional information 2013 LPAs
 LPA/51 (pdf / 15 MB) Blubberhouses Quarry - Additional information 2015 LPAs
 LPA/52 (pdf / 506 KB) Blubberhouses Quarry - Further information 2016 LPAs
 LPA/53 (pdf / 675 KB) Planning Permission for C61056APA and subsequent approval of review postponement   LPAs
 LPA/54 (pdf / 543 KB) RSPB Blubberhouses re-consultation response   LPAs
 LPA/55 (pdf / 105 KB) Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Blubberhouses re-consultation response   LPAs
 LPA/56 (pdf / 222 KB) Highway Authority Blubberhouses re-consultation response   LPAs
 LPA/57 (pdf / 201 KB) Natural England Blubberhouses re-consultation response   LPAs
 LPA/58 (pdf / 85 KB) Hensall area - Aerial map at 250m scalebar   LPAs
 LPA/59 (pdf / 31 KB) Photo of face of MJP44 from Heck Plant site   LPAs
 LPA/60 (pdf / 113 KB) Potgate area - Aerial photo at 100m scale   LPAs
 LPA/61 (pdf / 267 KB) Gebdykes Quarry original submission plan   LPAs
 LPA/62 (pdf / 2 MB) Restoration Plan for current Hemingbrough Quarry   LPAs
 LPA/63 (pdf / 334 KB) Escrick application NY20070127FUL Committee report   LPAs
 LPA/64 (pdf / 941 KB) Brows Quarry NY20070293FUL Application boundary plan   LPAs
 LPA/65 (pdf / 73 KB) Map of Kex Gill Consultation Corridor for realignment of A59 March 2018 LPAs
 LPA/66 (pdf / 3 MB) Humber Area Local Aggregate Assessment October 2017 LPAs
 LPA/67 (pdf / 4 MB) LPA note in relation to site visit to Whitewall Quarry March 2018 LPAs
 LPA/68 (pdf / 373 KB) Supplementary note to support suggested modifications to aggregate policies March 2018 LPAs
 LPA/69 (pdf / 307 KB) Note of modifications to aggregate policies and supporting text March 2018 LPAs
 LPA/70 (pdf / 334 KB) Note reference MJP13 Whitewall Quarry recycling site March 2018 LPAs
 LPA/71 (pdf / 743 KB) House of Commons briefing paper on Shale Gas 2017 LPAs
 LPA/72 (pdf / 4 MB) Third Energy - The Hydraulic Fracture Plan for KM8 May 2017 LPAs
 LPA/73 (pdf / 1 MB) Draft table of Main Modifications which was considered at the Hearing Session on 23 March 2018 March 2018 LPAs
 LPA/74 (pdf / 401 KB) Table of Rolling Action Points which was considered at the Hearing Session on 23 March 2018 March 2018 LPAs
 LPA/75 (pdf / 336 KB) Revised draft plan for MJP17 showing the Preferred Area April 2018 LPAs
 LPA/76 (pdf / 733 KB) Public Health England - Review of the potential public health impacts of exposures to chemical and radioactive pollutants as a result of the shale gas extraction process 2014 LPAs
 LPA/77 (pdf / 10 MB) Noise section of the Environmental Statement associated with the KM8 planning application 2015 LPAs
 LPA/78 (pdf / 1 MB) Thesis - Noise characterisation of oil and gas operations 2016 LPAs
 LPA/79 (pdf / 633 KB) Regional Spatial Strategy for Yorkshire and Humber (partial revocation) Order 2013 LPAs
 LPA/80 (pdf / 6 MB) City of York council Green Belt Appraisal 2003 LPAs
 LPA/81 (pdf / 9 MB) Historic Character and Setting Papers 2013 and 2011 LPAs
 LPA/82 (pdf / 7 MB) City of York Local Plan Publication draft 2018 LPAs
 LPA/83 (pdf / 4 MB) North Yorkshire and York landscape Characterisation Project May 2011 LPAs
 LPA/84 (pdf / 1 MB) City of York Heritage Topic Paper update 2014 LPAs
 LPA/85 (pdf / 9 MB) City of York Heritage Impact Assessment 2017 LPAs
 LPA/86 (pdf / 5 MB) City of York Local Plan Publication Sustainability Appraisal 2018 LPAs
 LPA/87 (pdf / 901 KB) Supplementary note on distinctions between conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons 2018 LPAs
 LPA/88 (pdf / 761 KB) Supplementary note about the Historic Character and setting of York 2018 LPAs
 LPA/89 (pdf / 227 KB) Supplementary note about the 500m distance for hydrocarbons development 2018 LPAs
 LPA/90 (pdf / 1 MB) Proposed Main Modifications to be discussed at Hearing on 13 April 2018 2018 LPAs
 LPA/91 (pdf / 443 KB) Updated Action Point table to reflect progress 12 April 2018 2018 LPAs
 LPA/92 (pdf / 73 KB) Historic England response regarding MJP17 preferred area 2018 LPAs
 LPA/93 (pdf / 104 KB) LPA response to UKOOG letter received 18.5.18 2018 LPAs
 LPA/94 (pdf / 219 KB) European Court Judgement - People over Wind, Peter Sweetman v Coillte Teoranta 2018 LPAs
 LPA/95 (pdf / 197 KB) PINS Note 05/2018 - Consideration of avoidance and reduction measures in Habitats Regulation Assessment, People over Wind, Peter Sweetman v Coillte Teoranta 2018 LPAs
 LPA/96 (pdf / 90 KB) 2014/70/EU - Recommendations on minimum principles for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons (such as shale gas) using high-volume hydraulic fracturing 2014 LPAs
 LPA/97 (pdf / 326 KB) Authorities response to Written Ministerial Statement on Energy Policy (HCWS690) which was published May 2018 2018 LPAs
 LPA/98 (pdf / 448 KB) Summary of responses from other parties to Written Ministerial Statement on Energy Policy (HCWS690) which was published May 2018 with Authorities response 2018 LPAs
 LPA/99 (pdf / 400 KB) Summary of responses from other parties to Select Committee Report on Planning Guidance on Fracking which was published July 2018 with Authorities response 2018 LPAs
 LPA/100 (pdf / 80 KB) Table of Action Points following hearings sessions on 24 and 25 January 2019 LPAs
 LPA101 (pdf / 64 KB) Proposed Main Modification in relation to definition of 'hydraulic fracturing' to be used in the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan 2019 LPAs

Other documents added during the examination

Ref Title Date Source
 OTH/01 (pdf / 3 MB) Note and Appendices from Clifford Watts in relation to Whitewall Quarry site visit March 2018 Industry
 OTH/02 (pdf / 35 KB) Note from Norton Action Group in relation to Whitewall site visit March 2018 Environmental Group
 OTH/03 (pdf / 530 KB) Note from Mr and Mrs Campion in relation to Whitewall site visit March 2018 Individual
 OTH/04 (pdf / 1 MB) Note from Cunnane Town Planning reference appeal decision on Jackdaw Carg Quarry March 2018 Planning Consultant
 OTH/05 (pdf / 112 KB) Note from Minerals Products Association regarding potash safeguarding March 2018 Industry
 OTH/06 (pdf / 335 KB) Note from Clifford Watts in relation to recycling at Whitewall Quarry March 2018 Industry
 OTH/07 (pdf / 6 MB) Note from INEOS regarding potash safeguarding April 2018 Industry
 OTH/08 (pdf / 2 MB) Note from Sirus regarding Potash safeguarding April 2018 Industry
 OTH/09 (pdf / 156 KB) Letter from UKOOG 18 May 2018 May 2018 Industry OTH
 OTH/10 (pdf / 77 KB) Opinion of Counsel and Judgement of Holgate J051118 November 2018 Other
 OTH/11 (pdf / 503 KB) 3684 - Note and Map provided by Frack Free Ryedale in response to Industry's 'Interactive Map' which was displayed during the hearings January 2019 Environmental Group

Core documents

The core documents are the main minerals and waste joint plan documents which will be considered as part of the 'examination in public'.

Title and link Brief description Published
 CD01 Notice of submission and list of deposit locations (pdf / 280 KB) Notice of submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and a list of the deposit locations where documents can be viewed.  
 CD02 Consultation statement up to submission (pdf / 25 MB) Record of the formal consultation stages for the minerals and waste joint plan up to submission stage. October 2017
 CD03 Duty to cooperate statement up to submission (pdf / 7 MB) The document provides evidence of the Authorities fulfilment of the Duty to Cooperate up to submission stage. October 2017
 CD04 Soundness self assessment (pdf / 871 KB) Self assessment checklist to ensure the minerals and waste joint plan is sound before submitting to the Planning Inspectorate. October 2017
 CD05 Legal compliance checklist (pdf / 635 KB) Self assessment checklist to ensure the minerals and waste joint plan is legally compliant before submitting to the Planning Inspectorate. November 2017
 CD06 North Yorkshire County Council minerals and waste development scheme (pdf / 931 KB) Updated timetable for the production of the minerals and waste joint plan. July 2017
 CD07 City of York development scheme (pdf / 6 MB) Updated timetable for the production of local plans for the City of York Council. November 2017
 CD08 North York Moors National Park Authority local development scheme (pdf / 406 KB) Updated timetable for the production of local plans for the North York Moors National Park Authority. July 2017
 CD09 Addendum of proposed changes (pdf / 2 MB) Document presenting the proposed changes to the publication draft plan. July 2017
 CD10 Sustainability appraisal of addendum of proposed changes (pdf / 4 MB) Document presenting the sustainability appraisal of the proposed changes to the publication draft plan. July 2017
 CD11 Statement of representations procedure (addendum of proposed changes) (pdf / 222 KB) Details the locations and dates where the documents could have been viewed during the consultation period for the addendum of proposed changes. July 2017
 CD12 Letter sent out with addendum proposed changes (pdf / 366 KB) Letter which was sent out at the start of the addendum of proposed changes of consultation to all interested parties. July 2017
 CD13 Response form - addendum of proposed (pdf / 448 KB) Response form to be used to respond to the addendum of proposed changes consultation. July 2017
 CD14 Guidance notes to accompany response form for addendum of proposed changes (pdf / 183 KB) Guidance notes to explain how to complete the response form correctly. July 2017
 CD15 List of respondents to addendum of proposed changes (pdf / 248 KB) List of respondents to addendum of proposed changes. September 2017
 CD16 Summary of responses received to addendum of proposed changes (pdf / 799 KB) Summary of responses received to addendum of proposed changes. October 2017
 CD17 Publication main plan document (pdf / 6 MB) The version of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan which will be considered at the Examination in Public. November 2016
 CD18 Appendix 1 - allocated sites (pdf / 19 MB) Appendix 1, which provides details about allocated sites. November 2016
 CD19 Appendix 2 - safeguarded sites (pdf / 15 MB) Appendix 2, which provides details about existing waste and infrastructure sites which are safeguarded. November 2016
 CD20 Appendix 3 - monitoring framework (pdf / 359 KB) Appendix 3, details of framework to be used for monitoring implementation of policies once minerals and waste joint plan is adopted. November 2016
 CD21 Appendix 4 - saved policies replaced by the minerals and waste joint plan (pdf / 553 KB) Appendix 4, details of which saved policies in existing minerals and waste plans or other local plans will be superseded by policies in the minerals and waste joint plan once adopted. November 2016
CD22 Interactive policies map Interactive policies map to accompany the publication document, where layers can be turned on or off if required. November 2016
 CD23 Paper version of policies map (pdf / 43 MB) Paper version of policies map to accompany publication document. November 2016
 CD24 Sustainability appraisal - non technical summary (pdf / 4 MB) Non technical summary of the sustainability appraisal of the publication documents. October 2016
 CD25 Sustainability appraisal full report (pdf / 6 MB) Includes background to sustainability appraisal and how it has been applied to the minerals and waste joint plan. October 2016
 CD26 Sustainability appraisal report - appendix 1, 2 and 4 (pdf / 8 MB) Appendix 1 - sustainability appraisal framework.
Appendix 2 - full policy assessments.
Appendix 4 - sustainability appraisal. contribution to the evolution of the vision.
October 2016
 CD27 Sustainability appraisal report - appendix 3 (part 1) (pdf / 9 MB) Assessment of sites and areas of search. October 2016
 CD28 Sustainability appraisal report - appendix 3 (part 2) (pdf / 10 MB) Assessment of sites and areas of search. October 2016
 CD29 Habitats regulation assessment (pdf / 4 MB) HRA for publication stage. October 2016
 CD30 Strategic flood risk assessment (pdf / 20 MB) SFRA for publication stage. October 2016
 CD31 Sustainability appraisal scoping report (pdf / 10 MB) Sets out the context for the sustainability appraisal of the minerals and waste joint plan. October 2016
 CD32 Statement of representations procedure (publication stage) (pdf / 250 KB) Details the locations and dates where the documents could have been viewed during the consultation period for the publication stage. November 2016
 CD33 Letter sent out at publication stage (pdf / 307 KB) Letter which was sent out at the start of the publication stage of consultation to all interested parties. November 2016
 CD34 Guidance notes to accompany publication response form (pdf / 218 KB) Guidance notes to explain how to complete the response form correctly. November 2016
 CD35 Publication response form (pdf / 379 KB) Response form to be used to respond to the publication consultation. November 2016
 CD36 List of respondents at publication stage (pdf / 142 KB) List of respondents to publication document.  
 CD37 Publication draft responses (pdf / 2 MB) Draft summary of responses received to publication consultation. February 2017
 CD38 Summary of representations received at publication and authorities response (pdf / 4 MB) Summary of responses to publication document including the authorities’ response. July 2017
 CD39 Duty to Cooperate statement (pdf / 7 MB) The document provides evidence of the Authorities fulfilment of the Duty to Cooperate up to the Publication stage. November 2016
 CD40 Consultation statement up to preferred options stage  (pdf / 9 MB) Record of the formal consultation stages for the minerals and waste joint plan up to publication stage. March 2017
 CD41 North Yorkshire County Council minerals and waste development scheme (pdf / 515 KB) Timetable for the production of the minerals and waste joint plan at publication stage. 2016
 CD42 City of York local development scheme (pdf / 7 MB) Timetable for the production of local plans for the City of York Council. 2016
 CD43 North York Moors National Park Authority local development scheme  (pdf / 434 KB) Timetable for the production of local plans for the North York Moors National Park Authority. 2016
 CD44 Summary of responses to the Sustainability Appraisal of the Publication Draft and Addendum of Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft (pdf / 3 MB) This document includes a summary of the responses received to the Sustainability Appraisal of the Publication Draft and Addendum of Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft and includes the Authorities response to the comments. November 2017

Supporting documents

The supporting documents provide evidence on how the minerals and waste joint plan was developed.

Title and link Brief description Published
 SD01 Schedule of Further Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft (pdf / 832 KB) This document has been compiled to reflect up to date information and discussions with representors which have occurred since the consultation on the Addendum of Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft. November 2017
 SD02 Sustainability Appraisal of Schedule of Further Proposed Changes to Publication Draft (pdf / 3 MB) Sustainability Appraisal of Schedule of Further Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft November 2017
 SD03 Addendum to Habitats Regulation Assessment (pdf / 3 MB) This Addendum shows how the Addendum of Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft have been considered as part of the Habitats Regulation Assessment.  November 2017
 SD04 Minor corrections to Addendum of Proposed Changes to Publication Draft (pdf / 1 MB) Subsequent to the publication of the Addendum of Proposed Changes to the Publication draft a small number of minor errors in the document were identified, these have been compiled into this document. November 2017
 SD05 North Yorkshire County Council statement of community involvement (SCI) (pdf / 943 KB) Explains what North Yorkshire County Council will do to involve people in preparing new minerals and waste related policy. 2013
 SD06 City of York statement of community involvement (SCI) (pdf / 6 MB) Explains what City of York Council will do to involve people in preparing new planning policy. 2007
 SD07 North York Moors National Park Authority statement of community involvement (SCI)  (pdf / 562 KB) Explains what North Yorkshire County Council will do to involve people in preparing planning policy. August 2014
 SD08 Equalities impact assessment - North Yorkshire County Council (pdf / 55 KB) North Yorkshire County Council's equalities impact assessment for minerals and waste joint plan. October 2016
 SD09 Communities impact assessment - City of York Council (pdf / 386 KB) City of York Council's community impact assessment for the minerals and waste joint plan. October 2015
 SD10 Equalities impact assessment - North York Moors National Park Authority (pdf / 157 KB) North York Moors National Park Authority's equalities impact assessment for minerals and waste joint plan. October 2016
 SD11 Detailed audit trail of policy development (pdf / 6 MB) Proformas providing an in-depth audit trail of the development of policies from issues and options stage to publication stage. October 2016
 SD12 Summary audit trail of policy development (pdf / 826 KB) Table providing a simplified audit trail of the development of policies from issues and options stage to publication stage. October 2016
 SD13 Audit trail of sites from issues and options to publication (pdf / 813 KB) An audit trail of how sites suggested for allocation have been progressed between the Issues and Option stage and Publication stage. April 2017
 SD14 Introduction to site and area assessment background papers (pdf / 424 KB) An introduction to background papers used to support the site and area assessment process. October 2016
 SD15 Site identification and assessment methodology and scope (pdf / 992 KB) A stepped process of identification and assessment that considers a wide range of planning and sustainability issues. January 2015
 SD16 Initial screening of submitted sites and areas (pdf / 835 KB) Initial screening of submitted sites and areas. October 2016
 SD17 Notes from site assessment panels (pdf / 3 MB) Appendices to support traffic assessment. October 2016
 SD18 Discounted sites summary document (pdf / 13 MB) List of sites which have been withdrawn and discounted along with any justification. October 2016
 SD19 Identification of areas of search for concreting sand and gravel (pdf / 14 MB) Paper illustrating why and how the areas of search have been identified for sand and gravel. October 2016
 SD20 Impact of site submissions on agricultural land (pdf / 923 KB) Paper which sets out the impact the site submissions have on agricultural land. October 2016
 SD21 Traffic assessment of sites (pdf / 8 MB) Considers traffic impacts of sites included for consideration in minerals and waste joint plan. October 2015
 SD22 Traffic assessment of sites appendices (pdf / 28 MB) Appendices to support traffic assessment. October 2015
 SD23 Interpretation of level 1 SFRA sequential test findings (pdf / 387 KB) Interpretation of level 1 SFRA sequential test findings. October 2016
 SD24 Communication strategy (pdf / 509 KB) Provides a framework for communication through the development of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and includes the requirements for the three Authorities Statements of Community Involvement May 2013
 SD25 Statement of Common Ground between Barton Wilmore and Joint Plan Authorities (pdf / 141 KB) Statement of Common Ground as agreed between Barton Willmore (on behalf of Harworth Group) and Joint Plan Authorities November 2017

Evidence base

The evidence base documents provide the basis for the development of the minerals and waste joint plan and its policies. It is broken down into different sections.

  • Minerals
  • Waste
  • Safeguarding
  • Landscape and environmental
  • Other local evidence
  • Sub-regional evidence
  • National evidence


Title and link Brief description Published
 MEB01 Local Aggregate Assessment for North Yorkshire Sub Region (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. September 2016
 MEB02 Yorkshire and Humber Aggregates Working Party (YHAWP) Annual Report (pdf / 1 MB) Report produced by the Yorkshire and Humber Aggregates Working Party collating the figures for aggregate sales and reserves in the Yorkshire and Humber Region for 2015 2016
 MEB03 West Yorkshire Combined Authority Planning Portfolios Group - Paper and Minutes on ratification of West Yorkshire LAA and connectivity to North Yorkshire sub-region (pdf / 332 KB) Paper and Minutes on ratification of West Yorkshire Local Aggregate Assessment and connectivity to North Yorkshire sub-region September 2015
 MEB04 North Yorkshire County Council minerals specific evidence base (pdf / 2 MB) Provides background evidence for the non aggregate minerals which are present in the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. March 2017
 MEB05 North York Moors National Park minerals technical paper (pdf / 910 KB) Technical paper about the minerals in the North York Moors National Park. October 2015
 MEB06 City of York minerals and waste technical paper (pdf / 717 KB) Technical paper about minerals and waste in the City of York area. November 2015
 MEB07 North Yorkshire sand and gravel assessment (pdf / 26 MB) Assessment of sand and gravel resource present in the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. 2011
 MEB08 Sand and gravel resource block assessment for the North Yorkshire County Council plan area (pdf / 302 KB) A sand and gravel resource block assessment for the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. October 2014
 MEB09 City of York sand and gravel assessment (pdf / 2 MB) Assessment of sand and gravel resource in the City of York plan area. 2013
 MEB10 Further assessment of the sand and gravel resource areas in the City of York (pdf / 167 KB) A further assessment of the sand and gravel resource areas in the City of York plan area. August 2014
 MEB11 Aggregates supply discussions paper (pdf / 674 KB) A paper which concentrates on the position regarding aggregates in the joint plan area. June 2013
 MEB12 Forecasting demand for aggregates minerals paper (pdf / 747 KB) Aggregate forecasting demand discussion paper for North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority plan areas. July 2014
 MEB13 Yorkshire and Humber marine aggregate study (pdf / 1 MB) Study of the potential to supply a greater amount of marine aggregates into the Yorkshire and Humber region. January 2014
 MEB14 Yorkshire and Humber regional aggregates working party annual report (pdf / 1 MB) Review of aggregates in the Yorkshire and Humber region. 2015
 MEB15 West Yorkshire combined authority: the quarrying of magnesian limestone for aggregate in the Yorkshire and Humber (pdf / 2 MB) Paper providing background information about the quarrying of Magnesian Limestone for use as aggregate in the Yorkshire and Humber Region February 2017
 MEB16 Yorkshire and Humber regional aggregates working party annual report (pdf / 941 KB) Review of aggregates in the Yorkshire and Humber region. 2014
 MEB17 British Geological Survey: movement of primary aggregate by sub-region for 2014 (pdf / 326 KB) Collation of the results of the 2014 aggregate minerals survey for England and Wales. 2016
 MEB18 The carboniferous Bowland shale gas study (pdf / 21 MB) Report summarises the background geological knowledge and methodology which has enabled a preliminary in-place gas resource calculation to be undertaken for the Bowland-Hodder (Carboniferous) shale gas play across a large area of central Britain. 2013
 MEB19 East inshore and east off shore areas marine plan (pdf / 13 MB) Plan to ensure sustainable development in the East inshore and offshore areas April 2014
 MEB20 Strategic stone study - North West Yorkshire (pdf / 4 MB) Identification of building stone in the west of North Yorkshire May 2012
 MEB21 Strategic stone study -  North East Yorkshire (pdf / 2 MB) Identification of building stone in the east of North Yorkshire May 2012
 MEB22 Local aggregate assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (1st review) (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. 2013
 MEB23 Local aggregate assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. 2012


Title and link Brief description Published
 WEB01 North Yorkshire County Council waste specific evidence paper (pdf / 3 MB) Provides background information about the waste generated and management methods used in the North Yorkshire County Council area. August 2015
 WEB02 North York Moors National Park Authority waste technical paper (pdf / 1 MB) Technical paper about waste in the North York Moors National Park. October 2015
 WEB03 North Yorkshire sub-region waste arisings and capacity requirements update report (pdf / 3 MB) The report presents a detailed assessment of need for future waste management facilities up to 2030 for the North Yorkshire sub-region. Update to the May 2015 'North Yorkshire sub-region waste arisings and capacity requirements addendum report'. September 2016
 WEB04 North Yorkshire sub-region waste arisings and capacity requirements - Addendum report plus supplementary notes (pdf / 914 KB) A review of potential locations for new or enhanced built waste management facilities within the three authorities covered by the minerals and waste joint plan. May 2015
 WEB05 North Yorkshire sub-region waste arisings and capacity requirements - Final - Non technical summary (pdf / 371 KB) The report presents a non technical summary for the detailed assessment of need for future waste management facilities up to 2030 for the North Yorkshire sub-region which was published in October 2013. July 2014
 WEB06 North Yorkshire sub-region waste arisings and capacity requirements - Final (pdf / 2 MB) The report presents a detailed assessment of need for future waste management facilities up to 2030 for the North Yorkshire sub-region. October 2013
 WEB07 Waste net self-sufficiency paper (pdf / 437 KB) A review of waste policy approaches by adjoining waste planning authorities and other waste planning authorities which are known to be 'significant' exporters of waste to the joint plan area. July 2016
 WEB08 Fairhurst - identification of potential locations for built waste management facilities (pdf / 9 MB) A review of potential locations for new or enhanced built waste management facilities within the three authorities covered by the minerals and waste joint plan. March 2015
 WEB09 Identification of potential locations for waste management facilities (pdf / 17 MB) Further assessment by the joint plan authorities of the locations identified by Fairhurst. August 2015
 WEB10 Yorkshire and Humber Waste Technical Advisory Body (WTAB) memorandum of understanding (pdf / 101 KB) This is an agreement between waste planning authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber region regarding working together to deal with waste. July 2016
 WEB11 Yorkshire and Humber waste position statement (pdf / 1003 KB) This statement provides key background information about waste and assists with coordination in strategic planning for waste planning authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber area. July 2014
 WEB12 Yorkshire and Humber waste position statement (pdf / 1 MB) This statement provides an update on key background information about waste and assists with coordination in strategic planning for waste planning authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber area. February 2016
 WEB13 York and North Yorkshire Strategic Partnership - municipal waste management strategy (pdf / 674 KB) Municipal waste management strategy for City of York and North Yorkshire 2006-2026. 2006


Title and link Brief description Published
 SEB01 Mineral safeguarding areas for North Yorkshire county Council. Part 1 - main report (pdf / 539 KB) BGS report assessing and outlining possible safeguarding areas for the mineral resources in the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. Main report. 2011
 SEB01 Mineral safeguarding areas for North Yorkshire county Council Part 2 - Appendix 1 published minerals resource map (pdf / 821 KB) Appendix 1 published minerals resource map 2011
 SEB01 Mineral safeguarding areas for North Yorkshire county Council Part 3 - Appendix 1 consultation maps (pdf / 7 MB) Appendix 1 consultation maps. 2011
 SEB01 Mineral safeguarding areas for North Yorkshire county Council Part 4 - Appendix 1 mineral safeguarding maps figures A9 to A12 (pdf / 3 MB) Appendix 1 mineral safeguarding maps figures A9 to A12 2011
 SEB01 Mineral safeguarding areas for North Yorkshire county Council Part 5 - Appendix 1 mineral safeguarding maps figures A10 to A12 (pdf / 26 MB) Appendix 1 mineral safeguarding maps figures A13 to A16 2011
 SEB01 Mineral safeguarding areas for North Yorkshire county Council Part 6 - Appendices 2 to 5 (pdf / 1 MB)

Appendix 2 - Geological overview

Appendix 3 - Resources proposed for safeguarding and justification for initial consultation

Appendix 4 - Consultation letters

Appendix 5 - Summary of consultation responses

 SEB02 Mineral safeguarding areas for City of York (pdf / 10 MB) BGS report assessing and outlining possible safeguarding areas for the mineral resources in the City of York Council Plan area 2013
 SEB03 Mineral safeguarding areas for North York Moors National Park (pdf / 8 MB) BGS report assessing and outlining possible safeguarding areas for the mineral resources in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park Plan area. 2013
 SEB04 Cross Boundary minerals safeguarding (pdf / 4 MB) Evidence paper outlining where North Yorkshire County Council has cross boundary minerals safeguarding areas with adjoining authorities. July 2016
 SEB05 Safeguarding of minerals infrastructure (pdf / 15 MB) An evidence paper containing information on minerals transport infrastructure and minerals ancillary infrastructure. March 2015
 SEB06 Safeguarding of waste infrastructure (pdf / 23 MB) An evidence paper providing the background to why waste infrastructure has been safeguarded and identifying the waste infrastructure which has been safeguarded at different stages of the Plans development April 2017

Landscape and environmental

Title and link Brief description Published
 LEB01 Managing landscape change in North Yorkshire (pdf / 24 MB) An environmental evidence base which considers environmental sensitivities and capacity in North Yorkshire. 2012
 LEB02 North Yorkshire County Council - delivering on climate change (pdf / 178 KB) North Yorkshire County Council climate change strategy. December 2009
 LEB03 Climate change action plan for York 2010-2013 (pdf / 2 MB) Delivery mechanism to achieving the long-term climate change framework for York.  
 LEB04 Climate change framework for York 2010-2015 (pdf / 1 MB) This will enable York to coordinate and drive forward actions to reduce CO2 and other emissions across the city.  
 LEB05 City of York Council low emission strategy (pdf / 3 MB) Aims to reduce emissions of air pollution in York which have an impact on climate change and public health. 2012
 LEB06 City of York heritage topic paper (pdf / 1 MB) This document sets out to examine and assess existing evidence relating to the city of York's historic environment and how it can be used to develop a strategic understanding of the city's special qualities. 2013

Other local evidence

Title and link Brief description Published
 OEB01 Memorandum of Understanding between North Yorkshire County Council and Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (pdf / 420 KB) Memorandum of Understanding between North Yorkshire County Council and Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority August 2016
 OEB02 Memorandum of Understanding between North York Moors National Park Authority and Redcar and Cleveland Council (pdf / 322 KB) Memorandum of Understanding between North York Moors National Park Authority and Redcar and Cleveland Council September 2016
 OEB03 Demographic and economic evidence (pdf / 1 MB) Provides general contextual background evidence for the joint plan area. May 2017
 OEB04 Cross cutting issues (pdf / 2 MB) Provides background evidence for cross cutting issues such as transport, climate change and cumulative impacts in the minerals and waste joint plan area. July 2015
 OEB05 Environmental evidence base (pdf / 3 MB) Provides background information relating to environmental issues within the joint plan area. October 2016
 OEB06 North Yorkshire County Council authority's monitoring report (AMR) 2015-16 (pdf / 2 MB) Reports progress on development and implementation of the Local Plan in North Yorkshire  December 2016
 OEB07 City of York authority's monitoring report 2015-16 (AMR) (pdf / 176 KB) Reports progress on development and implementation of the Local Plan in City of York 2015-16
 OEB08 North York Moors National Park Authority's monitoring report (AMR) (pdf / 679 KB) Reports progress on development and implementation of the Local Plan in the North York Moors National Park 2014
 OEB09 North Yorkshire community plan 2014-17 (pdf / 269 KB) This is a refresh of the longer term sustainable community strategy which was published in 2011. 2014
 OEB10 Sustainable community strategy for North Yorkshire 2008-18 (pdf / 190 KB) This sets out the overarching strategic direction and long-term, sustainable vision for the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of North Yorkshire.  
 OEB11 City of York council plan 2015-19 (pdf / 4 MB) The sustainable community strategy for York.  
 OEB12 North York Moors National Park Core Strategy (pdf / 3 MB) In the context of the minerals and waste joint plan, sets out the overarching approach for planning in the National Park (the detailed minerals and waste policies will be replaced by the joint plan).  
 OEB13 North York Moors National Park management plan first review (pdf / 5 MB) Sets out the broad framework for managing the National Park December 2016
 OEB14 North York Moors National Park management plan - amendment sheet (pdf / 638 KB) Amendment sheet to accompany the North York Moors National Park Management Plan published in December 2016 2017
 OEB15 North York Moors National Park management plan - final (pdf / 8 MB) Sets out the broad framework for managing the National Park over the next 15 years, as well as detailed policies and targets up to 2017. 2012
 OEB16 The strategy for York 2011 - 15 (pdf / 376 KB) Strategic plan which sets out a long-term vision for the city of York and a new set of immediate priorities.  
OEB17 North Yorkshire County Council transport plan 4 (LTP4) 2016-45 A plan for transport services and infrastructure in North Yorkshire  
 OEB18 City of York draft Local Plan incorporation a 4th set of changes (pdf / 2 MB) City of York Local Plan 2005
 OEB19 City of York local transport plan 3 2011-31 (pdf / 19 MB) A plan for transport services and infrastructure in City of York.  

Sub-regional evidence

Title and link Brief description Published
 SREB01 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding enterprise partnership strategic economic plan sections 1 and 2 (pdf / 3 MB) Strategic economic plan to promote growth in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding. March 2014
 SREB02 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding enterprise partnership strategic economic plan section 3 (pdf / 4 MB) Strategic economic plan to promote growth in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding. March 2014
 SREB03 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding spatial plan (pdf / 435 KB) Spatial plan for York, North Yorkshire and East Riding to support delivery of sustainable development. July 2015
 SREB04 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding spatial plan key diagram (pdf / 252 KB) Key diagram to accompany the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding spatial plan. July 2015
 SREB05 Leeds City Region strategic economic plan (pdf / 1 MB) Strategic economic plan to promote growth in the Leeds City Region. March 2014
 SREB06 Tees Valley minerals and waste core strategy (pdf / 8 MB) Adopted minerals and waste plan for the Tees Valley. September 2011

National evidence

Title and link Brief description Published
 NEB01 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (pdf / 978 KB) Sets out the Government planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied 2012
NEB02 National Planning Practice Guidance Provides guidance on how to apply the National Planning Policy Framework  
 NEB03 Government announcement of release of petroleum exploration and development licences (pdf / 148 KB) Announcement about onshore blocks under the 14th onshore oil and gas licencing round being formally offered to successful applicants. December 2015
 NEB04 DECC Gas generation strategy (pdf / 2 MB) Sets out current position in terms of gas and also aims to reduce uncertainty around gas generation for investors. 2012
 NEB05 Policy statement about shale gas (pdf / 235 KB) Sets out the Government's view about national need to explore and develop shale gas and oil resources in a safe, sustainable and timely way and steps taken to support this. 2015
 NEB06 The onshore hydraulic fracturing (protected areas) regulations (pdf / 89 KB) Sets out requirements and safeguards in relation to onshore hydraulic fracturing in England and Wales. 2016
NEB07 DECC Surface development restrictions for hydraulic fracturing consultation  Consultation on proposed restrictions on surface development through the petroleum exploration and development licence (pdf / 298 KB), and  Government response to the consultation on surface development restrictions for hydraulic fracturing (pdf / 754 KB) November 2015 and June 2016
 NEB08 United Kingdom Onshore Operators Group (UKOOG) community engagement charter (pdf / 169 KB) Industry's charter on community engagement.  
 NEB09 Environment Agency onshore oil and gas charter (pdf / 1 MB) Sets out which environmental permits are required for onshore oil and gas operations in England. August 2016
 NEB10 DECC Developing onshore shale gas and oil - facts about fracking (pdf / 618 KB) Guide containing on overview of general facts about fracking. December 2013
 NEB11 DECC Onshore oil and gas exploration regulation and best practice - England (pdf / 920 KB) Offers introduction to and guidance on planning and permitting for onshore oil and gas. It focuses on unconventional oil and gas. December 2013
 NEB12 DECC Fracking UK shale - planning permission and communities (pdf / 261 KB) This guide explains the planning process and what industry is doing to engage communities in relation to fracking. February 2014
 NEB13 DECC Fracking UK shale - air quality (pdf / 194 KB) Guide outlines concerns and potential impact of shale development on air quality and what the Government and others are doing to manage these risks. February 2014
 NEB14 DECC Fracking UK shale - safety from design to commissioning (pdf / 299 KB) Guide explains what safety measures have been put in place for fracking February 2014
 NEB15 DECC Fracking UK shale - regulation and monitoring (pdf / 228 KB) Guide sets out which bodies are responsible for overseeing the shale gas and oil industry, and its processes, from licensing to production. February 2014
 NEB16 DECC Fracking UK shale - climate change (pdf / 190 KB) Provides information about the impact of fracking on climate change. February 2014
 NEB17 DECC Fracking UK shale - water (pdf / 179 KB) This guide explains what government and others will do to manage the risk to water. February 2014
 NEB18 DECC Fracking UK shale - understanding the earthquake risk (pdf / 415 KB) This guide explains the risks of tremors from fracking and what government is doing in relation to this. February 2014
 NEB19 National Planning Policy for waste (pdf / 276 KB) National planning policy for waste which replaces the PPS10 document. October 2014
 NEB20 Waste Management Plan for England (pdf / 316 KB) The waste management plan for England is a high level, non-site specific, document which provides an analysis of the current waste management situation in England, and evaluates how it will support the implementation of the objectives and provisions of the revised European waste framework directive. December 2013
 NEB21 DECC Anaerobic digestion strategy and action plan (pdf / 1 MB) Plan to enable anaerobic digestion industry to grow in England. 2011
 NEB22 Environmental assessment of plans programmes and regulations (pdf / 245 KB) Legislation to assess the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment in England. 2004
 NEB23 Infrastructure Act (pdf / 899 KB) Legislation which provides new measures to make delivery of infrastructure faster and more efficient. 2015
 NEB24 Town and Country Planning Act (pdf / 4 MB) Act which regulates the development of land in England and Wales 1990
 NEB25 Highways Act  (pdf / 8 MB) Act which deals with management and operation of the road network in England and Wales 1980
 NEB26 Water Directive Framework Directive (pdf / 1 MB) Sets out a range of objectives aimed at protecting and improving the ecological health of rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal and ground waters.  
 NEB27 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England) Order (pdf / 136 KB) Statutory instrument which grants permission for certain types of development, referred to as permitted development. 2015
 NEB28 Deregulation Act (pdf / 2 MB) Act to make provision for reduction of burdens resulting from legislation and make provision for repeal of legislation which no longer has a practical use. 2015

Previous consultations

There have been several stages of consultation during the development of the minerals and waste joint plan before the publication document was produced, these were:

  • First consultation;
  • Issues and options consultation;
  • Consultation on additional or revised sites; and
  • Preferred options consultation.

The documents provided at each stage are listed in the table below.

Preferred options

Title and link Brief description Published
 PPC01 Preferred options main consultation document (pdf / 7 MB) Preferred options consultation document presenting preferred policies November 2015
 PPC02 Appendix 1 - Preferred and discounted sites (pdf / 12 MB) Appendix 1, which provides details about submitted sites and whether they have been preferred or discounted November 2015
 PPC03 Appendix 2 - Sites proposed for safeguarding (pdf / 15 MB) Appendix 2, which provides details about existing waste and infrastructure sites which are being proposed for safeguarding November 2015
 PPC04 Appendix 3 - Monitoring framework (pdf / 359 KB) Details of proposed framework to be used for monitoring implementation of policies once minerals and waste joint plan is adopted November 2015
 PPC05 Appendix 4 - Saved policies superseded by preferred options policies (pdf / 555 KB) Details of which current saved policies will be superseded by policies in the minerals and waste joint plan once adopted November 2015
 PPC06 Preferred options policies map (pdf / 36 MB) The policies map prepared to accompany the Preferred Options consultation November 2015
 PPC07 Preferred options sustainability appraisal report - volume 1 assessment of preferred policies (pdf / 5 MB) Sustainability appraisal of preferred options policies November 2015
 PPC08 Preferred options sustainability appraisal report - volume 1, appendix 2 full policy assessment (pdf / 6 MB) Sustainability appraisal of preferred options policies November 2015
 PPC09 Preferred options sustainability appraisal report - volume II, assessment of sites (pdf / 6 MB) Sustainability appraisal of sites November 2015
 PPC10 Habitats regulation assessment for preferred options (HRA) (pdf / 4 MB) HRA for preferred options November 2015
 PPC11 Strategic flood risk assessment for preferred options (SFRA) (pdf / 15 MB) SFRA for preferred options November 2015
 PPC12 Preferred Options Consultation letter - general (pdf / 362 KB) Letter sent to everyone apart from Parish Councils at the launch of the Preferred Options Consultation November 2015
 PPC13 Preferred Options Consultation letter - for Parish Councils with sites in their area (pdf / 270 KB) Letter sent to the Parish Councils who had one or more sites within their parish at the launch of the Preferred Options consultation November 2015
 PC14 Preferred Options Consultation letter - for Parish Councils who do not have sites in their areas (pdf / 268 KB) Letter sent to the Parish Councils who did not have any sites within their parish November 2015
 PPC15 Preferred options consultation leaflet (pdf / 2 MB) Leaflet providing background information to the preferred options consultation November 2015
 PPC16 Summary of responses to preferred options consultation (pdf / 4 MB) Report containing a summary of all the responses received in relation to the preferred options consultation  
 PPC17 Summary of responses and authorities response to preferred options consultation (pdf / 5 MB) Report containing a summary of all responses received in relation to the preferred options consultation, and the authorities' response to these. August 2016

Consultation on additional or revised sites

Title and link Brief description Published
 SPC01 Supplementary sites consultation (pdf / 6 MB) Supplementary sites consultation document January 2015 January 2015
 SPC02 Summary of responses to supplementary sites consultation (pdf / 3 MB) Report of summary of responses to supplementary sites consultation May 2015

Issues and options

Title and link Brief description Published
 IPC01 Issues and option consultation document (pdf / 18 MB) Issues and options consultation document, identifying issues and potential options to deal with each issue. February 2014
 IPC02 Issues and options leaflet (pdf / 1 MB) Summary information about the issues and options for consultation February 2014
 IPC03 Derivation of policy options (issues and options stage) (pdf / 571 KB) Derivation of policy options at the issues and options stage February 2014
 IPC04 Sustainability appraisal update report to accompany the issues and options consultation (pdf / 5 MB) Sustainability appraisal update report to accompany the issues and options consultation. February 2014
 IPC05 Habitats regulation assessment (HRA) - likely significant effects report to accompany the issues and options consultation (pdf / 2 MB) HRA to accompany issues and options consultation February 2014
 IPC06 Summary of responses report for issues and options consultation (pdf / 3 MB) Report of summary of responses to issues and options consultation July 2014
 IPC07 Summary of responses report including authorities response for issues and options consultation (pdf / 3 MB) Summary of responses report including authorities response  
 IPC08 Consultation outcomes report for consultation on minerals and waste sustainability appraisal and site assessment methodology (pdf / 2 MB) Consultation outcomes report for consultation of sustainability appraisal and site assessment methodology February 2015
 IPC09 Identification of alternative options and progression to preferred options (pdf / 2 MB) Audit trail of progression of comments from issues and options stage to preferred options stage, including identifying and progressing suggested alternative options. July 2015
 IPC10 Issues and options sustainability appraisal update report - draft revised appraisals and consideration of further policies generated through issues and options (pdf / 19 MB) Revised sustainability appraisals and consideration of further policies generated through issues and options. November 2015

First consultation

Title and link Brief description Published
 FPC01 First consultation leaflet (pdf / 1 MB) Leaflet outlining the first consultation stage April 2013
 FPC02 First consultation background paper (pdf / 672 KB) Background paper for the first consultation stage April 2013
 FPC03 First consultation summary of responses report (pdf / 803 KB) Summary of responses received about the first consultation. August 2013
 FPC04 First consultation - how comments are being addressed (pdf / 654 KB) Report on how the comments received are being considered and taken forward if necessary.  
 FPC05 Sustainability appraisal scoping report Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary  (pdf / 1 MB) Non technical summary for the scoping report which identifies the environmental, social and economic conditions and issues in the plan area (the 'baseline') and it establishes the objectives or goals against which a plan is assessed. February 2014
 FPC05 Sustainability appraisal scoping report Volume 2 - baseline information (pdf / 3 MB) Scoping Report baseline report which identifies the environmental, social and economic conditions and issues in the plan area (the 'baseline') and it establishes the objectives or goals against which a plan is assessed. February 2014
 FPC05 Sustainability appraisal scoping report Volume 3 - appendices (pdf / 2 MB) Scoping report appendices which identifies the environmental, social and economic conditions and issues in the plan area (the 'baseline') and it establishes the objectives or goals against which a plan is assessed. February 2014
 FPC06 Sustainability appraisal outcomes report (pdf / 2 MB) Provides outcome of comments received against the scoping report. February 2014